Chelsea jumps into it


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Chelsea Clinton challenged her friend, Ivanka Trump Tuesday to ask her father how he would fight to promote rights for working women.

"Well, Chelsea, perhaps he can make everyone start a bogus "foundation" cum slush fund and "hire" their daughters to run it and pay them $300,000 a year to do nothing. And since we're asking each other questions about our fathers...."

Now, I like Chelsea Clinton okay and have nothing against her - if anything I feel sorry for her because of the emotional and mental lot she got in life through no fault of her own. But she really should stick to being a pretty face and doting daughter, because she has no accomplishments of her own that qualify her to speak out credibly on social issues. She is the ultimate child of privilege who has been handed everything she has because of who her parents are.

For those of you who didn't know, Chelsea's father-in-law is Edward Mezvinsky, who served five years in prison for 31 counts of felony fraud after swindling his victims out of nearly $10 million.

Yes, darlings, that is the family Chelsea married into. Note that we're not discussing that? We're too busy worrying about Ivanka Trump.

Oh, and Chelsea's husband is a money man. He used to be an investment banker, then he started a hedge fund company with his Goldman Sachs buddies (Hmmm....Goldman Sachs...why does that name keep coming up in this election...?). His baby was creating a fund to prop up the Greek economy, raising $25 million that he subsequently "lost".

But hey! You libprogs go right ahead and vote these people back into the White House. After all, they are for the common man. :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
In the interest of fairness, here's Ivanka's father-in-law:

In 2005, following an investigation by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of New Jersey,[16] Kushner was convicted of making illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion and witness tampering by attempting to silence his sister and brother-in-law by creating a sex tape of his brother-in-law with a prostitute.[17] Chris Christie, then the U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey, negotiated a plea agreement with him and he was sentenced to two years in prison.[1][18][19] He has since been released.[12][20]


Which makes you wonder about the circles these people travel in. Are they just all crooks and creeps?


Well-Known Member
"Well, Chelsea, perhaps he can make everyone start a bogus "foundation" cum slush fund and "hire" their daughters to run it and pay them $300,000 a year to do nothing. And since we're asking each other questions about our fathers...."

I was soooooo hoping this was the actual answer :lol:


Power with Control
I really think that the Clintons count on Chelsea getting a free pass due to the lingering "don't mess with the kids of Presidents" effect. Combined with the sympathy for her, knowing the whole world knows what Daddy was doing in the Oval Office. That's the sort of calculation I feel they do every day,


Well-Known Member
:shrug: I think Chelsea is very attractive.

She is very attractive. Course it took a nose job, chin implant, hair dye/straightening, laser hair removal for the eyebrows, and a mountain of foundation to achieve. Or do you think gingers revert to normal after puberty?


Well-Known Member
DIY? I assume it was a team effort (literally took a village), and the only reason it wasn't front page news is that she spend a decade or so completely out of the public eye. And of course their other team (of lawyers) probably NDA'd the crap out of everyone involved.
View attachment 114087

She is very attractive. Course it took a nose job, chin implant, hair dye/straightening, laser hair removal for the eyebrows, and a mountain of foundation to achieve. Or do you think gingers revert to normal after puberty?

Exactly. I think you'd change your mind if you had a picture of her first thing in the morning before the staff beauticians get a hold of her.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
View attachment 114087

She is very attractive. Course it took a nose job, chin implant, hair dye/straightening, laser hair removal for the eyebrows, and a mountain of foundation to achieve. Or do you think gingers revert to normal after puberty?

Stop it. Many young awkward girls turn into beauties without surgical and cosmetic help.

She colors her hair and blows it out straight.
She plucks her eyebrows and wears makeup.

If you feel that's unusual, I have a little secret to tell you...


Well-Known Member
Stop it. Many young awkward girls turn into beauties without surgical and cosmetic help.

She colors her hair and blows it out straight.
She plucks her eyebrows and wears makeup.

If you feel that's unusual, I have a little secret to tell you...

While some of that was tongue-in-cheek (I know makup and hair are the norm), the nose/chin is pretty much fact. I.E. 2 seconds of googling will provide you with testimonials from professional cosmetic surgeons that she could not have altered the look of her nose, chin, and gums through any other fashion (including natural growth).


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
DIY? I assume it was a team effort (literally took a village), and the only reason it wasn't front page news is that she spend a decade or so completely out of the public eye. And of course their other team (of lawyers) probably NDA'd the crap out of everyone involved.

DIY's always have some kind of help in the process, and she probably had a very, very long process.

She was off limits, and rightly so, when in the WH, and through HS. After that, she is fair game in the political arena, especially if she places herself up front.


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
I really think that the Clintons count on Chelsea getting a free pass due to the lingering "don't mess with the kids of Presidents" effect. Combined with the sympathy for her, knowing the whole world knows what Daddy was doing in the Oval Office. That's the sort of calculation I feel they do every day,

Chelsea conveniently gets herself knocked up when an "ooooh so cute" baby is needed to divert the press from Hillary's problems.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
While some of that was tongue-in-cheek (I know makup and hair are the norm), the nose/chin is pretty much fact. I.E. 2 seconds of googling will provide you with testimonials from professional cosmetic surgeons that she could not have altered the look of her nose, chin, and gums through any other fashion (including natural growth).

So what? Does that make her a bad person if she's had some minor cosmetic surgery?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And here we go with the snark and stupidity. Chelsea has some legitimate things that we could criticize. Instead you all want to go "Oh, she's ugly" and "oh, she pops out babies".



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Chelsea conveniently gets herself knocked up when an "ooooh so cute" baby is needed to divert the press from Hillary's problems.

Lurk, if she popped out a baby every time Hillary had a problem, she would have a vagina like a clown car. As it stands, she has two children - FAR less than the number of times Hillary has been in the hot seat.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
She's reportedly a virtual psycho terrorist in her dealings with co-workers and, particularly, subordinates. But then so is Hillary, so that apple didn't fall far from the tree.