Can Ehrlich Do This?


Chairman of the Board
Originally posted by Kain99
The skies not falling but Ehrlichs support numbers will. :wink:

Don't bet on it. The general public can be counted on for two things - not giving a crap about what goes on in Annapolis, and ignoring trivial tempests in a teapot like this one.

Ok, I'm done commenting on this thread - I can't believe people are upset with this. And after reading up on Paulson, he's lucky that Ehrlich *won* - cause if he lost, if I were Ehrlich, I'd sock him in the kisser.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kain99
The skies not falling but Ehrlichs support numbers will. :wink:
You know as well as I do that it was a miracle he ever got elected in the first place; he'll have to fight the Democrats throughout his whole term; they'll paint him as a do-nothing, even though it's their fault nothing got accomplished; and he'll lose to some screamer liberal who wants to take all your money and stick in their pocket under the guise of "education".

If KKT had had maybe one more brain cell and a few less facial hairs, she'd have stomped Ehrlich on election day. How does it feel to be held hostage by inner cities and elitists who want to steal all your money and leave you defenseless in the face of criminals?


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
You know as well as I do that it was a miracle he ever got elected in the first place; he'll have to fight the Democrats throughout his whole term; they'll paint him as a do-nothing, even though it's their fault nothing got accomplished; and he'll lose to some screamer liberal who wants to take all your money and stick in their pocket under the guise of "education".

If KKT had had maybe one more brain cell and a few less facial hairs, she'd have stomped Ehrlich on election day. How does it feel to be held hostage by inner cities and elitists who want to steal all your money and leave you defenseless in the face of criminals?

Yet another reason I'm glad I don't live in Maryland anymore. The next election could be pretty bloody!


Originally posted by Frank
Ok, I'm done commenting on this thread - I can't believe people are upset with this.

All this foot stomping and door slamming is cracking me up! :roflmao:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
It would be nice if those posting their opinions would actually read the article instead of reading into it. No where does it say that the Governor did or said this. It says the communications shop did it. If anything it should be Shurick getting the heat.

I realize that most of you are used to the micro-management of the previous administration (namely so they could divert funds for their pet projects) but just because they work for the Governor doesn't mean that you can blame him for what they have done, which, by the way, is really nothing at all.

As Frank put it so very well they are just exercising a little freedom as to how they will deal with those that quote or print Paulson's jibberish.