Capital punishment


New Member
Do you think that we should abolish capital punishment (i.e. death penalty) because we have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Or do you think that capital punishment is needed and a necessity for some of the people in jail?
Do you think that we should abolish capital punishment (i.e. death penalty) because we have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Or do you think that capital punishment is needed and a necessity for some of the people in jail?
I'm all for capital punishment and believe it is extremely underused in America.


24/7 Single Dad
Do you think that we should abolish capital punishment (i.e. death penalty) because we have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

I think we need capital punishment for the folks that have removed other people's right to LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness


Hell yes I believe in capital punishment and I also believe in an eye for an eye!!! I have always believed the criminal should suffer the same fate as his victims!!! :wench:


New Member

For those who think capital punishment should be abolished-you'd change your outlook IF you were a victim of crime-trust me!:yay:


New Member
I would take it a step further. I would give all those that are serving long or life sentences an opportunity to opt for an injection after so many years behind bars. Wonder how many would take it up? Seems humane to me.


Active Member
I am all for capital punishment. I think we really need to start using it more. I also beleive that once you are sentenced to needs to be executed in a reasonable time.


In My Opinion
I dont s why you should g t away with a crim just b caus you liv in th capitol city vs th suburbs.

th y got my " 's" too


New Member
They get convicted of a Capitol crime. They get automatic appeal, new trial, they get convicted second time, They get executed that night.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
it is precisely...

Do you think that we should abolish capital punishment (i.e. death penalty) because we have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Or do you think that capital punishment is needed and a necessity for some of the people in jail?

...because we have an inalienable right to life that we must consider the death penalty for those who unjustly take the life of another.