California Issues ...


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The governor of California just made this parody video illegal in violation of the Constitution of the United States.

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Christopher Kohls, who made a fake video of Kamala Harris using AI, is suing to stop California’s new law against deepfakes.

He says the law unfairly forces social media companies to censor content and that parody videos like his should be protected.

Elon, who shared the video, also spoke out against the new law...



PREMO Member
The effort to get Prop. 36 on the ballot was funded by a bunch of big retailers who were on the wrong end of California's crime problem. But from the start of this year. Newsom and his gang of Democrats set out to sabotage Prop. 36 first by negotiating to keep it off the ballot and, when that failed, by offering a bunch of supposedly tough-on-crime bills which they claimed would do exactly what Prop. 36 would do only better. Why try to pass the measure when we're willing to give you the results you want now? That was their pitch.

The catch was that the Democratic bills contained poison pills which would automatically deactivate them if Prop. 36 were passed. Newsom signed these sabotage bills expecting they would drain away support from Prop 36 prior to the vote in November. How is that working out for him? I'm so glad you asked.

A poll released yesterday indicates that effort has been a complete and total failure. Support for Prop. 36 is overwhelming despite months of effort to badmouth it by Gov. Newsom.

The PPIC, which surveyed an array of November election items ranging from the presidential race to other state ballot initiatives, reported Wednesday that its polling conducted between late August and early September shows 71% of likely voters support Proposition 36, compared to 26% who oppose it.
Mark Baldassare, PPIC’s statewide survey director, said questions about Proposition 36 elicited high engagement from respondents and highlighted its across-the-board favorability.
“It’s an unusual level of support for a proposition,” Baldassare said. “We don’t use the term ‘overwhelming majority’ lightly around here. I was impressed by the level of support that you’re seeing across ideology.”

This is what you call a blowout. It's so bad that even Governor Newsom seems to have finally taken the hint. He announced today that he won't be campaigning against Prop. 36 anymore. He claimed he simply had too many other things to do, including getting Kamala Harris elected.

“I fear I can’t do everything. I’ve got, trying to get Kamala Harris elected President of the United States, trying to get through these 900 bills. I just pray, I really do, that people take a good look at Proposition 36,” he said.
He later added that “it’s just a question of what you’re capable of doing, and then trying to address (homeless) encampments and everything else, we do a lot.”...
“I was wondering what state I was living in,” Newsom said in response to the survey.
He called Prop. 36 a “real setback” but added that “it appears clearly that the public has a different point of view.”

The fact that he's not sure which state he's living in is his way of admitting that California seems to be changing. This is a tough-on-crime proposition and it's getting 71% support. He's probably not the only one surprised by that result.



PREMO Member

Newsom Threatens Elon Musk with Legal Action For Sharing Kamala Harris AI Meme (VIDEO)

California Governor Gavin Newsom threatened legal action against Elon Musk for sharing a funny meme on X.

Newsom this week signed into law a bill that makes it illegal to ‘knowingly distribute an ad or other election communications that contain materially deceptive content, including deepfakes.’

Who determines what is ‘materially deceptive?” Gavin Newsom?

Of course, this law will only be used to criminally charge Trump supporters for exercising their First Amendment rights.



Well-Known Member

Have you seen the absolutely unfathomable number of 5th wheels and RVs with people living in them in LA and San Diego? I think I know where that money went, find out if Gavin has a cousin that owns an RV dealership.


Beloved Misanthrope
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PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Remember, keep sorting! The Wall Street Journal ran a hard-hitting story yesterday headlined, “California Sues Exxon, Alleges Plastics Deception.” The word ‘plastic’ used to be a nifty euphemism for ‘fake.’ I think that, over time, that terminology lost favor and fell out of common parlance, on account of a totally unfair association with a certain silicone-based cosmetic procedure that doesn’t even use plastic anyway.


It’s too bad. ‘Plastic’ would be a great term to describe the fake recycling industry and the grifting experts who drift around it like trash-gobbling buzzards. Back when we were still gullible fools susceptible to plastic experts, we believed their sincere, PhD-laden assurances that assiduously sorting our garbage into different piles and paying more taxes to sketchy characters for collection and removal was virtuous and would signal to neighbors that we are good people who Care About The Planet.

The Journal’s article tried frame up a confused narrative about Exxon Corporation deceiving investors, because it over-promised results of investments meant to tackle “climate change.” It wasn’t clear, since climate change is fake (plastic) anyways, so of course any promises to tackle climate problems go nowhere.

If they can sell investments for climate change solutions, why not raise money to increase the Leprechaun population? Or to develop supplements letting mermaids stay longer on land? But I digress.

The article’s facts were much more interesting than its weak narrative framing. It turns out that Exxon holds California’s largest contract to recycle plastic. Cradle to grave! They make the oil that makes the plastic, then they get paid again to remove the plastic when we’re done with it, and the plastic cycle of life starts all over again.

At least, that how it is supposed to work. But guess what? According to the Journal, only eight percent (8%) of California’s plastic waste gets ‘recycled.’ The rest —over 90%— goes right in the landfill.

Exxon’s performance was actually above average. An Energy Department report from 2022 found that only about five percent (5%) of plastic waste is recycled, nine percent (9%) is burned, and the rest gets dumped. California’s Attorney General Rob Bonta told the Journal, “The truth is: The vast majority of plastic cannot be recycled.”

Now they tell us. You’d think this would have been bigger news.

Worse, according to the Energy Department, even the minuscule amount of plastic waste that can be recycled is not super productive. Experts are once again baffled, having discovered that consumer demand for recycled plastic is, well, practically nonexistent. For some reason, people don’t want their babies drinking out of plastic that came from the trash. It might not be rational, but there it is.

Every single day, a certain maternal relative (who shall remain un-named) carefully rinses all her plastic waste items, then cuts them up with shears before painstakingly placing them neatly in the recycling bin, in the unshakeable belief her labors will make her garbage more easily recycled.

I get why California is suing Exxon; it has deep pockets and is a hated petroleum corporation. But in a sane world, we would tar and feather the so-called scientists and climate experts who convinced everybody this plastic scam was a good idea.

After a fair trial, of course.



PREMO Member
🔥🔥 The Associated Press ran a hilariously ironic headline yesterday: “California governor signs law banning all plastic shopping bags at grocery stores.” Even more stuff you can’t make up! We just switched from paper bags to plastic — to save the trees. So, now what? Trees be damned?

image 6.png

Correct. It’s back to paper. On Sunday, Governor Newsom signed a law banning plastic bags in the Golden State starting in 2026. The only option is bring-your-own-bag or paper, that’s it. Sorry, trees.

California tried this before, ten years ago, by banning thin plastic bags. The notion was that, if the bags were thicker, people would probably reuse them over and over, cutting down on waste bags. But that didn’t work, either. State Senator Cathy Blakespear, who supported the bill, said people were just not reusing or recycling any plastic bags, it didn’t matter how thick the bags were.

“We are literally choking our planet with plastic waste,” Blakespeare told the AP. (Actually, NOT literally. Despite what many people believe, the planet is made of inorganic material and isn’t literally alive. Thus it cannot literally choke. Just saying.)

Personally, I blame meat juice. It magically seeps out of the chicken breast plastic wrap and gets all over the plastic grocery bag, regardless of how tightly packaged. And then what are you supposed to do? It’s been drilled into all our heads that death by salmonella lies just one unwashed utensil away.

How chickens catch a salmon disease is something I will never understand.

An even greater mystery than how salmon infect chickens is the puzzle of why we listen to experts in the first place. At first, everything was going just fine. But then the experts informed us we had to stop using paper bags to save the planet. So California passed laws requiring grocery stores to first offer plastic bags, creating a whole new plastic bag industry overnight.

See, nobody even wanted the stupid plastic bags. People don’t like them. We were happier with paper. It required government regulation to create the plastic bag market. After which, a whole lot of petroleum-adjacent companies earned generational wealth supplying government-mandated plastic bags to grocery stores.

But then the plastic bags began choking the oceans (not literally) —a whole new problem we never had back in the paper bag days, and one that the experts somehow failed to foresee— and now the very same experts soberly tell us we have to just stop it with all these plastic bags, which we never wanted in the first place until the government mandated them.

The experts are worse than useless. They are dangerous madmen. They, not the plastic bags, are the ones who are really choking the planet (Id.). The bags are just symptoms of our expert infection. It’s possible we caught the expert infection from the salmon, too. We don’t know yet.

But it’s clear. There’s only one logical thing to do. We should ban experts.



PREMO Member

California, a Free State, Apologizes for Slavery as Newsom Signs Reparations Bills

The apology reads, in part:

Whereas, Well after California entered the Union and declared itself a free state outlawing slavery, more than 2,000 enslaved African people were brought to California from 1850 to 1860.
Whereas, the California Supreme Court enforced fugitive slave laws until 1865, stating that the antislavery law in the California Constitution was merely a “declaration of a principle.”
… Resolved, The State of California apologizes for perpetuating the harms African Americans faced by having imbued racial prejudice through segregation, public and private discrimination, and unequal disbursal of state and federal funding and declares that such actions shall not be repeated.

Newsom signed several other bills passed by the state legislature and pushed by reparations activists. As Breitbart News noted, however, the bills did not include actual cash payments or a reparations fund, provoking protests.

The movement for reparations gained traction during the chaotic summer of 2020, when protests and riots spread across the country in the wake of the murder of George Floyd by police in Democrat-run Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Newsom signed legislation establishing a committee to study reparations. After it made recommendations that included massive cash payments and racially separate schools, legislators toned down the proposals. Newsom only included $12 million toward the reparations issue in his budget this year, which grappled with a near-$50 billion deficit.


PREMO Member

Gavin Newsom VETOES Reparations Bill After GOING OFF On Black Activists Protesting Against Democrats​



PREMO Member
In mid-September, Twitchy reported about the new hell coming to America from California (because, of course, it's California) that memes, parodies, and satires are now 'dangerous misinformation' that need to be made illegal. The idea originated with the hypocritical, hierarchical, greasy-haired snake oil salesman known as Governor Gavin Newsom, and then the legislature proudly handed him two unconstitutional bills outlawing 'materially deceptive content' (whatever that means) that he proudly signed into law.

In his pure tyrannical fervor, Newsom even threatened legal action against Elon Musk for AI-generated memes.

Unfortunately for Newsom, while he may continue to try to ruin California, he is not yet the dictator for life that he wants to be. A legal challenge was guaranteed to come in response and yesterday, that response came from one of the best possible litigants: The Babylon Bee.

Twitchy readers will remember that the Bee was once suspended from Twitter for calling Rachel Levine a man (because he is one) only to be reinstated when Musk bought Twitter. It is only fitting that the popular parody site would be among the first to fire back at Newsom and California.