By how much will the Skins beat the Eagles...

Skins shoot down birdies by...

  •'s enough

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • A field goal...

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • A touchdown...

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • 2 points?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Two touchdowns...TO pulls a muscle doing a stupid dance

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Three touchdowns...Terrell doesn't play at all

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Four touchdowns...McNabb is pulled

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 30 points...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 40 points...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Slaughter rule invoked, game gets called to save Eagles dignity

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Penn said:
Well, damn! You're finally showing you're BEST side! You came out of the closet, I see.
Just like your Giants did today, huh Dipsh!t.


Dancing Up A Storm
SmallTown said:
The Giants were true sportsmen today. They even gave baltimore the vasaline
That they did, 'tis true!

One has to wonder how much longer it will be before young Manning get's hurt, and can't finish the season, at this rate. :shrug:


Dancing Up A Storm
Unless I read the options on your poll incorrectly, I don't think the final outcome of the game was one of your choices.:cheers:

So, tell me again - How does that song go? :whistle:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Eagles, ponytail, jack et al.

I love your coach and McNabb, Dawkins and others. I can't stand TO.

Sorry you got so many guys hurt. Gonna make it tough in the Superbowl.

Nanny Pam

:ahem: clearing throat .....

Just go off to yourself & weep
The Redskins lost again this week.

Their defense played hard, so rough & tough
But look at the score, it wasn’t enough.

With Westbrook wide open, caught a 40 yard pass
Ant T.O. has great hands, and a cute little ass.

McNabb is the man; he can throw through a hoop
Credit goes to ‘Mom’ and Campbell's Chunky soup.

Now here comes Aikers with 3 more points
Skins fans are now crying, “let’s get outta this joint.”

If you are a Redskins fan, just say “Holy Cow”
Will someone please pass me my crying towel?

The Eagles are determined to accomplish their goal
To see Andy in tights at the Super Bowl.

Score 17 to 14 Birds get the win!
That game was too close, I drank all the gin.



New Member
Nanny Pam said:
Just go off to yourself & weep
The Redskins lost again this week.

Their defense played hard, so rough & tough
But look at the score, it wasn’t enough.

With Westbrook wide open, caught a 40 yard pass
Ant T.O. has great hands, and a cute little ass.

McNabb is the man; he can throw through a hoop
Credit goes to ‘Mom’ and Campbell's Chunky soup.

Now here comes Aikers with 3 more points
Skins fans are now crying, “let’s get outta this joint.”

If you are a Redskins fan, just say “Holy Cow”
Will someone please pass me my crying towel?

The Eagles are determined to accomplish their goal
To see Andy in tights at the Super Bowl.

Score 17 to 14 Birds get the win!
That game was too close, I drank all the gin.



Yep. we got away with one. My opinion? The Eagles didn't win that one. The Redskins definitely lost it though. WTF is with the time management and penalties? Ramsey might be one hell of a quarterback if he had some plays that he could call on his own while the coaches are pulling each others heads out of their azzes.

Kicking was horrendous on both sides. Refs missed a few calls, a few key calls for the Eagles. But the game was lost by the redskins.

We'll take the 12-1 record, we have an extra week during the playoffs to rest and lick our wounds. Though, it doesn't appear to be a bad playoff season untill we face the Falcons.

I guess we'll see. We have Dallas next week in Philly. No biggy.

Hopefully in the off season, Gibbs will pick up a bold type 2005 calender, a stop watch and and offensive coordinator and get Brunnell off the side lines. He's talking to Ramsey too much, and as witness to that last play, I think Ramsey is listening to him too much.

See ya'll next year. :cheers:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Are you really worried about the Falcons? They, I think, are now like you guys were before Donovan had some help; 1 hit wonders.

The Skins problem is a catch 22.

Gibbs was never the player personel guy and some people he really fought to draft were flops. His forte is coaching. So, monumental mistake #1, Brunnel.

He was PERFECT for what Gibbs wanted to do, ball control, short, precise passes, a bit of mobility in the pocket. For whatever reason, Gibbs believed in the guy more than anyone else. Two years ago...fine.

He has a history of it, faith in a guy, including Theisman who played over his head for years, Doug Williams who was washed up and Mark Rypien who nobody wanted either. How do you not trust his judgement? He gets a free pass there.

In any event, Mark could function mentally in Gibbs offense, make the checks, throw it away if needed, patient etc. BUT he made BIG mistakes and he just couldn't hit the easy routes like Ramsey can and did last night, those 5-10 yarders to Coles et al. Mark is DONE physically in the NFL.

Enter Ramsey who is honest enough to admit he had no business winning the job last summer because he simply didn't understand it. He's an Elway type gunslinger; Throw it, go find it and throw it some more just as long as you have one more TD than INT's when it's over, we win.

So, he's a caged lion, just chomping at the bit to try and beat somebody in a system that demands PATIENCE. He will get drilled before he'll throw it away and if he sees a CRACK he'll gun it in there. He's gonna get Coles killed.

Gibbs is running his system, tons of motion, make the defense tip the coverage and you have an edge. When it works smoothly, it's awesome like last week against the Giants. The thing is it has to be run perfect because there simply isn't the time Gibbs had between plays back in the day.

It would have been interesting if we had grabbed Warner instead of Brunnel. Warner can still throw it.

Gibbs system demands a great deal of individual discipline and it can look awful when otherwise little things are out of sync.

Having said all of that, we were SO close in a bunch of games and, win one here, there, Cleveland, first Giansts, Dallas, Ravens, maybe the Packer game and big MO enters the picture.

Who knows?

I'm still sorry to see you lose more guys because you've been right THERE 3 straight years and injuries have just been a nightmare.


crabcake said:
oh what the heck ... I'll let you try :dance:

btw, where's my cheese steak on an amoroso? :yum:

wasn't she the lady on You're Fired :shrug: