Chicken Pox



I've never had chicken pox. I was exposed to them several times via patients, when I was a part time medtech years ago and still nothing.


I had them at 7 and I had to stay away from my dad since he had never had them, my doctor told us it was dangerous for him to get it at his age. He stayed away and never got it. I also have a friend who has three kids under 10 and they all had the vaccine and they all got it at the same time a few months back! I felt bad for her


CageKicker Extraordinaire
While camping one year, out of 9 kids, 8 of us got it. The one that didn't, had two brothers that had severe cases (head to toe, pox down their throats, etc.). Her mother made her take care of both of her brothers, exposing her to their sickness as much as possible, and she's still never come down with it, 17 years later.


New Member
I think I was about 7 when I got chickenpox-not many spots but had a severe fever. My sister had millions of spots but no fever.The doctor came out to the house but did not take me to hospital just made 2 house visits.The last time he came he asked me if I was hungry as I had not eaten for a couple of days.I said yes.He asked me what I said hot dogs and ketchup.That was the doctors last visit:lmao:

My son and daughter had chickenpox during the christmas holidays one year but it was really mild.They did not seem too upset with it.Nice soak in the bath with baking soda and oatmeal sachets.
I remember brushing out all the dried up scabs in my daughters hair (tmi).
over here I know they offer the vaccination.


Witchy Woman
So, because I've never had the chicken pox, does that mean I'm at a higher risk for shingles? :skeered:

If an adult has never had chicken pox can they be vaccinated against it and does that keep the shingles away?

I don't mean to hijack your thread mAlice, but now I'm curious.


professional daydreamer
So, because I've never had the chicken pox, does that mean I'm at a higher risk for shingles? :skeered:

If an adult has never had chicken pox can they be vaccinated against it and does that keep the shingles away?

I don't mean to hijack your thread mAlice, but now I'm curious.

Good questions. Go for it. :yay:

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
So, because I've never had the chicken pox, does that mean I'm at a higher risk for shingles? :skeered:

If an adult has never had chicken pox can they be vaccinated against it and does that keep the shingles away?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

From this source..Shingles Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Medications on

In about 1 out of 5 people, the virus "wakes up," often many years after the chickenpox infection. The virus then travels along a sensory nerve into the skin causing a painful rash known as shingles.

Anyone who has had the chickenpox infection or vaccine can get the herpes zoster virus that causes shingles.


So, because I've never had the chicken pox, does that mean I'm at a higher risk for shingles? :skeered:

If an adult has never had chicken pox can they be vaccinated against it and does that keep the shingles away?

I don't mean to hijack your thread mAlice, but now I'm curious.

You're doomed.


New Member
I never had chicken pox and I've been exposed many times.

I remember being jealous in Kindergarten because almost everyone in class got them and I didn't. :lol: My mom used to take me to the homes of kids who had chicken pox to try and expose me. I still never got 'em.
My sister and brother got them. Hell, my brother had chicken pox and measles at the same time. A couple of my kids have had them over the years. I still never got 'em.


You're gonna DIE!!!!!!!!!!!! :jameo: :jameo:


Until now I thought I was the only one who had chicken pox more than once. Glad to hear I'm not alone (or crazy).


Go Braves!
Why don't you ask your doctor to draw a titer on you to see if you have the antibodies or not:shrug:


Witchy Woman
You're doomed.

You're gonna DIE!!!!!!!!!!!! :jameo: :jameo:

I forgot to to tell you that I am not going to die from chicken pox anymore. I am now 75% immune against them. I will be 99% immune after my second shot in about 4 weeks. Anyone over the age of 12 has to get 2 shots. Lucky me. :ohwell:

My doc says that while 10% of cases are in adults, only 2% of adults over 30 are still susceptible. 100 people die every year from chicken pox and if you get them as an adult you are 25% more likely to die!!!


off the shelf ex got the pox twice....once when he was about 6 and then again when he was 16

My youngest mutt got the shot when he was 18 months old and he broke out with them

Me and the girl have been exposed so many freaking times and still didn't break out....I got tested and found out that I am immune to them....girl got a letter from the school that said she either gets tested or gets the shot....she wasn't allowed back in school till one or the other was done and we didn't have the month to wait for the test....she got the shot

I guess I should thank my ex for having them twice :lol:
They have a vaccine now for the shingles... but from what I have read they have had some probllems with it .. plus it costs @ 150.00 and medical insurance won't cover it if you are under 60 y/o

It's Official: Get Your Shingles Vaccination - US News and World Report
FWIW - I know there was a more recent thread talking about this... anyway, I went past the pharmacy in my folk's home in VA. Sign out front for Shingles Vaccine. Went in, provided my insurance card, costs $185, my cost $20. And I'm not 60 yet.

So for those who may want this, don't assume it's out of reach or needs a doctor's permission or some other excuse for not getting it.