Chelsea jumps into it


Well-Known Member
IMO the first right for working women would be not to put some child with a big name in charge of them and pay her a salary far in excess of her worth because her daddy was president.

Ya know I hesitate to bring this up because I know kids are supposed to be proud of their parents but it just irks me a bit that Chelsea wants to ask how Ivanka's Dad will help women when she has a serial abuser of women for a father, and her mother does not pay the women who work for her as much as she pays the men.
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Doris Day meets Lady Gaga

Chelsea Clinton challenged her friend, Ivanka Trump Tuesday to ask her father how he would fight to promote rights for working women.

"Well, Chelsea, perhaps he can make everyone start a bogus "foundation" cum slush fund and "hire" their daughters to run it and pay them $300,000 a year to do nothing. And since we're asking each other questions about our fathers...."

Now, I like Chelsea Clinton okay and have nothing against her - if anything I feel sorry for her because of the emotional and mental lot she got in life through no fault of her own. But she really should stick to being a pretty face and doting daughter, because she has no accomplishments of her own that qualify her to speak out credibly on social issues. She is the ultimate child of privilege who has been handed everything she has because of who her parents are.

For those of you who didn't know, Chelsea's father-in-law is Edward Mezvinsky, who served five years in prison for 31 counts of felony fraud after swindling his victims out of nearly $10 million.

Yes, darlings, that is the family Chelsea married into. Note that we're not discussing that? We're too busy worrying about Ivanka Trump.

Oh, and Chelsea's husband is a money man. He used to be an investment banker, then he started a hedge fund company with his Goldman Sachs buddies (Hmmm....Goldman Sachs...why does that name keep coming up in this election...?). His baby was creating a fund to prop up the Greek economy, raising $25 million that he subsequently "lost".

But hey! You libprogs go right ahead and vote these people back into the White House. After all, they are for the common man. :yay:

Wow. and when Ivanka was asked about her friendship with Chelsea, and how they are both daughters of candidates running for POTUS and how it might affect their friendship - what does Ivanka do? Ivanka could not have been more gracious and poised. She said that their friendship was never predicated on politics, so she didn't see how it would be affected. She stayed totally above the fray.

If I were to pit Chelsea and Ivanka in a battle of wits - I would think that Ivanka probably knows a thing or two more than Chelsea. :yay:


Well-Known Member
Wow. and when Ivanka was asked about her friendship with Chelsea, and how they are both daughters of candidates running for POTUS and how it might affect their friendship - what does Ivanka do? Ivanka could not have been more gracious and poised. She said that their friendship was never predicated on politics, so she didn't see how it would be affected. She stayed totally above the fray.

If I were to pit Chelsea and Ivanka in a battle of wits - I would think that Ivanka probably knows a thing or two more than Chelsea. :yay:

Well Vrai thinks Chelsea is pretty, but standing next to Ivanka---she should be wearing a collar.

Now don't get pissed off about this, it's only my opinion.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Well Vrai thinks Chelsea is pretty, but standing next to Ivanka---she should be wearing a collar.

Now don't get pissed off about this, it's only my opinion.

Two completely different types of women.

Ivanka has had the influence of a her own va-va-va-voom mother, Ivana to model herself after. She grew up with haute couture right there in NYC. Chelsea has had the influence of...yeah, well, Hillary has never been a fashion icon. :jet:

Ivanka is a very poised and confident young woman. A sort of "classic/timeless" beauty look, in my opinion.

I don't find Chelsea all that unattractive in particular. I think she has quite a mouth full of teeth and that makes her smile look a bit wide. I don't think she is that poised, but I admit to not really having seen all that much of her.

Anyhoo, let's see how the speechifying goes tonight. I'll be curious to see how she does.


Well-Known Member
She definitely SOUNDS like her mom. Slightly less shrill but sounds like her.

I would like to applaud those of you who listened to Chelsea. I will have to take your word for it because ---frankly---You couldn't have paid me to do it.
It was bad enough listening o Bubba tell of the life long love story of himself and the woman who stood by him through his years of womanizing,hoping that one day he could help her into the Presidency.


Well-Known Member
I would like to applaud those of you who listened to Chelsea. I will have to take your word for it because ---frankly---You couldn't have paid me to do it.
It was bad enough listening o Bubba tell of the life long love story of himself and the woman who stood by him through his years of womanizing,hoping that one day he could help her into the Presidency.

:shrug: It wasn't terrible - it was just completely unmemorable. It was the kind of praise I've heard at PTA and Cub Scout meetings.

And it had the complete irritating lifeless tone her mother is famous for.
I know I should be more involved with all of this. It's a unique set of circumstances and events unfolding, major history in the making.

But to be honest, I was much happier watching BattleBots.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
:shrug: It wasn't terrible - it was just completely unmemorable. It was the kind of praise I've heard at PTA and Cub Scout meetings.

And it had the complete irritating lifeless tone her mother is famous for.

And the faked/forced giggles.


Well-Known Member
And the faked/forced giggles.

That was soooooo bad :yay: Clearly someone told her to be humble and "moved", and she did her best. Her incessant little 'he-he's in her voice were incredibly annoying.

She comes across as a nice girl, says she loves her mother and her mother was almost always there for her. I have no reason to doubt any of that (and less reason to care one way or the other), but that really was grating on the nerves.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
That was soooooo bad :yay: Clearly someone told her to be humble and "moved", and she did her best. Her incessant little 'he-he's in her voice were incredibly annoying.

She comes across as a nice girl, says she loves her mother and her mother was almost always there for her. I have no reason to doubt any of that (and less reason to care one way or the other), but that really was grating on the nerves.

She may have always been there for her daughter, but she wasn't there for those in Benghazi. :ohwell: