Can you believe it...


JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

BS Gal said:
The real issue is here that you contributed sperm, than refused to pay for the outcome of those swimming little guys. I thought sperm donor was a rather nice term to be used for you. You turned into a criminal because you refused to pay for the outcome of your sperm donorship program.
:bigwhoop: It is only that type of discussion that turns a blessed event into something dirty and crude. I do not know of any sperm donor any where in the whole planet earth. If you know of some then that is fine by me but I do not know any.

BS Gal said:
By the way, did you ever marry the woman you inpregnated? And if so, did you then just leave her with the child and refuse to support the child? Did you at least make some attempt to contribute to the child's upbringing, even if it wasn't financial? Did you attend school programs, did you have custody on weekends or once a week? What is the real story? Did you just leave or were you involved in the child's life? That is what confirms you as a deadbeat dad or not......
:bigwhoop: I really am not bashful about it all but I think I am not free to tell her business. I think that my ex-wife and me and others have come to reasonable terms now.

BS Gal said:
One further question: What, at this point in his/her life, does your child think of you? Do you have a relationship? Does he/she respect you? Do you go to lunch together?
:bigwhoop: Again, I am not free to just tell my son's business. I think my son and I have come to terms.

BS Gal said:
Also, were you at Shoppers Food Warehouse today buying chips, cheetos and a bunch of soda? I think I recognized you in the cracker dept.
:bigwhoop: Shoppers Food Wharehouse does have the best prices and best selections - I think, but I try hard to give all my support to the businesses directly in my area so I go to Food Lion in Lex Park.

:coffee: ----------------------------- :howdy:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

willie said:
I don't think you should be proud of that.
:bigwhoop: Perhaps you do not think so. I am proud of her second husband for closing the case. It must have been hard for him to do but maybe he was just wise and maybe it was his pleasure, I never talked to him about it and some six months later he too died of cancer.

I see nothing there to be ashamed of.

:popcorn: ------------------- :coffee:


JPC said:
:bigwhoop: I think I really have answered the question. That you do not like my answer is some thing I can not reply to. I am going to change the child support laws so that scenerio becomes meaningless.

:popcorn: For my own child support case, my ex-wife died at the age of 38 from cancer (God bless her) and our only child was then 17 and a half years old. Thus I told the child support enforcement office that I was then the single parent but instead BOSE (Bureau of Support Enforcement) said (without any Court hearing) that I must then pay the child support to her second husband. I was in arrears by some $27,000., and BOSE said I was to pay her second husband the arrears too. Then when I was in the SMCDC (jail) for spray painting the County Courthouse with "child support thieves" then the newly married widowed husband of my deseased ex-wife told BOSE to close the child support case and they sent me notice of the case being closed while I was in the Detention Center but I did still finish my time sentence for the spray painting.

Thus my child support case is over and the system still needs reform.

:bigwhoop: ---------------------------- :howdy:
So you never actually paid off your child support obligation. You just outlived the people you screwed over. Lucky you.


JPC said:
I see nothing there to be ashamed of.

No, nothing.

Except for going to jail for something as asinine and juvenile as destruction of public property, and then costing the taxpayers loads of money to clean that mess up - and then even more to feed your ass while you were in jail.

And except for ripping your own child off for $27,000 : at the expense of people who probably could have used that money for cancer treatement.

Nothing at all to be ashamed of.


New Member

Please give me the differences between you and your opponent that would convince me to support you. All I have heard is child support issues and growth. Growth by the way is handled at the local level.

Give me some other issues. You know ifthere is a viable Republican opponent, the 29B seat may very well flip to Republican with the demographics in the district.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

Toxick said:
No, nothing.

Except for going to jail for something as asinine and juvenile as destruction of public property, and then costing the taxpayers loads of money to clean that mess up - and then even more to feed your ass while you were in jail.
:bigwhoop: I think that spray painting the Court House was a cleaver act of non violent civil disobediance. I was so pleased and proud of it that I waited for the cop to get there and gave him the spray can as evidence. That first spray painting was the first time I actually struck back against the unjust abusers and so it was a small misdameanor but it was big time fun for me.

Toxick said:
And except for ripping your own child off for $27,000 : at the expense of people who probably could have used that money for cancer treatement.
:bigwhoop: Nobody got ripped off. The Court made up the $27,000. out of thin air and it was all a fraud just like it is for others too.

Toxick said:
Nothing at all to be ashamed of.
:popcorn: When other people do wrong to me as they did then it is their shame and not mine.

:popcorn: ---------------------------- :coffee:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
JPC said:
...Truth and justice use to be the American way ...
:dingfriesaredone:"Truth, justice, and the American way" is from the intro to the original Superman TV show. It is nowhere to be found in any of the founding documents of the United States.

Are you intelligent enough to get a job in fast food? How about ditch digging?


JPC said:
:bigwhoop: I think that spray painting the Court House was a cleaver act of non violent civil disobediance.

What's your definition of clever? Because it is apparently way different than the definition I normally use.

JPC said:
I was so pleased and proud of it that I waited for the cop to get there and gave him the spray can as evidence.

More "clever"ness, I see.

JPC said:
That first spray painting was the first time I actually struck back against the unjust abusers and so it was a small misdameanor but it was big time fun for me.


Except, I wonder how much of my tax money was used to clean it all up, and then to support your "clever" jailbird self for the next few years. Money I could have used to buy my wife something nice - or get my kids a few pairs of sneakers - or to buy myself a few movies, or gadgets... or a few extra tanks of gas.

Money that I earned, which was involuntarily taken from me, and then used to support a degenerate vandal.

JPC said:
Nobody got ripped off.

Except for your kid.

And except your ex-wife who had to take up your slack because she was forced to.

And her husband, who helped her with that burden, even though he didn't have to.

They got ripped off big-time.

JPC said:
The Court made up the $27,000. out of thin air and it was all a fraud just like it is for others too.

Of course they did. That's what the Court is known for... For making stuff like that up. That's what they do. Just ask all the people in this forum who have dealt with them.

Believe what you want.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

JPC said:
When other people do wrong to me as they did then it is their shame and not mine.

Your self-delusion is incredible.

I'll give you one thing, you're persistant, and you can take the heat. I wish other politicians - make that all politicians - would come on here and deal with their (would-be) constituents in the same manner as you have.

Having said that, I'd still rather vote for a pithed frog.

A pithed communist frog.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

Footballfreak said:

Please give me the differences between you and your opponent that would convince me to support you. All I have heard is child support issues and growth. Growth by the way is handled at the local level.

Give me some other issues. You know if there is a viable Republican opponent, the 29B seat may very well flip to Republican with the demographics in the district.
:bigwhoop: The two big issues for my platform are quite enough to run on and they do affect all the citizens whether Democrat or Republican.

First the injustices going on about child support directly affect no less then half of the entire population of the whole Country and certainly half of all Maryland homes too. It will be hard work for me to get it reformed but I am confident that I can do it. My opponent only does as his superiors tell him to do. His entire record is nothing but feeding the greed from the Navy Base at the expence of the general population. The SMC Detention Center is crammed full and very many of the inmates are deadbroke parents being deadlocked for child support and taking up space and costing some $25,000. per year per inmate to try to force their families to pay up a $1,000. to $5,000. ransom and my opponent is only interested in filling up Steny Hoyer's greedy ambitions.

The second part of my platform to stop the greed driven growth into St. Mary's County is very large in application. The schools are overcrowded because of their greed. In 29B we have classroom trailers burned down and my opponent said nothing but to keep feeding their greed at the population's expence. The roads are inadequate, the jail overloaded, the police is under staffed, the water table overdrawn, the entire infrastructure is overloaded and my opponent brags about his greedy successes. THe price of property is super inflated because they are bringing more people into our overcrowded area and I will put a stop to it. The price of rent is to high for the working class but my opponent is feeding the big business and never looks down to see what the working class is doing. This is not reflecting the values of the Democrat Party but it is not even sensible government. Even Republicans must see that over running our community is reprehencible and to do it is a betrayal of the people's trust and a betrayal of their positions. They do not have any right to feed their wanton greed over our home and I will put a stop to it.

Any other issue that is separate from these two are minor indeed.

:coffee: ------------------------ :popcorn:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
JPC said:
... Where is the odds?????? ...
That would be correctly stated, "Where are they at odds?" In your question, "Where is the odds?", the verb is singular but the subject is plural. You do realize that laws must be written in proper English? Do you know how to use proper English constructs? The evidence presented indicates that you do not.

To answer your question, one would have to answer, "Where the bets are being placed."


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Seems to me someone ought to forward some JPC's posts to the major media outlets down here... the Post, the Times, St. Mary's Today :rolleyes:. And Vrai ought to run a front page story on using some of his comments.

Get the word out on what a :dork: this guy is.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Shall Set Us All Free.

sleuth said:
Seems to me someone ought to forward some JPC's posts to the major media outlets down here... the Post, the Times, St. Mary's Today :rolleyes:. And Vrai ought to run a front page story on using some of his comments.

Get the word out on what a :dork: this guy is.
:bigwhoop: See this post demonstrates the difference between me and others, because I do the action myself, I go out to get the job done as I will in this election. I do not get ideas and then tell others to do it because that way it is only words and nothing gets done. When I want some thing done then I do it. It is I that will get the message out to 29B, and there is no need to worry that I will not. So thanks for the suggestion but advertising my campaign is well in hand.

:popcorn: -------------------------- :coffee:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
sleuth said:
And Vrai ought to run a front page story on using some of his comments.
Oh pish. Cusick running for HoD is no different than Angelyne running for Governor of California. In this great country ANYONE can run for office, regardless of race, creed, color or mental health. Most of us think his platform is silly, but his very campaign is a testament to this great nation.


I say, "Go get 'em, Tiger!" :clap:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

sleuth said:
Seems to me someone ought to forward some JPC's posts to the major media outlets down here... the Post, the Times, St. Mary's Today :rolleyes:. And Vrai ought to run a front page story on using some of his comments.

Get the word out on what a :dork: this guy is.
:coffee: No, do not do that. I have it all under control. Just let me take care of all the newspapers. I got it all figured out.

:popcorn: --------------------- :howdy:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
JPC said:
Just let me take care of all the newspapers. I got it all figured out.
I honestly don't think anyone could possibly do you justice. Your own words are perfect for expressing your platform. :yay: