Bustem' Down
Give Peas a Chance
tirdun said:Fine. Here's what we know.
The universe is, to a high degree of accuracy, over 12 billion years old. We know this thanks in large part to two men whose names you'll probably recognize: Einstein and Hubble and one you won't: Planck. The edge of the observable universe is 15 billion light years away. Given the expansion rate of the universe and our understanding that light is a constant and has been for all known time, this sets a clear limit on the age of the universe, and that limit is not 10,000 years. The size, shape, and forces at work in the universe all point to a very simple fact: the universe is very, very old.
Thanks to our understanding of light and redshift, we can look back and see the early age of the universe and measure the distances and times involved. Thanks to our understanding of entropy, we can measure the limited lingering energy of the early universe. Thanks to our understanding of radiometric decay, we can investigate meteors and rocks and discover facts about their age and birth. We can look into the hearts of distant stars and see what they're made of. We can study our own star and see that it is billions of years old. Each step forward we cast off the old, from Newton to Galileo to Einstein.
There is more, but each science is based on more science, which is based on more science. Theories and their laws and their conclusions and so forth, all based on what we know and what we'd like to know. The conclusion comes down to two things. Either the universe and the earth are vastly ancient, or God has created a counterfeit universe and dropped us into it.
It doesn't matter, no one will listen to you.