Did you follow the directions for acclimating your fish to the tank??
You pour water from your tank into the bag they came in.. a little at a time, over a good amount of time, while floating the bad in the tank..
When you are done acclimating you should dispose of ALL the water in the bag, then release your fish into your tank.
If it's a new tank and you are putting fish into it for the first time, it's going to be chemically/ biologically out of whach for a few weeks until the tank ages, and the bacteria grows.
Usually with a new tank you buy "aging"g fish, to age the tank, and than after they die (due to the screwy levels the first few weeks) you tank has been aged, and you can buy the fish you want.
Guppies on the other hand.. will never die, and you just wasted a lot of money on unnecessary chemicals to get your tank perfect.
Ok, noted, but all the guppies I had in there did die. Then I got more. I did not know about acclimating that way. I did let the bags sit in the tank for 30 mins. cause that's how we did it when I was a kid. I know NOTHING about fish