Cartoonist Slammed As 'Racist' For Serena Williams Cartoon


Well-Known Member
You found a great picture of her that hides a lot of her masculinity. Here are some other pictures of her:

I'm sure she's a fashion icon (I have NO idea) off the court. However, on the court, she wears tennis gear that is outside the norm of other tennis players, thus my comment. While I am not a fervent follower of tennis, I do know she was prohibited from wearing at least one outfit at the tournament in question, showing she is rather out of the mainstream in her on-court fashion desires.

That was a great point made by Vrai - good job in grabbing ahold of it!

I can only guess why he did that, not to exclude the idea that he had less idea of who she was, or the idea that the little pony tail made her appear in the comic as the very young girl she is? You'd have to ask.

But, caricaturing someone is not racist, so you're wrong on that. :buddies:[/QUOTE]

Usually I would agree with you that things Vrail said are best ignored but in this case it was a deliberate attempt to highlight the differences between Serena and her opponent.

A caricature is not inherently racist. Putting me on a surfboard on the boardwalk is a caricature.

This was a deliberate attempt to make her look "primitive" or " aboriginal"
The reason for which we can assume is racist.

If you don't see the racism in the drawing then perhaps you are part of the problem.

in the 1970's a white woman wore the exact same catsuit at wimbledon. It caused controversy then but serna hardly wear unconventional clothes for one of the most famous athletes on the planet.

Have you seen what Agassi used to wear? Or Dennis Rodman?

Muscles do not necessarily make a person masculine. Does she have a feminine voice? Does she have a beard?


PREMO Member
This was a deliberate attempt to make her look "primitive" or " aboriginal"

The reason for which we can assume is racist.

you have no FACTS so you Assume .......

Here you earn this once again : Fantasy, Supposition, Innuendo and Unfounded OPINION


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
It wasn't that big a deal. Serena yelled at him, argued with him, and in the heat of the moment she said that because he robbed her of a point, he was also a thief.

If Serena had left it at that, and kept her mouth shut, she would have gotten off with just a warning. But abusing her racket and increasing the vocalizations are what cost her the point, and then the game.

1) Many of the men who have been shown cussing and ranting have also gotten a warning and then a point. At that point, I don't believe I have heard of any continuing the rant to receive a game forfeiture.
2) Just because the men do this is no reason to loosen the women to do it ad lib.
3) Serena is jumping the shark these days, so she should expect to lose to up-and-coming youngsters (this was her second lost to this particular challenger this year).

black dog

Free America
Muscles do not necessarily make a person masculine. Does she have a feminine voice? Does she have a beard?

having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with men, especially strength and aggressiveness.
"he is outstandingly handsome and robust, very masculine"
synonyms: virile, macho, manly, muscular, muscly, strong, strapping, well built, rugged, robust, brawny, heavily built, powerful, red-blooded, vigorous.

You also used he made her look primitive.
Do I need to say more?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Had he drawn the opponent with asian features, the ignorati like you would have hyperventilated that he is racist for drawing her like a 1960s comic strip.

You bring up a good point. If he drew Serena to look like a Ubangi headhunter, why didn't he draw Naomi with slanted eyes, buck teeth, and a coolie hat? I mean, it's a caricature, right?



Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
You bring up a good point. If he drew Serena to look like a Ubangi headhunter, why didn't he draw Naomi with slanted eyes, buck teeth, and a coolie hat? I mean, it's a caricature, right?


Her only purpose in the picture is so the ref can make his speech. She's one small step above the audience.


Well-Known Member
Usually I would agree with you that things Vrail said are best ignored but in this case it was a deliberate attempt to highlight the differences between Serena and her opponent.

I never said that things Vrai says are "best ignored". I said she made a great point, and it was uncharacteristically wise of you to grab her point, because surely you have never had an independent thought on your own.

However, we agree it was meant to highlight the obvious differences between Williams and the winner. Good job!

A caricature is not inherently racist. Putting me on a surfboard on the boardwalk is a caricature.

If you don't know what a word means, you can always go to They can teach you. Putting you on a surfboard on a boardwalk is NOT a caricature. Here's the definition:
View attachment 124811
Now you know!

This was a deliberate attempt to make her look "primitive" or " aboriginal"

That is in YOUR head. This is the problem I have with your and Toxick's characterization - it is what YOU see in it. If you see "primitive" or "aboriginal", that is what YOU see, not what was drawn.

The reason for which we can assume is racist.

YES, now you get it - YOUR take on it is racist. Not the drawing, but what it invokes inside of YOU. :dingding:

If you don't see the racism in the drawing then perhaps you are part of the problem.

No, Sap, being connected to reality is NOT a problem.

in the 1970's a white woman wore the exact same catsuit at wimbledon. It caused controversy then but serna hardly wear unconventional clothes for one of the most famous athletes on the planet.

You're going to have to re-write that in English for me to respond.

Have you seen what Agassi used to wear? Or Dennis Rodman?

Would you call them "in line with the norm"? If you would, it would be yet another time you would be wrong.

See, being outside the norm does not require being singular. Just outside the norm.

Muscles do not necessarily make a person masculine. Does she have a feminine voice? Does she have a beard?

Never heard her speak. Never cared, as I do not follow tennis pretty much at all. Having a beard does not, in and of itself, make someone masculine, nor does having muscles. You're, again, asking me to defend positions I never took.


Well-Known Member
You bring up a good point. If he drew Serena to look like a Ubangi headhunter, why didn't he draw Naomi with slanted eyes, buck teeth, and a coolie hat? I mean, it's a caricature, right?


Because the caricature was of Williams, not the winner. That's why she and the ref are so small, and Williams is so large - the comic is about HER, not the others. She is the one being lampooned, not anyone else.


PREMO Member
Just wanted to pop in here to say, I don't give a #### about Serena or Osaka!

That is all.


That is in YOUR head. This is the problem I have with your and Toxick's characterization - it is what YOU see in it. If you see "primitive" or "aboriginal", that is what YOU see, not what was drawn.

YES, now you get it - YOUR take on it is racist. Not the drawing, but what it invokes inside of YOU. :dingding:

Aha... so I am the racist because I see the image as a racist thing.
Makes perfect sense.

Well, pedantic horse#### aside, I'll stand by my original remark that anyone who doesn't see it is in denial, or is ####ing retarded.


Well-Known Member
Aha... so I am the racist because I see the image as a racist thing.
Makes perfect sense.

Well, pedantic horse#### aside, I'll stand by my original remark that anyone who doesn't see it is in denial, or is ####ing retarded.

I don't think YOU are racist, I think your interpretation of the drawing is racist. IN CONTEXT, it's a muscular and out-spoken woman being caricatured for her childish outburst and violent reaction. YOU see the drawing as caricaturing her ethnicity, even after admitting you don't think the artist meant it that way.

Well, if the artist didn't mean it that way, then isn't it reasonable to consider it actually is NOT that way, and that the interpretation is the problem?

He caricatured her features and her antics. That, in an of itself, is not racist. YOU don't have to be racist to see it that way - you've been programmed by decades of cultural disinformation suggesting showing black people in a bad light is racist. It's not when it is accurate.

:buddies: No ill-will or accusation to YOU was intended, and I will apologize to you if I came across wrong about YOU. :notworthy


Well-Known Member
I never said that things Vrai says are "best ignored". I said she made a great point, and it was uncharacteristically wise of you to grab her point, because surely you have never had an independent thought on your own.

However, we agree it was meant to highlight the obvious differences between Williams and the winner. Good job!

If you don't know what a word means, you can always go to They can teach you. Putting you on a surfboard on a boardwalk is NOT a caricature. Here's the definition:
View attachment 124811
Now you know!

That is in YOUR head. This is the problem I have with your and Toxick's characterization - it is what YOU see in it. If you see "primitive" or "aboriginal", that is what YOU see, not what was drawn.

YES, now you get it - YOUR take on it is racist. Not the drawing, but what it invokes inside of YOU. :dingding:

No, Sap, being connected to reality is NOT a problem.

You're going to have to re-write that in English for me to respond.

Would you call them "in line with the norm"? If you would, it would be yet another time you would be wrong.

See, being outside the norm does not require being singular. Just outside the norm.

Never heard her speak. Never cared, as I do not follow tennis pretty much at all. Having a beard does not, in and of itself, make someone masculine, nor does having muscles. You're, again, asking me to defend positions I never took.

You sound an awful lot of time trying to defend being racist when it would be so much easier to just not be racist and espouse racist beliefs. We could have avoided this whole thread.

And look Nike's stock is soaring. It really doesn't pay to be a racist these days.