Calvert/St. Mary's Engineering Education Outreach

Jason Kish

New Member
_MightyMouse_ said:
TotalElite said:
Ouch! I bet he had gas for a lil while after that :eek:)

Goodness, I can't leave this thread alone for a minute.

How bout coming out of the closet on Friday, for me, so I can finally see who you are in the flesh. :flowers:

I'll be up there at 0500 all week if you prefer your thrashings in the morning, but I warn you that I spend at least 20 minutes stretching and doing high reps with the lighter compliment of weights.

If you want to talk to the future of our industry, come up to Waldorf on 4/25 and support CEG at a a job fair. I could use some help man handling the cart containing the 3 panel display out of my car.

I can drive, that would be normal for you, right? A Navy guy transporting a Marine somewhere. However, submariners don't normally associate with Marines, unless you are providing nuclear weapons security detail for missile operations. In that case, I will not cross the yellow line, ever again. :buttkick:


Just steering this thread back on course a little: Its my doing getting into a little friendly sparring with a Marine and co-worker, though.

4/25 North Point High School Waldorf, MD: Job Fair
5/4 Leonardtown Elementary School Career Day/SMART program

Have a great week.

Jason Kish

New Member
Thanks to all the faculty at North Point High School for such warm hospitality.

Your young people are well behaved and are eager to do well. I made many professional contacts with the engineering and technology faculty and look forward to assisting those students who contact me via myspace or nukeworker with their resume preparation, educational plans, and job desires.

My involvement there was less recruiting for CEG, but more outreach since my recruiting plans unfold over 5 year plus timelines. I hope all your students get as much training and education as possible before needing to find work. When they are ready to work, let me know. In the mean time, they should be in the books.

These skills are critical: Communication in diverse groups, punctuality, integrity, critical analysis, and a receptive/positive attitude. Master that and the rest is gravy.



Jason Kish

New Member
We are visiting Leonardtown Elem on 5/4.

If there are any teachers out their in need of outreach/presentations/tutoring, let me know. I understand Summer will be soon upon us, so keep my group in mind for your Fall planning.

If you need to speak to me personally, I am usually at Pro Fitness M-F between 0430-0600 and from 4:00-600PM.

I have received good feedback from North Point in Waldorf and Calvert Career Center in Prince Frederick.

If your young adults need any guidance with their plans for engineering/science/mathematics educational plans you can find me on myspace by searching

Through myspace I can link them with my fellow engineers and technicians. My area is natural sciences and language arts/humanities K-12.

I hope you students do well on their finals.



Thank you Leornardtown Elementary for inviting the CCNPP Young Professionals to present and give assistance at your school.

Thanks to the CCNPP SMARTCoordinators for providing us the opportunity to get involved across SM.

R/ Jason


New Member
Go pick up all those plastic balls your power plant has put out into the river and are littering our beaches.


Please feel free to call the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for any concerns you have with the operation of Calvert Cliffs.

There website is