Chicks first night out


Adopt me please !
Chicks update: I have no idea how long the two chicks have been in the pen now, but they have grown up quick. I do believe that one is a rooster. I am going to remove the young couple and put them in with the turkey before the older rooster kills the younger rooster. After the cooler weather started, I left eggs in there to see if the hen would set on them. There were over two dozen eggs in the nest and the hen was not interested in hatching them out. I've removed them and now she is moulting. I'll try her again in the spring and maybe the young couple will raise some chicks for me next year.

So far only 1 of my 30-some chickens is in the mood to set on eggs - Miss Broody girl Robin sits on them until I pull her off a few times, then she stops a while. I have several easter-eggers none of which has laid an egg in weeks. Also have about 7 white egg layers that are not laying either (albeit 5 are youngsters) and all I am seeing is brown eggs. I should be getting more than 6-8 eggs daily from 30 hens so my girls have really cut back as I WAS getting 10-12 a day LOL.

Anyone know the best way to handle roosters that attack people? I know most folks say kill-em but I don't have the heart because 1 is a rescue and the other I raised from a day old chick. I'm sort-of attached to them both but they are making my life difficult and they are a liability if they get out of the pen. Someone told me to drop them off with the Amish on Rt 6 but why would they want 2 roosters that attack people? Doesn't sound like the right thing to do. I have other roosters that are as sweet as can be, just these two are bad roosters.:shrug:


Horse Poor
So far only 1 of my 30-some chickens is in the mood to set on eggs - Miss Broody girl Robin sits on them until I pull her off a few times, then she stops a while. I have several easter-eggers none of which has laid an egg in weeks. Also have about 7 white egg layers that are not laying either (albeit 5 are youngsters) and all I am seeing is brown eggs. I should be getting more than 6-8 eggs daily from 30 hens so my girls have really cut back as I WAS getting 10-12 a day LOL.

Anyone know the best way to handle roosters that attack people? I know most folks say kill-em but I don't have the heart because 1 is a rescue and the other I raised from a day old chick. I'm sort-of attached to them both but they are making my life difficult and they are a liability if they get out of the pen. Someone told me to drop them off with the Amish on Rt 6 but why would they want 2 roosters that attack people? Doesn't sound like the right thing to do. I have other roosters that are as sweet as can be, just these two are bad roosters.:shrug:

Steel toed boots...:whistle: When my dad had chickens we had a rooster that would attack me and my mom. Never bothered my dad. One day he flew up and spur'd me in the face just missing my eye. The next time I was prepared. I had on steel toe boots and here he comes. Luckily I timed it right and punted him in the chest and he went flying a few feet and got up half stunned, he shook himself off and left me alone after that. But of course when it all happed my dad saw it and oh well the rooster was in the pot. Mom cooked it and the old bird was so tough that you couldn't eat it. So the dogs had a great dinner that night. I would carry a stick or something with ya. If they come after you whack em..