Celebrities should keep their mouths shut



Originally posted by vraiblonde
Don't ask them - they'll lie!

:killingme: You actually made me laugh out loud at work when I'm supposed to be feverishly working!!! :killingme:


Originally posted by Tonio
I understand the Roy's in Solomons and the Roy's in La Plata are owned by the same franchisee, who also owned the one in San Souci. Still hanging on tenaciously in the face of the company's troubles.

There are still locations in northern Maryland and western Virginia.


Wow I just researched the same thing... there are 74 Roy Rogers left in 9 eastern states... (3 in connecticut, 1 in Delware, 25 in MD, 1 in Massachusets, 15 in NJ, 1 in Ohio, 6 in PA and 7 in VA).

I guess they are not completely down for the count.



Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by SamSpade
Hee hee hee - the punch line from one of my favorite "sheep" jokes!

I haven't heard that one. Could you post the complete joke?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Sure ---

A ventriloquist was walking up to a farm. He saw a farmer tending his crops. He wandered over, and greeted the famer. The ventriloquist had decided to have some fun.

He said to the farmer, "How does your dog over there like it on the farm?"
The farmer replied, "The dog don't talk."
The ventriloquist threw his voice, and the dog said, "My master is great! He gives me food morning and night, throws sticks for me to fetch, and gives me this room to run around."
The farmer squinted at the other man, surprised but unconvinced.

Next, the ventriloquist asked, "What about those cows? How are you treating them?"
The farmer replied, "The cows don't talk."
With the ventriloquist's help, one cow spoke up, "Tell him to keep his cold hands off my udders in the morning."
The farmer slowly shook his head. "Amazin'," he muttered.

The ventriloquist then looked over to the pen where the sheep were kept. As he started to ask about the sheep, the farmer shouted, "The Sheep Lie! The Sheep Lie! "