Well-Known Member
It can be done. I quit in one day, about 9 years ago. Just finally wanted to NOT smoke more than I wanted to smoke. Had a half pack, crushed 'em, threw em in the trash and that was it, right then and there.
For me, every deep breathe I took from then on was way better than a lungful of smoke. I was just done with it. I just felt better every single second so, it was just that easy. For me.
That's the way my Dad did it. I was in Elementary school; 1st/second grade.It was raining buckets one night and he ran out. He looked outside and said, "H*ll with it," and quit. Mom quit in '89 cold turkey too. She had one or two left in the pack and just quit. ME, well, I quit in October of last year. BUT, I chew now, so many people tell me, "Well, you haven't quit ANYTHING.":shrug: