I am making 48% more than I was 2 years ago. It is working for me. I also bought a house last summer with the lowest interest rate in almost 30 years to go along with the increase in cash. I also just got a brand new truck at 0%, AND my kid is citizen of the month at his school and gets his little badge thingy today. I have had a FREAKING great 2 years.Originally posted by Sparx
Originally posted by Sparx
That kind of thinking enrages liberals. They like to think they speak for the average voter, but when it's obvious they don't, they either cry "foul" or mention that the voters themselves are idiots, classically described when Mo Udall was voted out of office "the people have spoken - the bastards!".
So this explains how the majority of voters voted for Gore but bush is president?
Well obviously you don't WORK for a living!Originally posted by Pete
I I have had a FREAKING great 2 years.
Originally posted by Tonio
I see something similar among religious conservatives. The idea that only they are going to Heaven and everyone else is going to Hell. They, out of the goodness of their hearts (yeah, right), will save the ignorant heathen masses from their own sinful, lustful desires.
Originally posted by SurfaceTension
Well obviously you don't WORK for a living!
Originally posted by SamSpade
Hey, you'll get no argument from me, there. But thank you, you at least qualified it as "religious consevatives" who do form a large portion of the voting base but thankfully do not speak for the party. In many ways I regard them as only a kinder, gentler version of the Muslims in the Middle East who insist on rule by Syariah (Islamic Law).
(I think there ought to be a middle ground, however. We can't deny that the nation has a basic, Christian heritage that is as much a part of our culture as Islam is part of Arabic culture.)
And it's probably mostly religious conservatives who anger most on the left, and the caricature that is most lampooned. Each side of the aisle has a piece of its constituency it would LOVE to offload - the left generally doesn't do crap for minorities, but it couldn't survive without their vote anymore than the right could without the religious right.
Give me ONE thing that Ted Nugent says that is as ignorant as:Originally posted by Tonio
Ted Nugent sounds just as ignorant as Michael Moore.
We live in the time where we have fictitious election results that elects a fictitious president. We live in a time where we have a man sending us to war for fictitious reasons. Whether it's the fictition of duct tape or fictition of orange alerts we are against this war, Mr. Bush...And any time you got the Pope and the Dixie Chicks against you, your time is up.
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Give me ONE thing that Ted Nugent says that is as ignorant as...
there is some entertainment value in seeing ignorant stars of all political persuasions run their mouths.
Originally posted by SamSpade
The press loves to get their hastily formed and sometimes massively ignorant opinions (to this day I'll never forget Steven Tyler grumbling about "those right-wing *liberals*"). But they treat them with kid gloves, because after all, they're celebrities.
I think if they took a hit in the press every time they said something dumb regarding politics - just like politicians routinely do - if their checkered past gets dragged out and scrutinized the same way that politicians typically do - then that would be fair.
Originally posted by Larry Gude
As far as Nugent goes, he is the only celeb who has pointed out publicly that in the case of Ozzy and his show, we are choosing to be entertained by a tragic, screwed up person.
ARE YOU CRAZY??????? Read the papers...there IS a conscious and deliberate conspiracy to take away everyone's guns!!!!! What do you think gun control is all about? ????Originally posted by Tonio
he alleges a conscious, deliberate conspiracy to take away everyone's guns.
Originally posted by Tonio
Should we have pity for someone who makes such bad decisions?
Originally posted by Tonio
That's exactly my point. People listen to them because they're ***STARS***. When we listen to them, we reward idiocy.
Originally posted by mainman
I have not read t his tread, but Elton John thinks AI is racist...
Originally posted by Tonio
AI--artificial intelligence? Does Elton think someone created a technological clone of George Maddox's mind, kind of like a segregationist version of "The Boys From Brazil"?
Considering their last winner was a black guy, I don't know how you can call them "racist". I do think their voting system leaves a lot to be desired. But again, it's just entertainment and not an important election so who cares? Everything that ever happens in this country gets called "racist" by somebody - why should AI be any different?Originally posted by mainman
I have not read t his tread, but Elton John thinks AI is racist...
What say you?