Brianna Denison


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Supposedly she fell asleep on a friend's couch after a party - the next morning she had vanished.

The friends whose house she stayed at (4 roommates) say they heard nothing. One of them has a chihuahua, who also heard nothing because he didn't bark when the "intruder" snuck in to kidnap Brianna off the couch. The friend says the kidnapper must have been "extremely quiet" so as to not wake up the dog.


Anyone who actually owns a dog knows this is bull####. Even if the door was unlocked, the sound of it opening would have set the dog off. The sound of anyone moving around would have alerted the dog.

Yes, they'd all been out drinking, so I suppose it's possible that they (including Brianna herself) were all in a drunken coma and wouldn't have heard the dog barking its head off. But that seems unlikely to me.

Obviously there is more to this story and the friend's story sounds like bull#### to me.


My Sweetest Boy
I know my kids (especially after a night of partying) can sleep through ANYTHING.

We have, however, been able to sneak up on the dogs when they're sleeping ...but eventually they do hear us and bedlam ensues.

Definitely more to the story.


Well-Known Member

She left without her shoes, her purse, or her phone and they found a bloodstain the size of a “silver dollar” on the pillow she was using and they call it a "likely abduction".
The weather in Reno had been COLD. Who leaves the house in a tank top and no shoes when it's 30 degrees?


New Member
Supposedly she fell asleep on a friend's couch after a party - the next morning she had vanished.

The friends whose house she stayed at (4 roommates) say they heard nothing. One of them has a chihuahua, who also heard nothing because he didn't bark when the "intruder" snuck in to kidnap Brianna off the couch. The friend says the kidnapper must have been "extremely quiet" so as to not wake up the dog.


Anyone who actually owns a dog knows this is bull####. Even if the door was unlocked, the sound of it opening would have set the dog off. The sound of anyone moving around would have alerted the dog.

Yes, they'd all been out drinking, so I suppose it's possible that they (including Brianna herself) were all in a drunken coma and wouldn't have heard the dog barking its head off. But that seems unlikely to me.

Obviously there is more to this story and the friend's story sounds like bull#### to me.

:eyebrow: :formerburgler: :eyebrow:


Well-Known Member
Supposedly she fell asleep on a friend's couch after a party - the next morning she had vanished.

The friends whose house she stayed at (4 roommates) say they heard nothing. One of them has a chihuahua, who also heard nothing because he didn't bark when the "intruder" snuck in to kidnap Brianna off the couch. The friend says the kidnapper must have been "extremely quiet" so as to not wake up the dog.


Anyone who actually owns a dog knows this is bull####. Even if the door was unlocked, the sound of it opening would have set the dog off. The sound of anyone moving around would have alerted the dog.

Yes, they'd all been out drinking,
so I suppose it's possible that they (including Brianna herself) were all in a drunken coma and wouldn't have heard the dog barking its head off. But that seems unlikely to me.

Obviously there is more to this story and the friend's story sounds like bull#### to me.

Wasnt she only 17?

I think there is more going on IMO


New Member
That's a deceptive headline, the story says 'possibly' abducted.

Reno police stated that there was no initial indication that Denison had been drinking heavily or using drugs, the house was not locked during the night, so there is no evidence of a forced entry. From what I've read, Ms Dennison was sleeping on a couch near a glass sliding door, she is only 5' tall and at 98 lbs, easy enough for someone to grab her in a heartbeat.
Nothing good happens after midnight.:whistle:


New Member
By perp you mean her friend and by grab you mean get caught sexually assaulting what they thought was a passed out drunk so they kill her and hide the body? :confused: