

Set Trippin


Bow wow
mainman said:
Thinking about taking up camping. I have never camped before. I was at Dick's Sporting Goods yesterday and saw this: Should I buy a package like this or should I buy individual peices. I am of the belief that bundled stuff is usually lower in quality than if I bought peice by peice. Any veteran campers out there have any opinions? :confused:

What other things should a novice invest in?
becareful those dome tents are usually small. but sounds like a nice package.
i like mt 16x12 2 bedroom tent with screen porch, and king size air matress. i also invested in battery powered fans, life saver on warm night.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
fddog said:
becareful those dome tents are usually small. but sounds like a nice package.
i like mt 16x12 2 bedroom tent with screen porch, and king size air matress. i also invested in battery powered fans, life saver on warm night.
:yeahthat: Especially since the ad says that it is a 9-in X 7-in tent. :killingme


Lord, I apologize.
Wally world in the park had one this weekend with two chairs, a tent that sleeps 5 and a coolere for $90.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a good "starter" package. Coleman makes decent tents and sleeping bags. If you want the high end tents/sleeping bags, you can drop some coin!

Unless you intend on cooking over a camp fire, consider upgrading the burner they offer to Colemans double burner camping stove. The one offered is good for smaller pots/pans, kinda unstable for bigger pots/pans.

Look into the propane lamp as an accessory as well, puts out more light than the battery operated.


24/7 Single Dad
mainman said:
What other things should a novice invest in?
Insect repellent :yay:
Took my boy on his first trip last summer and he enjoyed it. We went to a bike club campout so I didn't have to worry about cooking. Washing dishes sucks more in the woods than it does at home. Get a tent big enough for at least one more person than will be sleeping there. The dome tents will allow you more head room which comes in handy when you're changing clothes.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
MM, I think you can rent camping equipment. Why not do that and see if you like it before spending a lot of money?
mainman said:
Thinking about taking up camping. I have never camped before. I was at Dick's Sporting Goods yesterday and saw this: Should I buy a package like this or should I buy individual peices. I am of the belief that bundled stuff is usually lower in quality than if I bought peice by peice. Any veteran campers out there have any opinions? :confused:

What other things should a novice invest in?
You can get better (in my opinion) stuff for about the same price (or thereabout) by buying indivdual items at WalMart/Target. First off, you do NOT want the stove that sits on top of the gas bottle, VERY unstable and dangerous. I do not reccomend buying store brand stoves and lanterns. I have used the traditional dual mantle propane lanterns in the past, but last fall I bought a Coleman Northstar" lantern. It is nothing less than AWESOME. Extremely bright. Saw it at Target on Friday for (I think) $40.00 with a soft carrying case. I will never buy any other type of lantern again. I just put together a camping handout for my son's Cub Scout Pack. This is based on my 25 or so years worth of camping experience. I will try to PM it to you. It's 770K, so I cannot attach it to this post. It has some basic info I found on the 'net, and some suggested by me items.
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vraiblonde said:
MM, I think you can rent camping equipment. Why not do that and see if you like it before spending a lot of money?
If you want, you can borrow my equipment and see if you and the boy enjoy the camping experience. If you both do like it, you can then go buy your own stuff.


Bow wow
I enjoy camping, I go probally 10-12 times a summer and fall maybe more. I have it all, stove, coffee machine, pot and pans. just like being at home. I tend to go camping were i can catch some nice fish, scale them and fry them on the grill.:yum:


Coleman has always been a good brand :yay: However my personal choice is:
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