Chiraq - Democratic Malfeasance and Mismanagement


PREMO Member
🔥 Chicago’s controlled demolition continues apace. Late last week, ABC affiliate 5-Chicago ran a story headlined, “Chicago exploring municipally-owned grocery store to address food insecurity.

For some goofy reason 5-Chicago ran a picture of the beef aisle, which probably breaks some kind of woke law or something.

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Chicago’s marxist Mayor Brandon Johnson announced a “partnership” with a leftist ‘non-profit,’ the Orwellian Economic Security Project, to build a Soviet-style government-owned grocery store. It will be totally woke, intended to “promote food equity and accessibility for all Chicagoans,” according to the mayor’s press release.

Brandon didn’t say whether bread lines would be everyday or just on bread delivery day.

And, “food equity” meaning … what exactly? Everybody starves the same? I get “accessibility,” which means stores are leaving Chicago so fast that Brandon is worried taxpayers will start leaving too. As the article admitted:

City officials cited ongoing disinvestment that has led to a series of grocery store closures on the South and West sides of Chicago.

Haha, “disinvestment.” So … Chicago thinks it’s easier and cheaper to build government-run grocery stores instead of prosecuting shoplifting. Who wants to bet they’ll stop the shoplifting down hard in the government store?

If this thing gets off the ground, it would be the first government-owned grocery store in any major U.S. city. One suspects this fascist concept is the leading edge of the gruesome “15-minute city” plan, or “smart city” plan, or whatever they’re calling it now.

There’s a word for government-owning businesses like grocery stores, it’s called … um … I couldn’t remember what it was called, not exactly. So I asked Bard A.I.:

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So there you have it, straight from artificial intelligence, which is manifestly better than Senatorial Intelligence. (See, e.g., above article. 👆)



PREMO Member

Democratic Mayor Proposes Government-Owned Grocery Store For ‘Racial Justice’

“[F]ood access and security link directly to environmental and racial justice,” Johnson’s office said in a press release, adding that “37% of Black residents and 29% of Latine/x residents are food insecure, compared to 19% of residents overall.”

The mayor’s office argued that “historic disinvestment has led to inequitable access to food retail across Chicago,” and noted that “existing inequities have been exacerbated as at least six grocery stores closed on the South and West sides over the past two years.”

Indeed, as Chicago continues to reel with violent crime and large-scale theft, corporate grocery stores like Walmart and Amazon-owned Whole Foods have recently packed up and left Chicago.


The city has yet to provide an exact estimate for the price tag of something like a city-owned grocery store, but it is notable that the mayor announced just this month that the city is projecting a deficit of $538 million dollars for this upcoming fiscal year.

The mayor’s chief of policy, Umi Grisby, has claimed that this project won’t use taxpayer dollars, though she admitted the city would use state and federal funding.

“We are not spending any taxpayer dollars, right?” she told CBS Chicago. “What we’re also going to be able to access is the funding that exists at the national level and the state level.”

Moreover, the mayor’s office has already acknowledged that this project, if completed, will also use economic grant money, which, too, comes from taxpayers.

Critics have said this grocery store proposal is akin to “Soviet-style central planning.” Detractors have also highlighted the city’s penchant for corruption and the city’s half-a-billion dollar deficit to question how the store could be efficient. There are also still questions about how prices would be set, how this would be superior to private grocery stores, and how it would affect private enterprise.


PREMO Member

‘They’re not afraid of anyone’: Bucktown residents voice concerns after man beaten, robbed in broad daylight

“What I saw in that video was a shocking terrorist incident and assault, high def, like I’ve never seen in this neighborhood before,” Steve Jensen, from the Bucktown Community Organization, said.

Video capturing the violent attack shows the two assailants lingering on a sidewalk in the 2000 block of North Damen Avenue, just before 3 p.m. when the victim, a 33-year-old man, is seen crossing the street. The two offenders then follow the man into an alley before one of them runs up behind the victim and punches him in the head. The second robber then joins in, dragging the victim across the alley.

A witness in a nearby vehicle who saw the robbery unfolding then honked their horn and the offenders were seen fleeing with the victim’s bag.

“I think the most shocking part is when the two perpetrators walked away like they were walking to the bus stop. They didn’t run, they didn’t have to,” Jensen said.

Following the attack, the victim was taken to a local medical center for treatment.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

‘They’re not afraid of anyone’: Bucktown residents voice concerns after man beaten, robbed in broad daylight

“What I saw in that video was a shocking terrorist incident and assault, high def, like I’ve never seen in this neighborhood before,” Steve Jensen, from the Bucktown Community Organization, said.

Video capturing the violent attack shows the two assailants lingering on a sidewalk in the 2000 block of North Damen Avenue, just before 3 p.m. when the victim, a 33-year-old man, is seen crossing the street. The two offenders then follow the man into an alley before one of them runs up behind the victim and punches him in the head. The second robber then joins in, dragging the victim across the alley.

A witness in a nearby vehicle who saw the robbery unfolding then honked their horn and the offenders were seen fleeing with the victim’s bag.

“I think the most shocking part is when the two perpetrators walked away like they were walking to the bus stop. They didn’t run, they didn’t have to,” Jensen said.

Following the attack, the victim was taken to a local medical center for treatment.
Note to self: No shortcuts through alleys.


Well-Known Member
Arm the citizens, the robberies will slow down, some of the robbers will be removed and the streets will be safer.
This man was really dumb to completely ignore two thugs dressed as these two were and take his eyes off them.

Be aware


PREMO Member

Chicago Armed Robbers on an Extraordinary Rampage: 'Everyone Is so Freaked Out'

In a shocking series of armed robberies throughout the city, thieves have developed new tactics that allow them to hit a dozen or more unsuspecting victims on the street and disappear before the police can scoop them up.

The robbers use stolen cars and hit specific neighborhoods, accosting people and taking their valuables while brandishing automatic weapons in their faces.

One such spree included two armed thieves hitting two discount stores and robbing employees and then stealing wallets and other items from pedestrians on the street,

The police captured one of the crooks by sheer happenstance when a citizen called in a report of two men running from a stolen Kia. But this is a “drop in the bucket,” according to the Chicago Tribune.

In the days before and after those robberies, waves of other stickups were happening around the city, including a driver accosted by rifle-toting teens as he was unloading his car in Bucktown, a woman carjacked at gunpoint in Rogers Park, students walking near DePaul University’s Lincoln Park campus and a bar worker mugged after leaving work in the West Loop.
While armed robberies are nothing new in Chicago, a disturbing new pattern has emerged in recent months where crews of robbers — many of them juveniles — toting high-powered weapons go on crime sprees, robbing or carjacking multiple victims in a matter of minutes, often using stolen cars and dressed head to toe in black.
They seem to be constantly one step ahead of authorities. Before police can even respond to one scene, more have popped up, leaving dozens upon dozens of victims in their wake.

“I think everyone is so freaked out, who’s lived in this area for a long time, because of the random and brazen nature of what’s happening right now,” said Rod O’Connor, who has lived in the Humboldt Park area for more than two decades. “I want the next generation of shooters to not become shooters, but the generation right now is what we’re all freaked out about and why I worry about my kid riding her bike two blocks from her house.”


PREMO Member

Chicago braces for buses carrying up to 1,250 migrants daily: ‘An untenable situation’

Fifty coaches carrying migrants have arrived in Chicago over the last week and authorities are bracing for up to 25 buses with around 1,250 people aboard to start arriving daily.

The deluge has caused huge problems and prompted backlash from residents in the city, which long ago ran out of shelter space and has been allowing asylum seekers to sleep in O’Hare Airport and police stations across the city.

In a scathing letter to President Biden Monday, Illinois’ Democrat Governor, J.B. Pritzker accused the feds of failing to provide adequate aid to the city — a sentiment echoed by numerous other American mayors as the crisis unfolds.

“The humanitarian crisis is overwhelming our ability to provide aid to the refugee population. Unfortunately, the welcome and aid Illinois has been providing to these asylum seekers has not been matched with support by the federal government.


PREMO Member

The Purge: Chicago Style

The comically absurd films are meant to be taken as serious warnings by activist/director James DeMonaco, whose melanin-deficient psychopaths don American flag trucker hats as they prowl the streets in their machine-gun mounted trucks, complete with invocations to God and the “New Founding Fathers” every time they score a kill. The films’ sledgehammering of their politics across the faces of audiences makes Michael Moore’s propaganda of yesteryear feel almost naively quaint.

Chicago’s real-time Purge reenactments aren’t too far off the mark… if you allow for the fact that the victim/killer roles are reversed. The elected leaders are Democrats. The public safety officials are Democrats. The Cook County state’s attorney is a Democrat. The teachers and professors are Democrats. The looters and arsonists and rapists and killers are Democrats. The vast majority of the voters, both actual and fictional, are Democrats.

Out of American cities with the highest murder rates, Democrats run 19 out of 20 of them. In contrast, America’s ten wealthiest congressional districts are made up of Democrats. If DeMonaco wanted to give an honest critique of American violence, he could start by acknowledging the political demographics for what they are, not what he would wish them to be.

The problem with America isn’t flag-waving Bible thumpers wreaking havoc in the streets with a wink and nod from the likes of Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis. The problem with America is unprosecutable criminals and perpetually aggrieved, meaninglessly degreed activism tourists wreaking havoc in the streets with a wink and nod from the likes of Joe Biden and Brandon Johnson.


PREMO Member

Pritzker begs 'someone' to stop Texas from sending immigrants to blue cities

From The Washington Examiner:

Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D-IL) is calling for “someone” to stand up and stop Republican lawmakers from sending migrants “only to blue cities.”
“Someone needs to work in Texas with these border politicians to have them stop sending people only to blue cities!” Pritzker told Face the Nation on Sunday.
Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) announced that Texas had bused more than 50,000 people who have crossed the southern border and sent them to Democratic-led cities, including New York City, Chicago, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, Denver, and Los Angeles. The busing initiative began in 2022.
The Illinois governor specifically pointed to the need for federal intervention.
“The president of the United States and the White House has the ability to help disperse folks across the country,” Pritzker added. “That will help a lot.”

So big, self-proclaimed sanctuary cities like Chicago and New York just simply can't handle all the illegal immigrants, but bussing them off to other places means those other places will?
