The engineers who design roads and parking lots here should be mandated to actually drive them on a regular basis. They plan this stuff on a computer, and it looks great and allows for the minimum clearances, but in reality just doesn't work.
One of my biggest gripes is corners, whether it be parking lots or roads, they just don't allow a vehicle to make the corner without hitting the curb or having to swing partially into another lane unless you're driving a SmartCar. The black tire marks on the curbs are the telltale.
For every one of those, there's at least a dozen DRIVERS who insist on driving a straight line from the turn instead of an arc so as to end up in the lane properly. There's a few places in DC and PG County where - if you pull up to the white line at a traffic light - you will absolutely get hit by drivers making left turns (coming from your right).
I routinely run into drivers who just don't possess the common sense God gave to a rock. When there are TWO turn lanes - and you're in one of them - you remain in the corresponding lane after the turn. I've seen a handful of accidents because the driver in the outer lane decided the INNER lane was where his car should be. THIS happened to me Wednesday - two lanes, at a T, which has one lane - one goes left, the other goes right - except the guy in the right lane decided he was going to go LEFT anyway. It was THIS close.
I'm at the intersection of Chancellor's Run and Great Mills, me on Chancellor's Run, in the left turn lane, pulled up to the line - but not over. EVERY DAMNED CAR misses me by a hair, when there is PLENTY OF ROOM to arc around me. And there are TWO turn lanes there, from northbound Great Mills Road - and they are BOTH trying to merge into the SAME LANE.
Frankly, with this many stupid people on the road, it makes me wonder how the human race will survive.