Lem Putt
I've lived in Calvert County for the last 15 years. I have never been pulled over.Radioactive said:When do we draw the line?
The last time I talked to a cop while in my car was at a DUI checkpoint. I was sober, polite, and I didn't smell like pot. Shocker: I wasn't searched. Of course, they wouldn't have found anything since I do not use it.
Guess what. They don't pull over stoners because they are driving well. They do pull them over because they do stupid sh*t. Then they do things like leave their pot out in plain sight. What do you expect the troopers/deputies to do? Ignore blatant stupid stoned behavior?
If you think the laws are stupid, attack the laws. The cops HAVE to enforce the law, whether or not they agree with them. I wouldn't want it any other way. For you to blame the enforcers is just stupid, and one day, when you get out of your drug induced haze, you will realize that.