Calvert Sheriff Race


New Member
Yeah this shoudl be real good........i think it is gonna be under that fake lighthouse thing.......not very much room but i guess it will do.... i know they are gonna have forums at each high school but i dont know what/when and times


I attended the Chapline Place gathering. Republican Candidates spoke and presented their visions and intent. There was also a question and answer session. Mike was there and presented his mission, vision and values, and weighed in with answers to questions that were Sheriff specific as did the other Sheriff candidates. Mike's answers were gracious, factual, respectful of the other candidates and commonsense.

However, again, I still feel secure with Mike Evans. His demeanor, comportment and appearance, even seated or standing to allow women to sit because of the hot sun was impressive. His persona is poised, confident, with a defined, contemplated direction as his speech portrayed. He looked at his notes only one time and was completed well within the time alloted. His speech was relaxed and purposeful and compelling. That can only come from the soul, and as I have learned: as the heart contemplates, so the mouth speaketh.

I am voting for Mike because I want ethical heartfelt leadership, where political agenda is not welcome, excellence, merit, innovation and accountability in enforcement of laws and police service. An office that is ethical, logical, professional, innovative, brave, courageous, respectful and responsive to the community. Mike has a passion that if you haven't been in that profession, you may not understand. If you saw the television media report of the Park Police Officer's funeral, or have ever attended a National Police Week event, that barely scratches the service of the passion of protecting good from evil, saving lives and making safe the dangerous.

This isn't about politics, but unfortuantely the process we have is what we have. This pursuit is about a passion to make the place we love to call home safe, secure and discouraging to evil. We must do this by prevention, the surety of apprehension and incarceration-no matter their last name, county connection or socioeconomic status. The time has come to make the crooked straight.

Mike is that leader we need and I think from what I have seen he will be the next Sheriff.


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Originally posted by Super64

Mike is that leader we need and I think from what I have seen he will be the next Sheriff.
I'm pretty confident that he's got my vote also.


Calvert Sheriffs Race


Last night, something interesting came to mind. I have noticed through published media accounts over the last few months that Sheriff Bartlett's compeititors have had RPG's fired in their direction in attempt to cause a retreat or a direct hit. Open-source media accounts, if factual, to include quotes from the Sheriff, have inferred or alleged as follows:

Sergeant Mc Dowell is under some investigation, scheduled for a public trial (administrative? further coverage of this)

Mr. Mike Evans candidacy has been questioned concerning his fitness for duty and insurance status-although a certified police office, Deputy Sheriff assigned to Special Deputy duties for several years.

Mr. Don Brennerman has been linked by an alleged information leak (source not known) to a gun incident involving a current department commanding officer.

A couple of observations I have made based on open-source media, not further elaborated:

- Sheriff Bartlett is quoted attributing the subject leak to Sergeant Mc Dowell, which has me wondering about jurisprudence and due process. Has this employee been charged, and if so has this allegation been substantiated?

- Sheriff Bartlett is quoted that he reviewed every personnel file upon assuming office. This statement is interesting since Mike Evans' physical requirements became an issue within two weeks of his announced candidacy, and the incident involving his commanding officer and Mr. Brennerman would have been reviewed during this review.

Just a curious voter asking himself questions.


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It's election year, the mudslinging is at it's greatest...the skeletons come out, it makes you wonder. The primary next month will be interesting. :wink:


Where is their honor?

Agreed. However, what does mudslinging say about the character of the slinger, the mud producer and supplier and the those who target sight for the slinger?

Furthermore, what does it say about the leadership ethics that allows this to foment in an organization, and the employees who have to remain silent or be caught in the crossfire?

What does it say about the candidate who has honor as a matter of inner mettle before during and after the election, and refuses to indignify their character by returning fire no matter what?


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All good ?'s there. As for the slinger and slingee, I would say this is where character and honor come into light.


New Member
I am a friend of Sgt. McDowell......The charges against him are more then a bunch of BS. Some of them are from as far back as 3 years ago when Sheriff Bartlett was not even sheriff of calvert. Bartlett wants to have a open trial board(open to the public) for the charges on McDowell in late Sept. When Bartlett was a Cpl., and FOP president, he fought not to have trial boards for PG county and now all the sudden he wants to have them in calvert? Double standard? I dont know, I just read in the wasington post that the FOP endorsed Bartlett. I have heard that many of the deputies are scared to even speek negative about him, in fear for there job. If McDowell does not get the GOP nomination I will vote for who ever bartletts opp. is


Calvert Sheriffs Race

Dear Crashtest: From what I have read of Sgt. Mc Dowell in the newspapers, he is very enthusiastic, articulate and seems very aware of his purpose and direction. I do not know what the "public trial" is all about, but one thing is for sure, his need to quality representation is essential. May the truth prevail in all things. Let's all hope and pray that some stability and focus come to that sheriffs department. I have already outlined some ways it can achieve stability and balance.