Can you point me to one reference in an official Maryland Government statute, regulation, court opinion, official publication, leaflet, pamphlet or matchbook cover where the Government of Maryland uses the term "deadbeat"?JPC said:I do get that point. My objective is that when I get to the Maryland Legislature then I am going to change the laws and make them right. Bring justice to our system and take that ignorance out. Surely I do understand that at present they are wrong and I do know that, duh. That is what is called the lynch mob mentality where the majority think they are right and our present leaders do not have the stomach to stand up to the mob and tell them that they are wrong. I will put a stop to it because those biligerant slanders do not sway me as it does others.
On another note can you tell me what EXACTLY is wrong with the laws requiring the sprem donor to equally support his children?
Can you tell me EXACTLY why 99.9999999999% of people think that people who produce children should support them are ignorant and unjust and you being the .000000000001% are the one who has it right?