Changes mid county


Active Member
Front of old Esperanza Lanes roped off for construction. No idea for what. Lowes parking lot is getting dug up. Chick-fil-A parking lot is also getting dug up. Days Off Deli closed abruptly, but note on the door says new restaurant coming soon.

I'm sure I'm missing a few.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Front of old Esperanza Lanes roped off for construction. No idea for what. Lowes parking lot is getting dug up. Chick-fil-A parking lot is also getting dug up. Days Off Deli closed abruptly, but note on the door says new restaurant coming soon.

I'm sure I'm missing a few.
Days Off still has the food truck.


Active Member
So, Chick-fil-a's parking lot digging is contagious. Middle of Giant's parking lot is fenced off and dug up. Looks like some drainage pipe work. Hope they are done before the holiday rush. Lowes seems to be getting a case of parking lot digging also.

Homer J

Power Chord
Front of old Esperanza Lanes roped off for construction. No idea for what. Lowes parking lot is getting dug up. Chick-fil-A parking lot is also getting dug up. Days Off Deli closed abruptly, but note on the door says new restaurant coming soon.

I'm sure I'm missing a few.
Days Off was unreliable with their hours the past few months. My wife and I tried to go there at least three times on various Friday or Saturday evenings and they would be closed. Finally just gave up.


Just sneakin' around....
The sidewalk in front of Harbor Freight and the store next to it got an uplift, and the empty store looks like it's being readied for occupancy.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
So, Chick-fil-a's parking lot digging is contagious. Middle of Giant's parking lot is fenced off and dug up. Looks like some drainage pipe work. Hope they are done before the holiday rush. Lowes seems to be getting a case of parking lot digging also.
A lot of places are digging up parking lots to install charging stations.


..if momma ain't happy...
The sidewalk in front of Harbor Freight and the store next to it got an uplift, and the empty store looks like it's being readied for occupancy.
I saw a Halloween Spirit store sign near the entrançe to that shopping center.


Well-Known Member
So, Chick-fil-a's parking lot digging is contagious. Middle of Giant's parking lot is fenced off and dug up. Looks like some drainage pipe work. Hope they are done before the holiday rush. Lowes seems to be getting a case of parking lot digging also.
Wonder if that what's Lowe's is doing? Built at the same time, same sewer problems?

black dog

Free America
So, Chick-fil-a's parking lot digging is contagious. Middle of Giant's parking lot is fenced off and dug up. Looks like some drainage pipe work. Hope they are done before the holiday rush. Lowes seems to be getting a case of parking lot digging also.
If I recall correctly a few vary large fiber cables run through Lowes Parking lot also.


Just sneakin' around....
Days Off Deli closed abruptly, but note on the door says new restaurant coming soon.
Linda's is relocating!


Well-Known Member
What was it the homeless shelter, the thrift store, or the wandering crack heads that made up the old locations vibe?
You obviously have never eaten at Linda's, or you would know exactly what I'm talking about. Either that or you're not local, or you like to poke fun at the locals. Regardless you've touched a nerve and I kind of resent it.

Linda's has a good mix, lots of locals that seem to know each other, lots and lots of people from the base, people just passing through that have been there before, people that are obviously well off, some not so well off. I have NEVER seen a drunk in there, nor anyone that I would know right from looking at them that they are a "crackhead". I have never sat next to anyone that smelled, dressed in rags, etc. etc. Linda herself has been there from time to time and she's friendly, chatty, and welcoming. In fact I have been waited on by the same people for the last several years; they've been with Linda that long. Wonder what the reason is Clem? Maybe because it's a nice place to work perhaps, maybe because the crowd is so good? Who the hell knows? All I know is they have good omelets, better grits, great french toast, and they know who you are when you walk in and they keep pouring the coffee. Oh and they frequently have a line to get in for breakfast. The vibe inside the restaurant, is eclectic, as are the diners, and exactly what I would expect and HOPE to find in a small town like this one. It's a good crowd - never, ever seen a problem in that place. Little loud sometimes, but it's a good happy loud.

I don't know where the homeless shelter is in proximity to Lindas, I seldom see anyone near the thrift store at the other end and honestly seldom see anyone hanging in that area. Maybe you need to take your happy ass down there and have breakfast, improve your outlook on the day.

Rant over w/apologies in advance.