Bush haters rejoice...


New Member
Decision 04

I don't agree with all of Kerry's positions, but I am sorry, I disagree with our President more. I am more of a moderate than anything, but I think some of ya'll need to come a tad in from the left, and a tad in from the right. We all know 911 happened, and I for one remember standing on the roof of the hotel in DC with the Secret Service and watching the plane plow into the pentagon. But to dwell and use that day to make yourself look good is sick. Rudy is the one that kept us going. I think that both parties are avoiding the issues. How about what is important? Most of us are smart enough to figure out that the tax cuts wont help most of us one bit. And this whole dems like big government and tax and spend and whatever. I want to know when the price of gas will at least go down to 1.40 a gallon, when will we pass a bill that will increase teachers salaries and pay them what they deserve, if you work for the government, you know that there are people there just collecting a check, I say trim the fat and pay the real workers what they are worth. How about enough police officers to cover all shifts, fire departments that have proper equipment. How about immigration enforcement and stop wasting tax dollars on allowing illegals to remain in country, paying for their schooling and health care, send them back and make them come in legally. How about a stop to petty lawsuits tying up the legal system. How about the laid off steel workers in Chaleroi, PA, auto workers in Detroit, the outsourcing of jobs overseas. If Canada can have cheap perscription drugs, why can't we? Will there be enough social security to help my mom in her senior years? Do we still have Savings Bonds? How about real transportation plans and improvements? How about keeping government out of my house and bedroom? Will Roe vs Wade be overturned? If foreign car companies have hybrids, why is the US so far behind? Nuclear Power is a good alternative energy source, lets move away from our reliance on oil. I am a veteran, when are you going to stop cutting my benefits? I earned them! Fight terriosm, but keep capitalism in check, namely ourselves. Will I have social security? Will the local library have enough books, and not worry about censorship? How will we close the trade deficit? And how about making it law that the budget has to be balanced every year? Congress forces DC to do it, we as the people should force our leaders to as well. This is just some things. Religion belongs in your home and church on Sundays. Not in my job, and not in my laws. Accept the fact that not everyone believes in a god, jesus, allah, or whatever you believe in. Live and let live. The Rolling Stones are awesome, and say I love you to those you love every day.
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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Aimhigh2000 said:
Most of us are smart enough to figure out that the tax cuts wont help most of us one bit. And this whole dems like big government and tax and spend and whatever.
The tax cut helps me. I'd like to keep more of my money, but ever since Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR), a Democrat, the Federal government has been growing bigger and bigger. FDR proposed and got from the Democratic Congress many government programs. Both the Democrats and Republicans pander to the "give mes" since it is hard to close the Pandora's Box of welfare. All welfare programs are unconstitutional.

Aimhigh2000 said:
I want to know when the price of gas will at least go down to 1.40 a gallon,
Probably never. Certainly not until some alternative energy source is used like hydrogen proposed and funded by Bush.

Aimhigh2000 said:
when will we pass a bill that will increase teachers salaries and pay them what they deserve, if you work for the government, you know that there are people there just collecting a check, I say trim the fat and pay the real workers what they are worth.
FDR was the one that started using the Federal government to cut unemployment and it continues. Why do the Democrats want to keep raising the minimum wage. It does not do anything for minimum wage workers. Anyone that understand economic knows that the guy on the bottom is always the guy on the bottom and the lowest wage is never a living wage. Raising the minimum wage just compresses the middle class and moves more people into the poverty area.

Aimhigh2000 said:
How about enough police officers to cover all shifts, fire departments that have proper equipment.
Not in the purview of the Federal government.

Aimhigh2000 said:
How about immigration enforcement and stop wasting tax dollars on allowing illegals to remain in country, paying for their schooling and health care, send them back and make them come in legally.
The Democrats don't want stricter borders and they are the ones that have given Social Security to aliens that have never paid a dime into the system. The Dems are the ones that do and want to expand the benefits given to illegal aliens.

Aimhigh2000 said:
How about a stop to petty lawsuits tying up the legal system.
The is called tort reform. Didn't you hear President Bush say he wants and has proposed tort reform. Kerry is and voted against it.

Aimhigh2000 said:
How about the laid off steel workers in Chaleroi, PA, auto workers in Detroit, the outsourcing of jobs overseas.
Blame the unions. Steel production is not competitive because of increases in the minimum wage, increased environmental issues, and subsidies by the EU of foreign steel.

Aimhigh2000 said:
If Canada can have cheap perscription drugs, why can't we?
Tort reform is needed to prevent frivolous product liability suits, but Kerry is against it as are most trial lawyers.

Aimhigh2000 said:
Will there be enough social security to help my mom in her senior years?
Yes. Maybe not for you if we do not privatize it. Social Security is not Constitutional either, but it is one of those programs the came out of Pandora's Box. FDR promised that Social Security (SS) would be voluntary and the SS deductions would be tax deductible and would always be in a separate fund, and SS benefits would never be taxed. The Democrats made the SS deductions taxable; made the SS benefits taxable, and put the SS fund into the general fund. Don't believe me? Look it up.

Aimhigh2000 said:
Do we still have Savings Bonds?

Aimhigh2000 said:
How about real transportation plans and improvements?
Hydrogen powered vehicle proposed by Bush.

Aimhigh2000 said:
How about keeping government out of my house and bedroom?
Democrats in recent history have been responsible for the erosion of citizens rights.

Aimhigh2000 said:
Will Roe vs Wade be overturned?
I hope so. Murder is against the law and medical science says an embryo is alive at 4 weeks I think. I am not quite sure, but it is very early.

Aimhigh2000 said:
If foreign car companies have hybrids, why is the US so far behind? {/quote]
People don't like them. It is economics. You like them? Good. Buy one.

Aimhigh2000 said:
Nuclear Power is a good alternative energy source, lets move away from our reliance on oil.
Kerry has voted against the nuclear power spent fuel dump. You have to have a place to dump the spent fuel.

Aimhigh2000 said:
I am a veteran, when are you going to stop cutting my benefits? I earned them!
OK. Keep the Democrats from giving away so much money for social engineering and there will be more funds for veterans. The Navy, Marines, Army, and Coast Guard are some of the few legitimate Constitutional expenditures. The Air Force and NASA have no Constitutional authority.

Aimhigh2000 said:
Fight terriosm, but keep capitalism in check, namely ourselves.
Capitalism is our economic system. If you want socialism, move.

Aimhigh2000 said:
Will I have social security?
See above.

Aimhigh2000 said:
Will the local library have enough books, and not worry about censorship?
Not in the Federal government's purview.

Aimhigh2000 said:
How will we close the trade deficit?
Quit raising the minimum wage so that our products are price competitive. Change the tariff to be "tit for tat" with countries that excessively tax our products.

Aimhigh2000 said:
And how about making it law that the budget has to be balanced every year? Congress forces DC to do it, we as the people should force our leaders to as well.
Sounds good, but the Democrats did not want a law. Besides, in time of war, we need to be able to spend beyond the income. Do you have a credit card? A mortgage? Do you own any money to anyone. Same thing. Sometimes you have or want to spend more than you have.

Aimhigh2000 said:
This is just some things. Religion belongs in your home and church on Sundays. Not in my job, and not in my laws. Accept the fact that not everyone believes in a god, jesus, allah, or whatever you believe in. Live and let live.
The First Amendment is :
Amendment I (1791)
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Notice that it only prevents the Congress from making a law. Notice that there is the "free exercise thereof" which is not limited by time or place. You are free not to exercise a religion, but those of us that want to have the right, even if incorrectly denied, to exercise our religion anywhere.

Aimhigh2000 said:
The Rolling Stones are awesome, and say I love you to those you love every day.
Glad you like the Stones. I like some of their stuff and some I think stinks.


Football addict
2ndAmendment said:
The tax cut helps me. I'd like to keep more of my money, but ever since Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR), a Democrat, the Federal government has been growing bigger and bigger. FDR proposed and got from the Democratic Congress many government programs. Both the Democrats and Republicans pander to the "give mes" since it is hard to close the Pandora's Box of welfare. All welfare programs are unconstitutional.
Could you explain something to me really quick 2A. With more programs and what not we have more jobs created, correct? With more jobs being created we have more money flowing into the economy. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
BuddyLee said:
Could you explain something to me really quick 2A. With more programs and what not we have more jobs created, correct? With more jobs being created we have more money flowing into the economy. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Complicated question. What sector are the jobs being created in? In the Federal sector, more money actually comes out of the economy. Government is the ultimate consumer with no tangible product. Government jobs are paid by tax money which comes out of the economy. In the private sector, other than government contractors, additional tax revenue is generated since there is a product or service that is being paid for by someone other than the government. That is pretty simplified, but the long and short of it is the bigger government gets with more programs and departments the bigger drain government puts on the economy.

Welfare would be best handled at the state or local level. One it is not constitutional for the feds and two, more money would actually get to the ones in need, less bureaucracy, and less fraud.
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Football addict
2ndAmendment said:
Complicated question. What sector are the jobs being created in? In the Federal sector, more money actually comes out of the economy. Government is the ultimate consumer with no tangible product. Government jobs are paid by tax money which comes out of the economy. In the private sector, other than government contractors, additional tax revenue is generated since there is a product or service that is being paid for by someone other than the government. That is pretty simplified, but the long and short of it is the bigger government gets with more programs and departments the bigger drain government puts on the economy.
I see said the blind man. Thanks for explaining.:smile:


Football addict
2ndAmendment said:
Welfare would be best handled at the state or local level. One it is not constitutional for the feds and two, more money would actually get to the ones in need, less bureaucracy, and less fraud.
That makes sense. So why do you think they don't do it this way?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
BuddyLee said:
That makes sense. So why do you think they don't do it this way?
Can you say *POWER and CONTROL*?

The feds want to control the states. The states will yield their power for the federal handouts. Problem is it is not the feds money, it is ours. The state politicians are happy to yield the state's rights because they dream of being at the federal level and having that power. Also if the feds are collecting the taxes and distributing the money, the local guys cannot be held accountable at the polls (lose the election) and lose their local power.
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Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
Your kidding right? :confused: Bush admitted he was wrong!!!! Get over it. The Duelfer Report found no formal plan by Saddam to resume WMD productions. It also showed that Saddam not only had no Weapons of Mass Destruction and had not made any since 1991, but he had no means of making any either, while Bush defended his decision to invade Iraq and lie to the American Public!!!!!!

Bush is the true Flipflopper of this campaign. Now he say we went to war because Saddam was abusing a U.N. oil-for-food program. Please get real. You can't justify the war after the fact. This is just another example that Bush likes to sway his position on issues when they don't pan out to his liking.
You’re the one that needs to get over it. The President acted as he should have on the information that he had at the time. It is ignorant to believe that having faulty information, and acting upon it, is a lie. What has been admitted to is that the information might not be accurate. In the President’s defense all you have to do is read either of the Joint Resolutions and you would know that the message for years from the Intel community was that there was indeed a WMD threat from Iraq. I further suspect that you probably never read UN SCR 1441 or you would understand that Iraq did not comply as required and thus faced dire consequences. We know they didn’t comply as required and their time ran out. I also doubt that you have read any of the Duelfer Report, because if you had read just the Key Findings ( http://www.cia.gov/cia/reports/iraq_wmd_2004/Comp_Report_Key_Findings.pdf ) instead of relying on media sound bites you would discover that the first finding was “Saddam Husayn so dominated the Iraqi Regime that its strategic intent was his alone. He wanted to end sanctions while preserving the capability to reconstitute his weapons of mass destruction (WMD) when sanctions were lifted.”

The second stated finding was “Saddam wanted to recreate Iraq’s WMD capability—which was essentially destroyed in 1991—after sanctions were removed and Iraq’s economy stabilized, but probably with a different mix of capabilities to that which previously existed. Saddam aspired to develop a nuclear capability—in an incremental fashion, irrespective of international pressure and the resulting economic risks—but he intended to focus on ballistic missile and tactical chemical warfare (CW) capabilities.”

Nowhere has it said that they had confirmed that he had no capability or WMDs, only that they had essentially been destroyed or consumed from earlier use. We know that some still existed as they have been found buried in the sand. Continue reading the Key Findings and you will see that the report determined that Iraq was circumventing the imposed sanctions via corruption of the Oil For Food program with the intent to rebuild the military, obtain banned items, and develop new and improved WMD capabilities.