My understanding is that the lot between the Vet and 7-11 is going to become a Giant supermarket. When that is built, maybe we will get some more resturants.
Good View is decent chineese food. Not good, but decent. Had better, had worse. My complaint with them is they don't have dumplings.
We definately need a good sit-down place (other than St. Mary's Landing). The one time I was in S.M.L., I was NOT impressed. Place was rather dumpish. Cheap azz formica tables and chairs that look like they were from the early 70's. Floor was dirty. We could def. use something along the lines of a TGIFridays and a sit down chineese place.
No more fast food joints are needed. Don't need a Red Lobster. We have enough local family owned seafood places, don't need a crappy place like R.L. I have NEVER been impressed with R.L.