Cartoonist Slammed As 'Racist' For Serena Williams Cartoon

black dog

Free America
Thanks for proving my point. I can always count on you, sweetie.

Your need to degrade people while touting yourself, is all we need to know about you. You must be miserable. :huggy:

Do you ever post anything worthwhile? Really, do you ever post knowledge that you might possess that is worth posting that would be construed as being positive in a thread?

Degrade people,. Its funny that you post that comment, You yourself have repeatedly degraded my time spent in the Armed Services, how I run my life, choices in my life, how I have raised my son and so on. All without anything to backup your silly untruthful statements.
Now, I've never posted anything that YOU yourself have posted or ive read in the local paper or other websites... Quite a few folks besides board mommy don't like you here, it's amazing and sad the amount of information and links that other members have PM'ed me in the past few years about your instability and your drug addict felon son.
Here's my son... A responsible 19 year old serving his country, he's not a felon, He's a Marine... My sons Not getting free room and board at a drug halfway house..
So who here, seems to be the responsible parent you ####ing nut?


He's an Australian.

Whatever - he's not a puppy, or a bumpkin without internet access, is my point.

Is it your suggestion that a black person being caricatured would then by definition always be a racist thing? Do you see no way to caricature a black person without it being racist?

We just went through 8 years worth of caricatures of Obama. The only racist ones I saw were deliberate and conscious ones, drawn by mouth breathing troglodytes. None of the ones I saw in a publication worth a #### were racist.

But, it didn't crop up here.

I disagree.

And as I stated at the very beginning of the futile exercise in verbal masturbation, arguing about it would be pointless, because you refuse to see what in front of your face. Several days later I still see no progress in approaching any sort of intellectual resolution - which, as I said, was unattainable.


Well-Known Member
We just went through 8 years worth of caricatures of Obama. The only racist ones I saw were deliberate and conscious ones, drawn by mouth breathing troglodytes. None of the ones I saw in a publication worth a #### were racist.

Ok, so we can agree that simply providing a caricature of someone is not racist. :yay:

I disagree.

And as I stated at the very beginning of the futile exercise in verbal masturbation, arguing about it would be pointless, because you refuse to see what in front of your face. Several days later I still see no progress in approaching any sort of intellectual resolution - which, as I said, was unattainable.

With all due respect, you are generally much better than this. You are better than assuming that a disagreement is equal to a lack of intellectual conversation. You normally know better, I am not sure why you are unable to accept that here.

So, you believe the drawing to be racist. Racism requires (by definition) an implication of superiority of one race or inferiority of one race. Which one of those things does this drawing do?


Well-Known Member
Ok, so we can agree that simply providing a caricature of someone is not racist. :yay:

With all due respect, you are generally much better than this. You are better than assuming that a disagreement is equal to a lack of intellectual conversation. You normally know better, I am not sure why you are unable to accept that here.

So, you believe the drawing to be racist. Racism requires (by definition) an implication of superiority of one race or inferiority of one race. Which one of those things does this drawing do?

They don't use the dictionary definition, they have their own made up definition in which only white people can be racist.


Ok, so we can agree that simply providing a caricature of someone is not racist.

Never once have I made this statement. I never even implied it.

With all due respect, you are generally much better than this. You are better than assuming that a disagreement is equal to a lack of intellectual conversation. You normally know better, I am not sure why you are unable to accept that here.

Because I've seen the picture.

So, you believe the drawing to be racist. Racism requires (by definition) an implication of superiority of one race or inferiority of one race. Which one of those things does this drawing do?

Inferiority of a race - he drew Williams in the same vein as an old-style cartoon headhunter a la Bugs Bunny.

Pretty sure I've covered this ground before.


They don't use the dictionary definition, they have their own made up definition in which only white people can be racist.

Who, exactly, is "they"?

And please cite where I've implied that only white people can be racist.

I anxiously await your response with bated - nay, held - breath.


Well-Known Member
Never once have I made this statement. I never even implied it.

Because I've seen the picture.

Inferiority of a race - he drew Williams in the same vein as an old-style cartoon headhunter a la Bugs Bunny.

Pretty sure I've covered this ground before.

That doesn't imply inferiority of a race.


Well-Known Member
They don't use the dictionary definition, they have their own made up definition in which only white people can be racist.

Well, they have the point that if this were 70 years ago and it was a generic tennis player, the representation of a generic black female tennis player would be highly derogatory, and thus could reasonably assumed to imply a belief of inferiority of the black female tennis players overall, and thus racism.

A) This is not 70 years ago
B) It is not a generic black female tennis player, but rather a very specific one
C) The specific one is masculine in appearance, dresses outside the norm for today's female tennis players, and had just very recently thrown a fit where she smashed her own racket.
D) The drawing shows a caricatured version of the specific black female tennis player throwing a fit and smashing her own racket.
E) There is no demonstration in any way, shape, or form that this is meant to be interpreted to include any other tennis player than the one in the news at the time of the drawing.

As such, there isn't even a smidge (to quote Mr. Obama) of a hint of racism. To find it racist, it must invoke those feelings, and thus speaks to the interpreter. That's not to say that to interpret it as racist makes the interpreter racist. It is to say that we have been conditioned to find racism where it does not exist, and to find it racist is to succumb to that brainwashing.


As such, there isn't even a smidge (to quote Mr. Obama) of a hint of racism. To find it racist, it must invoke those feelings, and thus speaks to the interpreter. That's not to say that to interpret it as racist makes the interpreter racist. It is to say that we have been conditioned to find racism where it does not exist, and to find it racist is to succumb to that brainwashing.

Well, you already accused me of racism using this backwards-ass logic last week - so we both have come full circle.

Seems like a good time to say good day.


Well-Known Member
Because I've seen the picture.

This has nothing to do with what I stated. I said we can disagree without it being verbal masturbation, or a lack of intellectual discussion. You have an opinion - congratulations to you. So do I. I am giving you reasons for my opinion, and you are giving me ones for yours. That makes it an intellectual discussion.

Inferiority of a race - he drew Williams in the same vein as an old-style cartoon headhunter a la Bugs Bunny.

It is not the 1950's. The same standards do not and should not apply today.


Well-Known Member
Well, you already accused me of racism using this backwards-ass logic last week - so we both have come full circle.
That's not to say that to interpret it as racist makes the interpreter racist​

No, I didn't.

Seems like a good time to say good day.

I'll agree to not see it your way and vice versa, but not that we couldn't just talk on an intellectual level. :buddies:


I said good day, sir!


That's not to say that to interpret it as racist makes the interpreter racist​

No, I didn't.

OK - I initially parsed that as That is to say that to interpret it as racist makes the interpreter racist
Having read it a second time I parsed it as "No offense", before or after saying something really offensive.

Not that I'm offended. I've been called a lot worse, for much less call. But I hope you get the concept of what I mean.

I'll agree to not see it your way and vice versa, but not that we couldn't just talk on an intellectual level. :buddies:

I guess I just don't see the point. I already knew your perspective, and I know mine. And as I stated, I couldn't see a path to an honest resolution. You're going to double down on dictionary definitions and pedantry, and I just look at the image in question to have a mind to dismiss all of that out of hand.

And my primary argument: "Look at the goddam thing - just look at it" is not real fodder for intellectual discussion. And in my mind, I don't need to read a dictionary to know that when I look at that picture, it conjures up images that I find inherently and undeniably racist. Or at the very least ignorant as ####.