Active Member
Decision 04
I don't agree with all of Kerry's positions, but I am sorry, I disagree with our President more. I am more of a moderate than anything, but I think some of ya'll need to come a tad in from the left, and a tad in from the right. We all know 911 happened, and I for one remember standing on the roof of the hotel in DC with the Secret Service and watching the plane plow into the pentagon. But to dwell and use that day to make yourself look good is sick. Rudy is the one that kept us going. I think that both parties are avoiding the issues. How about what is important? Most of us are smart enough to figure out that the tax cuts wont help most of us one bit. And this whole dems like big government and tax and spend and whatever. I want to know when the price of gas will at least go down to 1.40 a gallon, when will we pass a bill that will increase teachers salaries and pay them what they deserve, if you work for the government, you know that there are people there just collecting a check, I say trim the fat and pay the real workers what they are worth. How about enough police officers to cover all shifts, fire departments that have proper equipment. How about immigration enforcement and stop wasting tax dollars on allowing illegals to remain in country, paying for their schooling and health care, send them back and make them come in legally. How about a stop to petty lawsuits tying up the legal system. How about the laid off steel workers in Chaleroi, PA, auto workers in Detroit, the outsourcing of jobs overseas. If Canada can have cheap perscription drugs, why can't we? Will there be enough social security to help my mom in her senior years? Do we still have Savings Bonds? How about real transportation plans and improvements? How about keeping government out of my house and bedroom? Will Roe vs Wade be overturned? If foreign car companies have hybrids, why is the US so far behind? Nuclear Power is a good alternative energy source, lets move away from our reliance on oil. I am a veteran, when are you going to stop cutting my benefits? I earned them! Fight terriosm, but keep capitalism in check, namely ourselves. Will I have social security? Will the local library have enough books, and not worry about censorship? How will we close the trade deficit? And how about making it law that the budget has to be balanced every year? Congress forces DC to do it, we as the people should force our leaders to as well. This is just some things. Religion belongs in your home and church on Sundays. Not in my job, and not in my laws. Accept the fact that not everyone believes in a god, jesus, allah, or whatever you believe in. Live and let live. The Rolling Stones are awesome, and say I love you to those you love every day.
I don't agree with all of Kerry's positions, but I am sorry, I disagree with our President more. I am more of a moderate than anything, but I think some of ya'll need to come a tad in from the left, and a tad in from the right. We all know 911 happened, and I for one remember standing on the roof of the hotel in DC with the Secret Service and watching the plane plow into the pentagon. But to dwell and use that day to make yourself look good is sick. Rudy is the one that kept us going. I think that both parties are avoiding the issues. How about what is important? Most of us are smart enough to figure out that the tax cuts wont help most of us one bit. And this whole dems like big government and tax and spend and whatever. I want to know when the price of gas will at least go down to 1.40 a gallon, when will we pass a bill that will increase teachers salaries and pay them what they deserve, if you work for the government, you know that there are people there just collecting a check, I say trim the fat and pay the real workers what they are worth. How about enough police officers to cover all shifts, fire departments that have proper equipment. How about immigration enforcement and stop wasting tax dollars on allowing illegals to remain in country, paying for their schooling and health care, send them back and make them come in legally. How about a stop to petty lawsuits tying up the legal system. How about the laid off steel workers in Chaleroi, PA, auto workers in Detroit, the outsourcing of jobs overseas. If Canada can have cheap perscription drugs, why can't we? Will there be enough social security to help my mom in her senior years? Do we still have Savings Bonds? How about real transportation plans and improvements? How about keeping government out of my house and bedroom? Will Roe vs Wade be overturned? If foreign car companies have hybrids, why is the US so far behind? Nuclear Power is a good alternative energy source, lets move away from our reliance on oil. I am a veteran, when are you going to stop cutting my benefits? I earned them! Fight terriosm, but keep capitalism in check, namely ourselves. Will I have social security? Will the local library have enough books, and not worry about censorship? How will we close the trade deficit? And how about making it law that the budget has to be balanced every year? Congress forces DC to do it, we as the people should force our leaders to as well. This is just some things. Religion belongs in your home and church on Sundays. Not in my job, and not in my laws. Accept the fact that not everyone believes in a god, jesus, allah, or whatever you believe in. Live and let live. The Rolling Stones are awesome, and say I love you to those you love every day.
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