Chelsea jumps into it


my war
And here we go with the snark and stupidity. Chelsea has some legitimate things that we could criticize. Instead you all want to go "Oh, she's ugly" and "oh, she pops out babies".


Well, please don't forget how hot all these forum members are.... They have a right to judge!


professional daydreamer
"So it really matters to me that my mom in this election consistently has told you how she is going to do everything," Clinton continued. "Whether that's on gun control or protecting a woman's right to choose or any of the things we've talked about. She also tells you how she's going to pay for it."

Yes, we know "how" your mom plans on doing it. Take the guns away, or make it impossible to get them. Protecting womens right to choose doesn't say anything about what her plans for work equality are, it just says she plans on paying for abortion on demand with tax dollars. So, has anyone heard how Shrillary plans to make employers pay equal pay for equal work? Or how she plans to balance that equality? I mean, women already have it made in the work place, as far as I can see. Men get the crappy end of the stick.

Very misleading article, and typical Clinton beat-around-the-bush-and-redirect reply.


Well-Known Member
So what? Does that make her a bad person if she's had some minor cosmetic surgery?

Not sure what you are so upset about, I didn't say she was a bad person. Someone made a comment about her attractiveness and you replied that you found her attractive. I did as well, then qualified it by noting that her attractiveness maybe wasn't come by honestly. That's fair in my opinion.

Just like if I were hitting on Caitlyn Jenner in a bar I might want someone to mention to me that "she" has had a little work done.


Well-Known Member
pffft. You wait 'til my new come-over finishes growing in enough that my hair stylist can finish it. I'll be putting the "w" in hawt, by gawd!

Gonna be sporting the latest and greatest hairstyle called 'The Donald', eh?