Britney Spears has officially lost her mind

hvp05 said:
Well, her relationship with K Flop was scraping the bottom of the man pool. Not many places to go after that, for sure.

She could have faced the end of her career respectably and moved on to take care of her children. But her addiction to fame is so great that her children have become an afterthought.

No form of "entertainment" is worth watching someone deteriorate like this. And in this past week we've seen it happen twice.

Now there's a gene pool that could use some chlorine. She should be Norplanted before she breeds again.


Britt, is pretty much a child star. They all dive off the deep end.


Huh ??

vraiblonde said:
What kind of woman let's her 15 year old dress like a fantasy hooker and make music videos for strange men to jack off over?

:confused: :shocked: :twitch:

Ewww ..... she never rated that high in my book ? :barf:


sliding further downhill

cdsulhoff said:
WTF!!!!!! What a dumbass. Yep Brit is going to be another wash up has been trying to hold on to her fame... Oh man whats next!!!

Porn ........... :whistle:


Do people really care so much about Hollywood? Or is it just something to smoke and joke about?

I just don't get it I guess...


Super Genius
dustin said:
Do people really care so much about Hollywood? Or is it just something to smoke and joke about?

I just don't get it I guess...
I just joke about it. When they talk about crap like this on the news, I change the channel. Of course, that means that sometimes I go for days or weeks without watching the "news".


curiouser and curiouser


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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
RadioPatrol said:
Ewww ..... she never rated that high in my book ?
Young female entertainers take their clothes off for a reason, and that reason isn't their female fans.

A couple of years ago, Kendall Ehrlich got some bad press because she made an offhand remark in a speech that she'd like to kill Britney Spears because she's a bad influence on young girls who try to emulate her. She obviously meant that "kill" colloquially and not literally, but certain Republican-hating wackjobs made a large deal out of it, acting like Kendall was threatening Britney's life. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I'm sorry for Britney because she's been handled practically her whole life and never learned to make good decisions. This is a good example of when you can place the blame on the parents for the way their kid behaves.