Can a Cop answer this question for me?


New Member
LordStanley said:
I thought our cops were supposed to be tobacco free... :confused:
What would ever give you that idea? A police officer has the same right as ever other person who wants to polute their body with cancerous inhailants.


New Member
LordStanley said:
People tend to obey the law more when they see a cop near by.

the next time your at a stop light, Look over at the curb . Butts all over the place.
I'm not saying it doesn't happen, I am just saying I haven't seen it. I think there are fewer smokers out there.


I bowl overhand
Mrgaritavill said:
Is a cigarette really considered "litter" though? They are biodegradable (after some time anyway).
The cigarette is biodegrable EXCEPT the part you throw out the window. Tobacco will degrade, as well as the paper wrapper, but the plastic filter is not.. or at least not within several years time.. ON top of that over 2.1 BILLION pounds of them are discarded on roadsides around the world every year. So before this years batch of cigarette butts 'degrade' they've been joined by about a 10 - 20 BILLION pounds of additional butts.

Arounds here you'd think they degraded because they DO disappear.. into the drainage grates, and into the Bay..

AND if I remember correctly a used cigaretter filter is actually poisonous.. the chemicals from the cigarettes are so highly saturated in the filter that the filter can be deadly to children and small animals if ingested.

PS.. PM Vrai about further information.