Camera Hogg


Well-Known Member
This dude already got his 15 minutes of fame resulting in among other things a free ride to Harvard. No one cares anymore, he should fade back into the bushes like Homer before he completely kills any good will he had.


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Liberal Activist Says He'd Rather Own a Porsche Than Have Children Because It's 'Better for the Environment'

Left-wing activist and Harvard prodigy David Hogg said he would "much rather own a Porsche and have a Portuguese water dog and golden doodle" than have children because it's "better for the environment," comments that reflect a broad consensus among college-educated liberals whose mental health has markedly declined since 2016.

"I'm never planning on having kids," Hogg wrote in a bizarre Twitter thread. "I would much rather own a Porsche and have a Portuguese water dog and golden doodle [sic]. Long term it's cheaper, better for The [sic] environment, and will never tell you that it hates you or ask you to pay for college."

Having children these days is like owning a boat, Hogg suggested before outlining his vision for a terrifying future of childless decadence. "Kids are the new boats," he explained. "Like yes kids are nice but most people can't afford them so it's nice to have friends with one but not have one yourself. Pets are the affordable version of kids today for Millennials and Gen Z and plants are now the more affordable plants."

This is the future liberals want—one in which the elite professional class agrees to "fight climate change" not by giving up their luxury cars and private airplanes, but rather by simply refusing to procreate. We got a glimpse of this grim future earlier this month when a doctor in Austin, Texas, used his $70,000 Rivian electric truck to perform a vasectomy after his clinic lost power.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
IDK whether to laugh or heave a huge sigh of relief. I was going to say that ol' davey boy needn't worry about procreating, then remember back to my youth. If you were searching for a life partner, you'd look for a girl raised in a conservative family with traditional parents who set boundaries and curfews. If you were looking for a **** buddy, you'd gravitate towards the party girls that had parents who "gave them space to grow".

Not that I think that davey couldn't get laid (there are a lot of lib bimbos out there), but no sensible girl would want to help that girly manchild carry on his bloodline.

Anyone who uses a tragedy like a mass shooting (that he was absent from) to garner attention, deserves to grow old with meaningless possessions and his pets. More power to him! I hope that more liberal youth follow his lead.


Just sneakin' around....
I find it funny that he's talking like an adult, when he himself is still wet behind the ears. He has a lot more growing up to do.


Well-Known Member
A child raised in a loving family with loving parents would want the same for himself.
To me this is telling me that his parents are failures, but at the same time I am grateful that he does not want to breed.

He is also right about children, they are expensive and sometimes they turn out like him.
I hope he gets a car but perhaps a Yugo is better suited to him than a Porsche.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if he keeps going back to the range to prove "how easy it is" if he will develop a taste for guns. Would be ironic. Not that he would admit it in public and jeopardize his tv appearances.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
If that's his best with a rifle at twenty yards, imagine the scatter pattern with a handgun. :killingme