Calvert County Recorder


Lem Putt
ccgpo123 said:
I only wanted our community to see how this so called paper treats good people.
Why won't you tell us then? Start here:

1. Who are you talking about?

2. What happened?

3. Why were they terminated?

4. Why is that unfair?



ccgpo123 said:
Get over it! your just someone on here with no life looking to dicuss other people life..... .

:killingme: :killingme:

Hey, in case this was your "Hi I'm new here thread" :howdy: and welcome to the forums! :flowers:


This Space for Rent
ccgpo123 said:
your just someone on here with no life looking to dicuss other people life.....

Hey, MMDad. Did you come here without any impetus to start discussing this or did someone else start a public tread about it?


Lem Putt
FromTexas said:
Hey, MMDad. Did you come here without any impetus to start discussing this or did someone else start a public tread about it?
No, nobody started a thread about somebody unfairly getting fired froma newspaper because they are old. We all just made it up because we wanted to be gossips.

The tard is strong with this one.


WifeandMother said:
Jeannie was terminated with only a few months (2 or 3) until retirement. I believe that means they don't have to give her the retirement package, that she deserves after 20 some years of service.

Well there you go ... a little information.

If this is true, that's pretty ####ed up.

If it's true.

And if that's the whole story.


Iron City
ccgpo123 said:
With idiots like you no-wonder the county has turned the way it has! the recoder newspaper should hire you instead of some of the other "excuses" they got up there. Get over it! your just someone on here with no life looking to dicuss other people life..... you don't have a clue. I only wanted our community to see how this so called paper treats good people.

Seems to me that you are the one that went off half cocked talking about someone in the first place. Answer MMDad's questions and perhaps you will get some modicim of respect.


Toxick said:
Well there you go ... a little information.

If this is true, that's pretty ####ed up.

If it's true.

And if that's the whole story.

:yeahthat: That stinks... and folks wonder why folks go postal :frown:


Well-Known Member
Toxick said:
Well there you go ... a little information.

If this is true, that's pretty ####ed up.

If it's true.

And if that's the whole story.

I know someone this happened to as well. 24 years and a few months short of retirement. My SIL. And it is ####ed up.


New Member
I wonder

how that works...
How does someone who put in the years for retirement go about getting their retirement? Is there some sort of law protecting the employed? (or are their only "loopholes", protecting the employer? Just curious?


New Member
WifeandMother said:
how that works...
How does someone who put in the years for retirement go about getting their retirement? Is there some sort of law protecting the employed? (or are their only "loopholes", protecting the employer? Just curious?
If she thinks she has a case for wrongful termination (needs proof) hard proof then she can contact a lawyer to review to see if she has a real case. People wrong or right are let go for no given reasons from long term employment every day. Take legal action or move on.
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New Member
Robin said:
If she thinks she has a case for wrongful termination (needs proof) hard proof then she can contact a lawyer to review to see if she has a real case. People wrong or right are let go for no given reasons from long term employment every day. Take legal action or move on.

I heard the same on the streets of Calvert. She has hired a well known
attorney. She was the advertising manager in charge of all the sales
reps. If she is looking for a job the Calvert Independent and Tidbits of
Southern Maryland is looking for ad sales people.


CalCo said:
I heard the same on the streets of Calvert. She has hired a well known
attorney. She was the advertising manager in charge of all the sales
reps. If she is looking for a job the Calvert Independent and Tidbits of
Southern Maryland is looking for ad sales people.

I heard the same thing. I really hope something good comes out of it for her. I just wish she was still there.


I bowl overhand
ccgpo123 said:
I heard the same thing. I really hope something good comes out of it for her. I just wish she was still there.
Has she been re-hired yet? Because I was SURE posting this on the internet was going to scare them into re-hiring her.


itsbob said:
Has she been re-hired yet? Because I was SURE posting this on the internet was going to scare them into re-hiring her.

Wishful thinking won't get us farr.I think there balls are to big to ask her back, and as much as alot of us would like to see that happen I think it would be a mistake....
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