Can't teach an old dog...


This Space for Rent
new tricks...

I guess they are going with the same playbook as last time. Despite massive gains over the years by Republicans, they still are trying to paint Republicans as illegitimate winners (stealers of elections). After all, they must hang on to their DU MichaelMoore Conspiracy wanna hump the fruitcakes of the left radical crowd who own them through the I mean, those people are who have brought them so far over the last years. :rolleyes:
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FromTexas said:
new tricks...

I guess they are going with the same playbook as last time. Despite massive gains over the years by Republicans, they still are trying to paint Republicans as illegitimate winners (stealers of elections). After all, they must hang on to their DU MichaelMoore Conspiracy wanna hump the fruitcakes of the left radical crowd who own them through the I mean, those people are who have brought them so far over the last years. :rolleyes:

They have even more grim news on the horizon - in 2010, the House will once again redistrict, and it is the Blue states that will be losing representatives to the Red states. There's probably zero chance that the House will ever go Democratic in my lifetime - unless they change their tune.

Worse, the Red states are getting redder and growing in population - more popular votes, more electoral votes. Unless the Electoral College goes away - and it won't - by 2010, a Republican could actually LOSE several 'battleground' states and *still* win the White House.

Migration to the Red States is also occurring, because real estate values are forcing people to leave the Blue states to enter Red ones.

And lastly, what I've said before - you don't GAIN votes, you don't *persuade* voters by telling them they're *STUPID*. So far, the word seems to be, 2008 is going to be Hillary's contest. After this last election, does anyone think that the Red states will take that lying down?


This Space for Rent
Kerry actually is in full mode already to prep himself back for 2008. It will be interesting to see Hillary and him wrestle it out.


Not dead yet.
FromTexas said:
Kerry actually is in full mode already to prep himself back for 2008. It will be interesting to see Hillary and him wrestle it out.

THAT would be a very short fight. The popular mushy groundswell for Shrillary and a return to the "good ol' days" of the 1990's would destroy Kerry. Unfortunately for the Democrats there is probably no worse candidate because the mere fact that she was running would super-energize the Republican base.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
FromTexas said:
Kerry actually is in full mode already to prep himself back for 2008. It will be interesting to see Hillary and him wrestle it out.
He doesn't seem to get that he was nominated by virtue of being the least interesting or controversial. It's like 1988 all over again - large field of contenders, the most *BORING* one gets the nomination. Nixon's the only one in modern history to "come back" - everyone else falls quickly into obscurity. Parties don't like to re-nominate a loser.

Kerry's famed ego probably won't allow him to see this. He may not believe the data that said that many who voted for him were voting against Bush, and quite honestly did not like *him*.


Lovin' being Texican
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said:
"This is their only opportunity to have this debate while the country is listening."

I'm sorry. Did you say something while I was ignoring you?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Lenny said:
I'm sorry. Did you say something while I was ignoring you?
I was listening to WMAL this morning on the way to the bus, and one of the morning hosts mentioned that the behavior the Democrats are exhibiting much resembles that of a *permanent* minority view - whining, bellyaching and moving on to the NEXT whine and bellyache.

Because a party that has any real hope to gain a lead in the nation's politics finds a way to offer alternatives, make cogent arguments, and address ACTUAL legitimate concerns. It's the response of a teenager to his parents, and not the response of an adult child.

It's not so much calling the behavior immature, but whether it is deliberate or not, a group that knows it doesn't actually wield power is reduced to this. When you KNOW you have the support of the American public, you don't whine - you actually accomplish something.

Expect more of the same - no solutions, just whines.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think you guys are wrong on Hill...

...first off Kerry is going NO WHERE. The guy ran a campaign so poorly that the legacy of un-answered questions (swift boats, what would you do in Iraq) and complete absence of even one cohesive, exciting idea and ZERO exciting personality quotient will leave him on the sidelines before the ball gets rolling in the Dem primary.

I said during their primary, he is the ONLY one of the major candidates who could NOT win. There's nothing there. Lefty voting record. Bland. Blah. Dud. He still came close being a total loser.

Hillary, like her or not, is STAR power. Her #1 spokesman, Bill, is STAR power.
She has built a very moderate, for a Dem, Senate voting record. She is on the right side of the major issues. She is hard wired to the fund raising apperatus. She does not have a shrill record in the Senate of saying stupid, inflamatory things. She is not a Soros/DU/Moore/Daschle dope. She has the one HUGE thing Lurch lacked; an acceptable record as a national figure.

She also has the one thing opponents admire; personal strength. That takes the edge off of opposition.

And, who's her opponent?


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I think it will be an interesting campaign. I can't think of even one person whom the right has ever disliked as deeply and viscerally as Hillary Clinton. I think every Republican who has ever lived will show up at the polls.

I have, however, always been disappointed by the Republican's ability to create the next generation of leadership. They need to cultivate it, rather than hope for one to show up in four years. I've heard Bill Frist's name come up - the man is way too dull. He might be a good man, but he's got the Kerry boring stuff all over him. The others I've heard are Giuliani and McCain (who's already made it clear he IS running in '08). Jeb Bush is a remote possibility but he's just not generating the enthusiasm.

I think what MIGHT be interesting is if Cheney could resign for health reasons in a couple years, and give Bush a shot at putting a potential '08 candidate in the VP position, since Cheney WON'T be running, and there's really little likelihood that Rice or Powell will either.


This Space for Rent
huntr1 said:
That's what I want to know, because I don't think Cheney could win.

Cheney doesn't want to run. He has said so many times. Same with Powell.

Rice would be interesting because a white dem male couldn't run against a black woman in their normal manner. It would be funny watching them try not to make republicans hate black/women comments. They couldn't run on who is closer to the minorities. It would be funny for so many reasons related to that. I don't think she should run, but watching dems squirm trying not to hit the black or woman thing again and again...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
FromTexas said:
watching dems squirm trying not to hit the black or woman thing again and again...
That would be fun. But I don't think Condi is Presidential material. She's more of a support player, I think. When you think about it, the President is more a figurehead than anything - he has a zillion advisors and Cabinet members who bring him the goods, then he signs off based on their advice.

I think Condi is more valuable as a player, not a rubber stamp. She's too smart to waste it being President.


This Space for Rent
vraiblonde said:
That would be fun. But I don't think Condi is Presidential material. She's more of a support player, I think. When you think about it, the President is more a figurehead than anything - he has a zillion advisors and Cabinet members who bring him the goods, then he signs off based on their advice.

I think Condi is more valuable as a player, not a rubber stamp. She's too smart to waste it being President.

Oh, I dont think she should be Prez either. I just love the idea of the laughs.

She is trying to put down the black man! She is out to get women!


Larry Gude

Strung Out
It would be insane...

...from the party standpoint if Cheney stays full term and doesn't intend to run.

I've said before I expect to see the next candidate appear in time to support mid term elections. We'll know by Spring '06.

I think Sams wrong about Hillary. She is moving her image to the right with her record, not her rhetoric and she is one tough woman.

I'd take her over McCain right now. He should be in jail for McCain/Feingold and if nothing else should be recongized as being cataclysmicaly stupid. It is the worst peice of legislation I can think of. She was wrong with her healthcare scheme but she was stopped. She invites, as it should be, challenge. McCain gets a free pass and that is DANGEROUS.

I like tough women.


Well-Known Member
Boxer, Tubbs Jones and several other Democrats, including many black lawmakers, hoped the showdown would underscore the problems such as missing voting machines and unusually long lines that plagued some Ohio districts, many in minority neighborhoods, on Nov. 2.

I liked the part where Boxer cried.


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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
I'd take her over McCain right now.
I HATE John McCain. I think he is an idiot of gargantuan proportions.

Hillary vs. McCain. Socialized health care vs. Soviet-style media.

That choice, to me, is obvious. And you have to wonder what Bush was thinking when he signed that fantastically un-American bill.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Let's see...

Boxer, Tubbs Jones and several other Democrats, including many black lawmakers, hoped the showdown would underscore the problems such as missing voting machines and unusually long lines that plagued some Ohio districts, many in minority neighborhoods, on Nov. 2.

Minority districts. Presumably represented both in the state house and Dc

And it's, somehow, W's personal fault. Dick Cheney runs around with his gold watch 'You're getting sleepy, you are a stupid will make sure things are all effed up in your precinct...'

Same thing in Florida. Democratic chads and other idiocy.

We've reached the point where the law is suppossed to intervene and help Democrats who can't, or won't, help themselves.

"You are responsible for what I do to myself"

And it sells.

It actually gets attention.


Lovin' being Texican
Larry Gude said:
Hillary, like her or not, is STAR power. Her #1 spokesman, Bill, is STAR power. She has built a very moderate, for a Dem, Senate voting record. She is on the right side of the major issues. She is hard wired to the fund raising apperatus. She does not have a shrill record in the Senate of saying stupid, inflamatory things. She is not a Soros/DU/Moore/Daschle dope. She has the one HUGE thing Lurch lacked; an acceptable record as a national figure.

AND she's the one to convince Kerry to vote for granting the President authority to invade Iraq. Don't you just know she did that to sabotage Kerry's changes in 2004?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
We've reached the point where the law is suppossed to intervene and help Democrats who can't, or won't, help themselves.

"You are responsible for what I do to myself"

And it sells.

It actually gets attention.
Yes, we just had a little lesson in that today. :whistle: