Buying a house together w/o being married...


Im On 1.

do u guys agree with this statement:

BEST CASE SCENARIO: He just wants to be the man of the house. Handle his...leaving no room for contention, critique, etc.

WORSE CASE SCENARIO: Something occurred that makes him still have emotional reservations. Basically, if YOU have no intentions of leaving, then it shouldn't matter.

The same way I should trust a woman I want to be with for the rest of my life, instead of forcing a Prenuptial.


100% Goapele Head!
I read most of this thread at work today but then the new guy who makes my office space his own was being nosey. I wouldnt log in because then I would be revealed. But I wanted to say this if no one has said it yet. Allow yourself to be used (financially that is) and use him financially.

In some instances it is good to follow a man's lead. When they give you give when they hold back you do the same, when they take you take. If you are going to be living there helping him to pay the interest so he can get to his equity quickly then allow the money you save by not paying for your own place along with utilities and $ave! $ave! $ave!

Basically, if you would have been paying $700-800 for your own place (this includes total) then with him if you are paying $500 and put that extra $200 away in the bank. Set a goal for yourself, should you not be married, on the deed and mortgage as you wish. Buy your own place and move out then send him a thank you card.

Also, you have to think in this day in age, things happen, the last thing you want to do is be tied through credit only with a man who could possibly become disabled or lose his dream job and have him become inefficient for an amount of time meanwhile ticking you off with his unattractive pity-party attitude and putting the majority of the financial problems on you esp. the mortgage which you will be responsible for credit-wise.

I say don't get involve legally, but if what bob says it's true benefit from your investment because you know he will. Also, stand firm on what you are willing to pay else you would not be able to save. And don't let him know you have saved, I don't care if his car breaks down or he needs special shoes, teeth or hair.

In any event I wish you the best, I so could not be in that position. I am far too selfish with success to be outselfished. When I work hard towards something it's gonna be for my benefit majority or all. I was born in the world alone, I will walk my path the same way.

Should I meet someone along the way, he or she will still need their own water canister. And even if they have more water than me, I will hold off on drinking mine throughout the sunny heat wave until they have the same amount as me or I have more.


In My Opinion
Option C.
Get an attorney to draw up corporation papers where you and he are equal partners in the corporation. State the purpose of the corporation is to purchase property for long term investment.

You buy the house together under the corporation and both live there equally.

if one of you decides to leave the relationship thats fine, because the other will still be liable for the mortgage, or buying out the others interest in the corporation.

if you split and decide to sell, the proceeds of the sale would be split 50/50 and you would then desolve the corporation.

since there would be no profit until the sale of the property, the corporation would have to pay no taxes on any income in the name of the corporation.


100% Goapele Head!
Qurious said:
do u guys agree with this statement:

Not one iota.

If he wants to be the man of the house sounds like he believes you are his competition which is a sign of a deeper but easy to resolve issue should you both be open to therapy.

Whether you have plans staying or not does not mean he can't put you out and get a stay away order that if you continue to try and stay will land you in jail with a record. A vietnames lady once told me that you should be with a man who loves you more than you love him. Women are naturally tuned in, when he turns the volume up on the tube then you can be sure his attention is undivided. Men are not moved by how much we want to be with them. Not in the beginning and not in the end.

Marriage without a pre-nup is crazy especially with most women bringing much to the table these days. Plus, when a marriage is going through a rough patch or is breaking down, the responsibilities that each spouse brought into the marriage becomes like a thorn in the side. I mean at least use K-Y before you get screwed.


Lem Putt
LexiGirl75 said:
Not one iota.

If he wants to be the man of the house sounds like he believes you are his competition which is a sign of a deeper but easy to resolve issue should you both be open to therapy.

Whether you have plans staying or not does not mean he can't put you out and get a stay away order that if you continue to try and stay will land you in jail with a record. A vietnames lady once told me that you should be with a man who loves you more than you love him. Women are naturally tuned in, when he turns the volume up on the tube then you can be sure his attention is undivided. Men are not moved by how much we want to be with them. Not in the beginning and not in the end.

Marriage without a pre-nup is crazy especially with most women bringing much to the table these days. Plus, when a marriage is going through a rough patch or is breaking down, the responsibilities that each spouse brought into the marriage becomes like a thorn in the side. I mean at least use K-Y before you get screwed.

Lexi, please realize that you are giving advice to someone who has about half of your IQ, yet thinks she is smarter than everyone. She may be asking for advice, but she'll be back in a couple months whining because he kicked her out again.


Im On 1.
MMDad said:
Lexi, please realize that you are giving advice to someone who has about half of your IQ, yet thinks she is smarter than everyone. She may be asking for advice, but she'll be back in a couple months whining because he kicked her out again.


have some compassion will ya? its totally NOT like that.



pixiegirl said:
Again, there is no common law marriage in MD. None, zip, nowhere even realty law. No such thing as common law anything. Trust me on this as I have consulted actual lawyers.
I'm with pixie on this one. Bob must be on some good drugs!!!


mind freak
Speaking on personal experience. Don't do it! I bought a house less than two years ago with my ex and now I'm the one that's stuck with the thing because he's an ignorant perverted bastard. But not for too much longer. It's taking a hike along with everything else....anyone looking to buy a house? LOL
Qurious... did you see Carolyn answered your letter in the Post today...:yay:


I'm having trouble distinguishing between possibly early cold feet or a gut feeling something is off with my boyfriend.

We have talked of marriage quite a bit, and I was excited and looking forward to it; however, recently I have had a nagging feeling that maybe we aren't meant for each other because of various characteristics I don't like in my potential mate. I can't tell if I'm over-thinking things or I should listen to my gut instincts. Any suggestions to sort out my true feelings?


"I'm so relieved I ignored my gut instincts!" Not something you hear often. And even if your gut is wrong, which of these sounds better: Break up and regret it, or marry him and regret it?


Super Genius
My take on the situation... that you're one of the biggest idiots in the world because you are even considering it.

That is all.