Cap's Thread?


Free Rent
You'd have to see it to believe it.

Knuble's right butt-cheek hair grazed Halak and they waved off the goal. That call was atrocious.

Don't forget the atrocious non-call in game 2 where Halak was basically pushed down and the Crapitals shot into an open net. 4th goal IIRC.


Football addict
Caps guy forced himself between the D-man and the goalie in the corner of the crease, when he could have easily skated in front of the D-man. He knew what he was doing.

Montreal had a goal waived off later for the exact same call. Correct call in both cases.
Knuble didn't even touch him. Halak flopped when he knew he couldn't protect the goal.

The other play you're referring is obvious goalie interference. The HAB clearly rushed into the goalie full force.

The Knuble play isn't called 95% of the time, especially in the playoffs because it's a fluke bad call.


Football addict
Don't forget the atrocious non-call in game 2 where Halak was basically pushed down and the Crapitals shot into an open net. 4th goal IIRC.
Oh, you mean the one where his own defender ran into him?

Yeah, that was great!:yahoo:


Free Rent
What's really great is that the Crapitals couldn't find the net even with 6, 5, or 4 against 10 on the ice. :yahoo:


This. ------------------>
Knuble didn't even touch him. Halak flopped when he knew he couldn't protect the goal.

Bull. Knuble intentionally chose to skate between the D-Man and Halak, by cutting across the crease. The correct call was made.

And even if your homerism prevents you from seeing that, you can't blame losing a 7 game series to one "bad" call.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Bull. Knuble intentionally chose to skate between the D-Man and Halak, by cutting across the crease. The correct call was made.

And even if your homerism prevents you from seeing that, you can't blame losing a 7 game series to one "bad" call.

Knubble did slide in there. However, the d backed into him a bit and that nudged him into Halak. I won't call it a terrible call but, I do think it could have been let go.


This. ------------------>
Knubble did slide in there. However, the d backed into him a bit and that nudged him into Halak. I won't call it a terrible call but, I do think it could have been let go.

That's why there wasn't a penalty called on Knuble. He didn't intentionally run into Halak, but he did intentionally enter the crease, and did make incidental contact with Halak, preventing him from establishing position.

Official Rules - Rule 69: Interference on the Goalkeeper - - Rules

69.3 Contact Inside the Goal Crease - If an attacking player initiates contact with a goalkeeper, incidental or otherwise, while the goalkeeper is in his goal crease, and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed.

If a goalkeeper, in the act of establishing his position within his goal crease, initiates contact with an attacking player who is in the goal crease, and this results in an impairment of the goalkeeper’s ability to defend his goal, and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed.

If, after any contact by a goalkeeper who is attempting to establish position in his goal crease, the attacking player does not immediately vacate his current position in the goal crease (i.e. give ground to the goalkeeper), and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed. In all such cases, whether or not a goal is scored, the attacking player will receive a minor penalty for goalkeeper interference.

If an attacking player establishes a significant position within the goal crease, so as to obstruct the goalkeeper’s vision and impair his ability to defend his goal, and a goal is scored, the goal will be disallowed.

For this purpose, a player “establishes a significant position within the crease” when, in the Referee’s judgment, his body, or a substantial portion thereof, is within the goal crease for more than an instantaneous period of time.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's why there wasn't a penalty called on Knuble. He didn't intentionally run into Halak, but he did intentionally enter the crease, and did make incidental contact with Halak, preventing him from establishing position.

I argue no d man, no contact. Knubble was not, in my view, going to make contact until he was nudged into Halak.

Knubble did not, in my view initiate the contact. There was at least a hairs breadth between them, maybe two! :lol:


Football addict
Bull. Knuble intentionally chose to skate between the D-Man and Halak, by cutting across the crease. The correct call was made.

And even if your homerism prevents you from seeing that, you can't blame losing a 7 game series to one "bad" call.
Your hate for the Caps shows. Nearly every sports writer called it controversial at the very least.

As I mentioned previously, one call doesn't make the series but that was sure an abomination considering the time. Pens fans would have been up in arms if the same call was made against Crosby in a game 7. What's bull is that it was called.

