Bye Bye


Pixelated's the deal;

At this point Snyder gets to declare what the goal is;

1. Win football games


2. Be a product to sell

Choice 1 requires he get a young hot shot assistant and a young hot shot GM and tell them to win or he'll fire them and get someone better.

Choice 2 requires yet another splashy move; Cowher. That mean, from what we're told, Cowher as coach AND GM and that has yet to work for anyone.

It should be 1 because 1 takes care of 2, but it will likely be 2 based on how the team has been run since Snyder bought it which precludes 1.

If performance means anything, Williams gets the job as the defense is the only proven part of the team. Perhaps he keeps Saunders and turns him loose.
That would be a tough fit because Williams and his D play a lot of plays which means Williams wants a ball control offense to give his boys a break.

That won't work because the NFL is no longer a ball control league. It is a scoring league right now which suits Saunders.

Lotta questions.

I'll feel sick if it is Cowher or Billick or any other 'known' head coach; more of the same.

Young blood time. GM time.

Snyder is too impatient to wait out some young whipper snapper to learn the ropes on Snyder's dime.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Snyder is too impatient to wait out some young whipper snapper to learn the ropes on Snyder's dime. probably accurate and is, truly, just how bad it is without meaning to be; young Joe Gibbs won a Superbowl his second season.


Football addict
You will be missed Joe.

If Williams becomes the coach (I hope) then I have a feeling that Saunders won't be sticking around for long. If that happens it can't be good for the offense learning an entirely new scheme, at least initially.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Not true...

Only because Cook let him run the team.

...or at least not totally true; Cooke told Beathard to get good players or get fired. He told Gibbs the same thing. He told all of Gibb's assistants the same thing.

The point is that Snyder isn't going to have the patience with anything that is not his idea. He would have fired or never even hired a young Joe Gibbs. He has a losing team since he took over and the only constant is him and the fact that he isn't interested in letting people do their jobs. He wants to play with it as is his right; it's his. He's given Joe 4 years and gotten nowhere. He gave Marty one season and that guy actually turned the team around.

That's the problem in a nutshell; A young Joe Gibbs given an ultimatum to win or lose the job is exactly what everyone in Redskin land really wants and needs if winning is what really matters and that's the last thing we'll ever get.


...or at least not totally true; Cooke told Beathard to get good players or get fired. He told Gibbs the same thing. He told all of Gibb's assistants the same thing.

The point is that Snyder isn't going to have the patience with anything that is not his idea. He would have fired or never even hired a young Joe Gibbs. He has a losing team since he took over and the only constant is him and the fact that he isn't interested in letting people do their jobs. He wants to play with it as is his right; it's his. He's given Joe 4 years and gotten nowhere. He gave Marty one season and that guy actually turned the team around.

That's the problem in a nutshell; A young Joe Gibbs given an ultimatum to win or lose the job is exactly what everyone in Redskin land really wants and needs if winning is what really matters and that's the last thing we'll ever get.

We all know the problem is not coaching. It's Snyder. It's my belief that as long as that sniveling pinhead owns the team they will be a losing team.

More than likely we wont get a "young Joe Gibbs", unless you want to consider Spurrier in this category. This hasn't been Snyder's trend. But, perhaps Gibbs can have some influence in this decision since he's staying on as an advisor (whatever that means). I heard a rumor that Cowher was in town yesterday.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

We all know the problem is not coaching. It's Snyder. It's my belief that as long as that sniveling pinhead owns the team they will be a losing team.

More than likely we wont get a "young Joe Gibbs", unless you want to consider Spurrier in this category. This hasn't been Snyder's trend. But, perhaps Gibbs can have some influence in this decision since he's staying on as an advisor (whatever that means). I heard a rumor that Cowher was in town yesterday.

...not fair. Gibbs made this mutlihead monster. He said so in the conference. He also said it didn't work. Yes, Snyder gets the blame as being the guy who calls the tune, but Joe is the one who said "I want to completely change the way this is done'. Snyder's fault for letting him, but Joe, the person on the planet who would be allowed to, is the architect.


That's not fair. Gibbs made this mutlihead monster. He said so in the conference. He also said it didn't work. Yes, Snyder gets the blame as being the guy who calls the tune, but Joe is the one who said "I want to completely change the way this is done'. Snyder's fault for letting him, but Joe, the person on the planet who would be allowed to, is the architect.

It's completely fair. Snyder has earned this reputation. He wont let a coach stay long enough to develop a team. Under his owndership Turner lasted 1 year, Shottenheimer lasted 1 year, and Spurrier lasted 1 year. It's pretty well-known that Snyder is a BIG money guy and believes throwing BIG dollars at this team will produce a winning team. And he is all about the mony anyway. The new stadium is a case in point. It was originally named in honor of Cooke. Snyder, in his salacious desire for money, completely dismissed this honor by taking hundreds of millions from FedEx and renamed the stadium. This sickened a lot of fans. This was completely UNFAIR to the legacy of Cooke. And this is typical of Snyder’s approach to solving the team’s problems, and it creates a negative environment for the team. I see no spark or passion from the players. They just appear to be individuals on the field. I put this all on Snyder and his money-hungry mentality.

This article says it all for me. So, if anyone has been unfair, it's been Snyder; to the team AND to the fans.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
A ha!

. Under his owndership Turner lasted 1 year, Shottenheimer lasted 1 year, and Spurrier lasted 1 year.

...fake Redskin fans! Turner was HC for almost two full seasons and Spurrier for two full ones under Dan.

You blew up your own premise.


...fake Redskin fans! Turner was HC for almost two full seasons and Spurrier for two full ones under Dan.

You blew up your own premise.

Oh, two whole seasons. Yeah, sure I did. :rolleyes: Did you even read the article I provided?

Wait, it just dawned on me... You're a Snyder lover. :smoochy:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Oh, two whole seasons. Yeah, sure I did. :rolleyes: Did you even read the article I provided?

Wait, it just dawned on me... You're a Snyder lover. :smoochy:'ve completely exposed yourself as not only not knowing the details of Redskin world but also not having paid any attention to my thoughts on Redskin worlds leadership shortcomings and, additionally, you're a name caller when your argument falls on it's face.

tsk, tsk.


:yeahthat: Larry is one of my biggest haters. PsyOps should go back to judging ice skating instead of commenting on football.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

:yeahthat: Larry is one of my biggest haters. PsyOps should go back to judging ice skating instead of commenting on football.

...I don't appreciate you taking our conversations, twisting them around and trying to make me sound like the bad guy; a 'hater'. I called you a self indulgent, impatient narcissist. That is a far cry from hating you. And besides, it's true.

Make Gregg head coach. Tell him Al is his OC. Hire a GM. Tell them all to Git 'r done or else and find something else to do. Come up here so more, ride four wheelers, shot pigeons and drink beer.



Pixelated've completely exposed yourself as not only not knowing the details of Redskin world but also not having paid any attention to my thoughts on Redskin worlds leadership shortcomings and, additionally, you're a name caller when your argument falls on it's face.

tsk, tsk.

Calling you a Snyder lover is name calling? I thought, at least in your case, it was a badge of honor? :shrug:

Face it... As long as Snydie is owner the Skins will be losers. He has created an atmosphere of individualism, rather than team, with his "I can buy a Superbowl, because I have billions" mentality. He has earned the reputation of being a meddler and armchair coach instead of an owner.


I already provided you an article (that I'm sure you still haven't read) that describes Snyder correctly. Here from Wiki:

The most controversial habit Snyder has practiced is the continuous hiring and firing of head coaches...
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