Super Genius
http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20050324-122200-6209r.htmPresident Bush yesterday said he opposes a civilian project to monitor illegal aliens crossing the border, characterizing them as "vigilantes."

http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20050324-122200-6209r.htmPresident Bush yesterday said he opposes a civilian project to monitor illegal aliens crossing the border, characterizing them as "vigilantes."
Why don't you express your anger to him? president@whitehouse.govylexot said:http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20050324-122200-6209r.htm
If I was one of the "vigilantes", my response to him would be "If you did your job and enforced the immigration laws, we wouldn't have to." I think this marks the first time I have actually been mad at Bush. Interseting that the root word of "vigilante" is "vigilant"...an appropriate name for these folks and one I'd be proud of.
President Bush,
I voted for you, but I think you are the wrong person for the leadership of this country. You are out of touch with the majority.
You called civilians monitoring illegal aliens crossing the border "vigilantes." Interesting that the root word of vigilantes is vigilant. Someone needs to be vigilant of our borders since the government is not. We are tired of the invasion of our country and want it repelled. You want the Congress to further loosen immigration law. Wrong! That is not what the people want! We want the laws tightened and illegals deported now.
Good thing you can't run for a third term. You'd have lost my vote and many others.
name address stuff
I decided to do a complete re-write:2ndAmendment said:Why don't you express your anger to him? president@whitehouse.gov
Just a copy and paste and a little edit.
Mr. President,
I have agreed with many of your policies throughout your Presdiency. However, I do not agree with your stance on illegal immigration. The key word is "illegal". Illegal immigration costs the citizens of this country Billions of dollars each year. Your idea for a immigrant worker program may work, it may not. But it does not matter because it is not the current law of this country...the laws you are sworn to uphold...the laws your branch of government is charged with enforcing. These laws are not being enforced and you are failing to do your duty in this regard as President of the United States of America. The enforcement of our immigration laws is so lax that private citizens are now patrolling the border and you have the gall to call them "vigilantes"...for doing the job you are supposed to be doing. You should not look down on these people. Vigilatism is not the problem. It is meerly a sign that the laws are not being upheld.
I hope you will see that these laws need to be enforced. It is your sworn duty.
Name and location
vraiblonde said:What the hell has gotten into him????? Wanting to let illegals come waltzing into our country unfettered is supposed to be what Democrats do, not Republicans. I'm trying to figure out his angle on this illegal immigration thing and it's just not coming to me.
The can think of two reasons he is doing this....vraiblonde said:And, PS, Mr. President, you're overstepping your boundaries and creating a dangerous precedent by getting involved in the Terri Schiavo situation.
What the hell has gotten into him????? Wanting to let illegals come waltzing into our country unfettered is supposed to be what Democrats do, not Republicans. I'm trying to figure out his angle on this illegal immigration thing and it's just not coming to me.
Mexican oil and gas production.Railroad said:It's interesting that this obvious change in direction happened after the Mexican President paid a visit to Mr. Bush. I wonder what was discussed behind closed doors? What does he know about this that we don't?
Change in direction? AFAIK, this has always been his direction. He was pushing for the guest worker program before the election.Railroad said:It's interesting that this obvious change in direction happened after the Mexican President paid a visit to Mr. Bush. I wonder what was discussed behind closed doors? What does he know about this that we don't?
As good a reason as any, I suppose.Ken King said:Mexican oil and gas production.
Railroad said:.. .doesn't want a bunch of ordinary citizens using their own judgement in deciding when and where to shoot people coming across the border.
I definitely agree about Bush being criminally negligent about enforcing our immigration laws. (I've said before that INS should go after the employers as well as the illegals.) But I don't agree that it justifies the vigilantes taking the law into their own hands.ylexot said:Interseting that the root word of "vigilante" is "vigilant"...an appropriate name for these folks and one I'd be proud of.