Canada, Greenland, and Gulf of America


Well-Known Member
Why are people acting like name changes and territory expansions are so unheard of? I'm guessing because it's Trump :cds: ?

These are the exact same people who cheered on the EU. :dork:

I'd like to have an opinion on this but I haven't heard anyone with half a brain say why it's a bad thing. Who wants to educate me?
I think Trump should have said "We're going to change the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of Martin Luther King Jr." The left would have simultaneously imploded and exploded.

Choke on it, biatches!


Well-Known Member
The claim is national security, since it won't be long before the Arctic will be mostly clear - and Russia can move in - with China not far behind, because territorial integrity isn't high on their list. There's too much to exploit and too easy to come at us.