TotalElite said:
Ouch! I bet he had gas for a lil while after that

Goodness, I can't leave this thread alone for a minute.
How bout coming out of the closet on Friday, for me, so I can finally see who you are in the flesh.
I'll be up there at 0500 all week if you prefer your thrashings in the morning, but I warn you that I spend at least 20 minutes stretching and doing high reps with the lighter compliment of weights.
If you want to talk to the future of our industry, come up to Waldorf on 4/25 and support CEG at a a job fair. I could use some help man handling the cart containing the 3 panel display out of my car.
I can drive, that would be normal for you, right? A Navy guy transporting a Marine somewhere. However, submariners don't normally associate with Marines, unless you are providing nuclear weapons security detail for missile operations. In that case, I will not cross the yellow line, ever again.