Chicken Pox


New Member
Child. I was exposed, but never had a break out, so don't know if I've ever had chicken pox.

I had one pock as a baby. I was exposed many times after. My mom set up play dates with sick kids just so I could catch it while I was young. Never got it again.


mv = margaritaville
Interesting. Do you have any residual symptoms from it now?
I carry the virus. Doctors told me it could come back, maybe not.

I was so young when I had it (9 y/o) they weren't sure what it was going to do. Every once in a while my face will go numb and I go get meds. They said if I get pregent I have a VERY high chance of having it again


Witchy Woman
I never had chicken pox and I've been exposed many times.

I remember being jealous in Kindergarten because almost everyone in class got them and I didn't. :lol: My mom used to take me to the homes of kids who had chicken pox to try and expose me. I still never got 'em.
My sister and brother got them. Hell, my brother had chicken pox and measles at the same time. A couple of my kids have had them over the years. I still never got 'em.



professional daydreamer
I carry the virus. Doctors told me it could come back, maybe not.

I was so young when I had it (9 y/o) they weren't sure what it was going to do. Every once in a while my face will go numb and I go get meds. They said if I get pregent I have a VERY high chance of having it again

Is the numbing only in the face, or is it on other parts of your body, like shingles?


My Sweetest Boy
I carry the virus. Doctors told me it could come back, maybe not.

I was so young when I had it (9 y/o) they weren't sure what it was going to do. Every once in a while my face will go numb and I go get meds. They said if I get pregent I have a VERY high chance of having it again

Once you have the chicken pox, you always carry the virus. That's why people get shingles....Herpes zoster, and it is contagious to people that have not had the chicken pox.


mv = margaritaville
Is the numbing only in the face, or is it on other parts of your body, like shingles?
My case is only my face. I had shingles on top of it, both the doctors and my parents were very greatful that I had bells palsy on top it. Because if I had not I would spent a few months being over drugged to keep the pain away.


professional daydreamer
Once you have the chicken pox, you always carry the virus. That's why people get shingles....Herpes zoster, and it is contagious to people that have not had the chicken pox.

Does the person with shingles infect someone with chicken pox, or shingles?


Sweet and Innocent
Was anyone exposed to chicken pox that didn't have a break out?

Yes, I had three pock when I was 3 years old. Since then, I had been exposed to chicken pox in schools and friends, but never got them until I started working at Target full time, and got chicken pox from head to toe. I was only 23 years old when I had my full blown chicken pox. My mother kept trying to get me exposed to get it over with, and finally, I did and Thank God it happened before I became pregnant.


Was anyone exposed to chicken pox that didn't have a break out?


I was exposed to it when I was about 8-9ish. My sister got it, and gave it to the entire day-care place we were at. Including one of the providers who transferred it to her wheelchair-bound father.

They tried to give it to me too, but I never got it.