Can Ehrlich Do This?


New Member
Originally posted by Kain99
Ever ask yourself why you, "Don't Care?" :wink:

I just told you. Because it does not affect me, my money, nor my family; and as far as I see, no one else either.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
ST, don't you ever get bored baiting people with your pretzel logic? Please show me where Ehrlich has had anything to do with what the Wash Post prints.

Again I say, anyone who thinks this is a big deal is a petty person with too much time on their hands. Wake me up when Ehrlich does something more scandalous than refusing to talk to the press. *yawn*

Baiting people? Into what? You like to claim that quite often, but as usual it has no merit.

Petty? Hello pot, this is kettle. By refusing media access to people who report anything from this one person seems pretty petty and stupid. if it isn't such a big deal, he should just get rid of his little childish mandate and let the press do their jobs without direct threats being made.


Originally posted by http
Its not that I don't like the story, I REALLY couldn't care!!!!! REALLY!!!!!

And that's why, you keep posting and posting and posting. :biggrin:


New Member
To Kain99

Just in case you're wondering, I won't be back for anymore responses. This is just as worthwhile and exciting as watching a bowl of soup cool. I tried, you win.


Football season!
Re: To Kain99

Originally posted by http
Just in case you're wondering, I won't be back for anymore responses. This is just as worthwhile and exciting as watching a bowl of soup cool. I tried, you win.

:nerd: :stooges: :loser: :weak:

Grow some pubes and then get back with us.


Re: To Kain99

Originally posted by http
Just in case you're wondering, I won't be back for anymore responses. This is just as worthwhile and exciting as watching a bowl of soup cool. I tried, you win.

Thanks for keeping us informed. You really are better than Ehrlich! :wink:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Re: To Kain99

Originally posted by http
Just in case you're wondering, I won't be back for anymore responses. This is just as worthwhile and exciting as watching a bowl of soup cool. I tried, you win.
:clap: NOW you get it! And not a moment too soon - some people have been sucked into nonsensical arguments like this and never been seen again!


Originally posted by http
No, the thread I care about (used to at least). The article, NO, I DON'T. Man do you confuse things. Do you take medicine for that?

Welcome to the Hotel California! :biggrin:


Football season!
Re: Re: To Kain99

Originally posted by vraiblonde
:clap: NOW you get it! And not a moment too soon - some people have been sucked into nonsensical arguments like this and never been seen again!

Didn't start as an argument, just a question. The extreme right wingers with the fox news ivs in their arms blew it into an argument.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by SmallTown
Perhaps Kain would have been better off saying "Should Ehrlich Do this" as opposed to "Can Ehrlich do this"
:yeahthat: Ehrlich can do it but is it politically wise? I would say, "no," because it generates discussions like this where a lot of people, regardless of their politics find his attitude offensive.

Ehrilch was elected governor in a state with a huge democratic majority, but people are not running out and changing parties. To me this says that people were voting against Townsend (and maybe Glendening) more than they were voting for Ehrilch. The voters are just biding their time until they can get a good Democrat in a position to run for governor instead of risking 8 years of Townsend.

Ehrilch needs to remember that Republican governors are few, far between and short lived if he wants to break that trend.


Football season!
Originally posted by http
Just in case you're wondering, I won't be back for anymore responses. This is just as worthwhile and exciting as watching a bowl of soup cool. I tried, you win.

Originally posted by http
No, the thread I care about (used to at least). The article, NO, I DON'T. Man do you confuse things. Do you take medicine for that?

So not only are you clueless, you lie as well!


Chairman of the Board
Originally posted by SmallTown

since you obviously didn't read the article, i'll post what the issue is.

" Any reporter who quotes Paulson in print or on the air will be shunned for seven days by Ehrlich's Republican administration.
No comments, no phone calls returned, no exceptions.

I *absolutely* read the article, and it is still on my desktop running in another instance of IE6. I wouldn't dream of commenting on something I hadn't read. Do YOU see my point? This is NON-news. Do you know what happens IF he relents? Wow - they GET to talk to him. Otherwise, no matter what, they can print anything they want. The media gets to talk to him. You do realize there are scores of people out there who won't talk to the press at ALL - what NERVE they must have! Not talking to the press. How can they do their job? Puh-lease. If he doesn't want to talk to them, so be it. Let the press talk about something else.

I'll do you a favor - aside from online interaction - *I* will refuse to talk to you, or anyone who brings up this Paulson guy for a *whole* week. Do you think you can handle the pain of it all?

I *knew* you could.

Have you ever heard of a politician ever say, "I'm not going to answer that question"? What, you think that is 'silencing' the press?


Football season!
Originally posted by Frank

Have you ever heard of a politician ever say, "I'm not going to answer that question"? What, you think that is 'silencing' the press?

And if Ehrlich has his way, there won't be any press members present to ask the question in the first place.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
And if Ehrlich has his way, there won't be any press members present to ask the question in the first place.
God, could we be that lucky? Especially those morons over at the Post - what an embarrassment.

Ehrlich's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. Period.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
God, could we be that lucky? Especially those morons over at the Post - what an embarrassment.

Ehrlich's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. Period.

Not like we asked him to do this so we could blast him for it.
Simply getting rid of this retarded gesture would make it all go away. But if he keeps pushing and keeps pushing, then eventually removes it (which he will have to at some point), then the longer he waits the more ammo the dems will have against him by saying things like "He only did it because of all the pressure, it isn't really what he wants to do" which is something we have heard before.