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vraiblonde said:If it were up to me, these embryos wouldn't even exist.
What kills me about this debate is that the people who say that the fetus isn't human and is merely a blood blob are the same ones now wanting to harvest their all-too-human stem cells.
So which is it? Is it a human or isn't it? If it's no more than clipping your fingernails, why can't you get stem cells out of fingernail clippings?
The embyos are left-overs from in-vitro fertilization treatments. (Pro-lifers should love in-vitro....because of it there's much more life to be "pro" about.) I understand that you don't like fact that there are "extras"...but it's been that way for a very long time. At least now we can do something productive with 'em...instead of throwing 'em out. I consider that much more disagreeable than using them to help others. Similar to organ donations.
The embryos (I think) are actually still in the blastocyst stage. I may be wrong...but it is still in the "cells in a petri dish" stage, no doubt. Anyone running around thinking that we're talking about a fetus is misinformed.
Embryonic cells are the most valuable, as they haven't been "hard-wired" as anything yet. Early enough that you can use them to form whatever cells you need...nerve, muscle, flesh, etc.. Adult stem cells are (for the most part) already set...not flexible enough to be used for many different applications.
Here's a good FAQ for anybody who is not spun up. It's from those whackjob liberals at the National Institue of Health take it for what it's worth.