Chancellor's Run Road


Asperger's Poster Child
aps45819 said:
I guess you're a little confused by that YIELD sign as you're making your turn
Nope. I've seen it, although the road does have a generous merge lane that runs almost to the Hickory Hills community. Still, is SuperGrover right in that the U-turn is illegal in the first place? I don't know.


New Member
Tonio said:
Good point. I'd like to see the signal there redone so right-turning drivers have a red arrow whenever northbound Chancellor's drivers have the green.

Why? Then the right-turners onto 237 (CRRd) would just sit there, even with no opposing traffic, on the odd occasion that a U-turner might come through.

Originally Posted by jlabsher:
Well, they should make a U-turn into the left lane then, not the right one.

Absolutely! Maybe Ken will weigh in here, but IMO if you have to cross over the white line into another lane of traffic, you gotta yield to whomever is in the lane.
The moral, when caught in this situation, is to punch it to make sure you're in the lane first, taking the hit in the side of your vehicle to demonstrate you were in the right.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
David said:
THAT IS NO LIE! A friend invited me there sometime within the last 18 months. While we were ordering, I ACTUALLY SAW COCKROACHES (PLURAL) climbing up the wall. The only reason I did not leave was because I did not want to offend the friend. I will never go in there again!
:yeahthat: I haven't set foot in that place for several years because of dem bugs! :barf:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
When making a u-turn the only requirement is that the car making the turn must yield to traffic moving from the opposite direction. Vehicles entering from a side street, whether it is a turn after coming to a full stop or from an entrance under yield, are required to yield to traffic including those making the u-turn.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
David said:
Do they do Public Health Inspections here? There is no way anyone with their eyes open could miss that.

I have no idea. I walked out of the Wendy's by Wal-Mart a year or so ago, because it was infested with flies. I couldn't believe that people stood in line batting at the flies and would still eat there. Come to think of it, I don't think I have had Wendy's since then, from any location.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
David said:
Then the state needs to post big signs for the people turning right onto Chancellors from 235 (Yield to U-TURNERS). The average citizen is going to assume that making a U-Turn there is WRONG and will be caught off-guard when someone comes at them.
Why the need for a sign? Maybe they should ticket those drivers that don't come to a full stop or don't yield and make some money for the state. It is your responsibility to now the laws as they relate to driving and "yield" has always meant watch for those that have the legal right of way and proceed only when safe.


Hairy Harry
darkclown said:
I thought I heard that the State ran out of money and could not widen Chancellors Run. Something definitely needs to be done. The situation at the intersection in front of Norris Rd and Buck Hewitt Rd is very bad. Now that they are adding office space in the mix the county or State should be forced to widen it at least up to Chancellors Run park.

Chancellor's Run is a county road, so it's up to the Commissioners and there is NO $ in the budget until at least 2008. You're SOOOO right about the Buck Hewitt area...some REALLY bad accidents there! :yeahthat:


Asperger's Poster Child
David said:
The average citizen is going to assume that making a U-Turn there is WRONG and will be caught off-guard when someone comes at them.
I was just surprised that so many people were making U-turns there. I know it's a tremendously busy intersection, but still...


Asperger's Poster Child
David said:
Just buy hotdogs. They're already so nasty that nothing anyone did to them could really matter much :lol:
:lol: A standing joke in my family is that hot dogs are just lips and anuses (well, we use a different word), and that Chicken McNuggets are just beaks and claws.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
David said:
You take a risk anytime you buy prepared food outside of your own home. The employees are lowly paid and may not give a darned or be trained properly. Even if they actually care, circumstances at the restaurant may be beyond their control. I recall several low-lifes telling me the nasty things they used to do food when they worked in a kitchen. You may also come upon a shoddy operator trying to pinch some pennies by serving expired food or not keeping things are clean as they need to be. Food Lion bleaching spoiled chicken and selling it comes to mind.

Just buy hotdogs. They're already so nasty that nothing anyone did to them could really matter much :lol:
I try not to think about those things or I would never eat out.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
David said:
U-Turns at most busy intersection are illegal. That's why the average citizen may be caught off guard when they see someone doing it. I know I was. Also, how many people are going to know that the state screwed up and obligated themselves to a long term contract that conflicts with the general safety of the public thereby making it legal to make a U-Turn where the average person would suspect it to be unsafe and illegal.
In Maryland it is only illegal if posted as such. As it is not posted and, if I am not mistaken there is only flow from one side of that road at a time, it is legal. Why not simply be patient and wait a couple of seconds until it is clear to go.


New Member
§ 21-402. Vehicle turning left or making U-turn


(b) U-turn.- If the driver of a vehicle intends to turn to go in the opposite direction, the driver shall yield the right-of-way to any approaching vehicle that is so near as to be an immediate danger.

Dunno...Sounds like the U-turner is lower on the totem pole to me....


New Member
jlabsher said:
Well, they should make a U-turn into the left lane then, not the right one.
I dunno about you but My taurus cant make the U-turn into the left cousins civic cant good luck to all of you driving trucks and SUV's


New Member
jlabsher said:
What, yield so some SMIB can go to the shopping oasis of Hickory Hills, Nicholetti's authentic cockroach pizza, a video store, (who uses video anymore> TIVO!!), ABC, (well I gotta get a quart, pack of smokes and $72 in daily lotto tix).

Yeah, I wanna yield for those folks.
It doesnt matter if you want to or not....its the rule of the have to or if you get into an accident then you are gonna be at fault. It sux that they didnt build that intersection even wider than they already did to accomodate that part of the traffic but thats just the way it is....typical St. Mary's County.


Asperger's Poster Child
Ken King said:
Why not simply be patient and wait a couple of seconds until it is clear to go.
Good point. My perception of that intersection is that it's easy to not see the U-turning car until it's almost too late. And if I do wait a couple of seconds, I get people honking behind me.


New Member
Tonio said:
Good point. I'd like to see the signal there redone so right-turning drivers have a red arrow whenever northbound Chancellor's drivers have the green.
Why? Its not every time the light changes that someone u turns......people should just keep a better eye out for vehicles flying at them.


Happy Camper!
Tonio said:
Good point. My perception of that intersection is that it's easy to not see the U-turning car until it's almost too late. And if I do wait a couple of seconds, I get people honking behind me.
People behind me honking or having an accident that will be considered my fault, gee that's a hard one for me to answer


New Member
Tonio said:
Good point. My perception of that intersection is that it's easy to not see the U-turning car until it's almost too late. And if I do wait a couple of seconds, I get people honking behind me.
If people honk behind you then they just look like an a$$ to everyone around when people see why you were stopped. I dunno about you all but I dont care what other people thing or say or do on the road.....when it comes down to it...the only thing that matters is that my family and I get to where we are going safely.