A coworker of mine tried it when it first came out and it made her 10 times more psycho then she is already. We really couldn't stand her then and even she couldn't stand herself.
Thank goodness she is still smoking!
I quit 24 years ago with no help. So, my advise is to cut back on the number of cigs you smoke each day a little at a time.
Don't set a quit date - that never works.
When you don't crave a cig - don't have one. When you do, put it off for an hour as many times as possible.
When you've gone several days without smoking you will come to the realization that you've quit.
it's not easy - it's about changing your behavior.
Cigarettes disgust me now. I am one of "those people" - you know the ones who used to smoke and are now a PIA for those who still do.
When I was finally free I was pretty pissed at myself for allowing big corporate idiots to control me with their little cancer sticks. What in the hell was I thinking?
good luck either way you decide to go.
So, I really want to try and quit smoking in the next few months. I was considering trying Chantix. I know a few people who have quit with it successfully, so I'm thinking its definately worth a try. The only thing I'm worried about is the side effects. I'd just like to get some opinions from those who have tried it. Thanks!