Calvert County Recorder



Then you cleary didn't know her if you found her as might have been one of the ones that wanted something for nothing.


I bowl overhand
ccgpo123 said:
If you new how the law worked you would see things different. It's cleary not that she was to old for the position... the point just needs to be made "people can't continue to treat people this way". I personally know that several big accounts in this county will never have dealings with this paper again.
Which law school did you attend?

I went to TCU!!


Well-Known Member
ccgpo123 said:
It's clear(l)y not that she was to old for the position... the point just needs to be made "people can't continue to treat people this way".
Treat people what way. We still don't know what's so upsetting about this, because we only know you're telling us she was terminated. Why?


Lem Putt
ccgpo123 said:
not fired terminated there is a difference.......
ccgpo123 said:
If you new how the law worked you would see things different.
Since maryland is an at-will state, and she wasn't "fired", it definitely sounds completely legal to me.

You see, in Maryland you can walk into the office, turn to an employee, and say "You're done. Leave." No reason need be given.

There is a problem if you do give a reason, because then the employee has something to dispute. If you fire someone for cause you need documentation to prove the cause.


ccgpo123 said:
If you new how the law worked you would see things different.

I know how this law works: Maryland is an At-Will state.

That mean that an employer can terminate an employee for no reason.

In fact, legally, it's better for the employer if they give no reason, because if they do, the terminatee can come back with a wrongful termination suit whether the termination was wrongful or not. As it is, however, in Maryland a simple "Get Out" is all that need be done.

ccgpo123 said:
the point just needs to be made "people can't continue to treat people this way".

Since the only thing I know about this is what you've said, and you've backed it all up by next to nothing , except for some emotionally charged accusation, I have no idea how anyone was treated, nor whether it was deserved.

ccgpo123 said:
I personally know that several big accounts in this county will never have dealings with this paper again.

There you go then. Vindication.

With enough businesses and big accounts writing this paper off, it should fold under it's own weight by Christmas.


Lem Putt
Toxick said:
With enough businesses and big accounts writing this paper off, it should fold under it's own weight by Christmas.
It's owned by the Washington Post. I'm guessing they can survive this one. I'd also bet they can afford a lawyer if someone were to file a wrongful termination suit. I'd also wager that their legal department approved the termination before it happened.

Move along. Nothing to see here.


24/7 Single Dad
ccgpo123 said:
ok, when a person is terminated from a position held as long as this with no reason it is wrong.. It is extremely relevant of how old the person taken over the position is when theres no obviouse reason for termination other then age." Age discrimination" if you ask me!
So you're claiming that the supervisor walked up and said "You're terminated because of your age"


I wasn't fired. If you read the forum you would see this is about someone else. I can tell this place is a waste of time....


24/7 Single Dad
ccgpo123 said:
I wasn't fired. If you read the forum you would see this is about someone else. I can tell this place is a waste of time....
Telling a fraction of what happened is a waste of time, no wonder the paper fired you


Well-Known Member
ccgpo123 said:
You People Seem To Be A Little Slow... Nvm
There are some that belong on the :shortbus: , but you aren't doing a very good job defending this person that was "wrongfully terminated"

More details needed for this jury :coffee:


This Space for Rent
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! You didn't even have a job at a real paper. Basically, you had a job at an ad sheet. Go be a Walmart greeter and GTF over it already.


New Member
OK people

I have not heard the entire story yet myself, and perhaps our friend does not know the entire story either. The bits that I have heard are as follows...
Jeannie was terminated with only a few months (2 or 3) until retirement. I believe that means they don't have to give her the retirement package, that she deserves after 20 some years of service. If she rubbed some people the wrong way...well don't we all at one point or another? This is sad. Someone who is older has lost their job, and now has to try and find supplemental income at this late stage in their life. This is not easy to do.
I have never had a problem with Jeannie. I like her and her spunk. :huggy:


FromTexas said:
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! You didn't even have a job at a real paper. Basically, you had a job at an ad sheet. Go be a Walmart greeter and GTF over it already.
With idiots like you no-wonder the county has turned the way it has! the recoder newspaper should hire you instead of some of the other "excuses" they got up there. Get over it! your just someone on here with no life looking to dicuss other people life..... you don't have a clue. I only wanted our community to see how this so called paper treats good people.


This Space for Rent
ccgpo123 said:
With idiots like you no-wonder the county has turned the way it has! the recoder newspaper should hire you instead of some of the other "excuses" they got up there. Get over it! your just someone on here with no life looking to dicuss other people life..... you don't have a clue. I only wanted our community to see how this so called paper treats good people.

With crappy grammar and cheap innuendo you are doing a fine job! :roflmao: