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<td align="left"> Main Entry: <b>in·va·sion</b> <a href="javascript

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<br /> Pronunciation: <tt>in-'vA-zh&n</tt>
<br /> Function: <i>noun</i>
<br /> Etymology: Middle English <i>invasioune, </i>from Middle French <i>invasion, </i>from Late Latin <i>invasion-, invasio, </i>from Latin <i>invadere </i>to invade
<br /> <b>1</b> <b>:</b> an act of <a href="">invading</a>; <i>especially</i> <b>:</b> incursion of an army for conquest or plunder
<br /><b>2</b> <b>:</b> the incoming or spread of something usually hurtful
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Illegals are coming here in vast numbers much like an army and take jobs and services they are not due therefore they are plundering.
Do I really propose killing the illegals? No. Do I want them given amnesty? No. Do I want them deported? Yes. Clear?