Christians in bull's-eye in new 'hate crimes' plan


New Member
JPC sr said:
:yay: That is correct that people are not created as homosexuals and they choose that lifestyle but God created people with that capacity and God puts the swine into the pens where they belong.
It's called temptation. Greeks call it Pandora's box. Christianity states it as the apple Eve bit in to. Murder happens, but it is a sin.


The only thing I have to say about JPC or anything from his mind is that it as truthful as anything that the forestidiot has come out with. JPC, I've seen your post numerous times and I have yet to see anything resembling intelligencence from them. The same can be said for the moron forestool.


New Member
forestal said:
bleh, unless they're in a muslim country, Christians aren't ever the victims of hate crimes.
Because hate crime laws are designed and worded as crimes against minorities (blacks, mexicans, etc.).


New Member
forestool said:
err, It's usually Christians burning the crosses on people's lawns, not muslims, jews, buddists, what-have-you. They typically belong to the KKK, but I wouldn't expect a holy roller like yourself to know this.
Of course :rolleyes:

Anyone who hates anybody else for their skin color or religion are not Christians. They're getting a one-way ticket to hell when they die.

Now, let's talk about your religion and the hate crimes people practicing your religion did here on September 11, 2001. Is it fair for me to attack Islam over 9-11?


New Member
Vince said:
The only thing I have to say about JPC or anything from his mind is that it as truthful as anything that the forestidiot has come out with. JPC, I've seen your post numerous times and I have yet to see anything resembling intelligencence from them. The same can be said for the moron forestool.
I think I'll vote for Mr. Hoyer. :jet:


Lovin' being Texican
Oh deary dear, whatever can he mean?

Andy said:
Democrats with an open mind

Can he mean there might possibly be a Democrat with an open mind hiding out there somewhere.

Or, is he really trying to say that the body of Democrats has one mind, and it's open?

Maybe we need a poll.


Harley Rider
Vince said:
The only thing I have to say about JPC or anything from his mind is that it as truthful as anything that the forestidiot has come out with. JPC, I've seen your post numerous times and I have yet to see anything resembling intelligencence from them. The same can be said for the moron forestool.
A little stronger words than I'd use but still accurate. I hope you folks see how JPC sr. circumvented the issue into doubletalk. First, "God made them that way", then "they chose that way themselves". :doh: This is the "flip-flop" that we need to beware of when voting for those with the "D" after their name. Does it mean doubletalk, double meaning or what? It means that I'm DONE with this thread. Unbelievable that they still get votes!!!

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

ItalianScallion said:
A little stronger words than I'd use but still accurate. I hope you folks see how JPC sr. circumvented the issue into doubletalk. First, "God made them that way", then "they chose that way themselves". :doh: This is the "flip-flop" that we need to beware of when voting for those with the "D" after their name. Does it mean doubletalk, double meaning or what? It means that I'm DONE with this thread. Unbelievable that they still get votes!!!
:yay: The double talk in this case is perfectly accurate.

God created people this way and we choose to act that way.

It is double talk because it is double subjects.

Like the space shuttle that blew up.

The shuttle creators did create the shuttle to act one way and the shuttle acted in its own way.

The creators did not make it to blow up but that capacity was always there.

God created people to do right but people have options and some do wrong.

The creator is at fault and so is the created at fault.

It is double because it is a two edged sword that cuts both ways. :duel:


Lovin' being Texican
JPC sr said:
:yay: The double talk in this case is perfectly accurate.

God created people this way and we choose to act that way.

It is double talk because it is double subjects.

Like the space shuttle that blew up.

The shuttle creators did create the shuttle to act one way and the shuttle acted in its own way.

The creators did not make it to blow up but that capacity was always there.

God created people to do right but people have options and some do wrong.

The creator is at fault and so is the created at fault.

It is double because it is a two edged sword that cuts both ways. :duel:

The DSM-III would characterize this as loose association, a sure sign of psychosis. Have you forgotten to take your Thorazine all this year?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
ItalianScallion said:
WHOA pal! You have 3 strikes against you and now I see why.
1) You're ABSOLUTELY INCAPABLE of interpreting the Bible so please stop trying.
2) You're a democrat-(America's enemy within)
3) You're spreading a lie against God, the Bible & Christians and that is dangerous!
That is NOT what that passage means! It simply means that God told the people to stop that sinful lifestyle and they chose not to, so He allowed them (by their own free will), to continue in it and later face their own destruction (judgment). No more, no less. DON'T you ever say that God is OK with homosexuality! He cares about them very much, as we Christians do, but He will not tolerate their lifestyles just as we do not. Then, at least finish the passage where it says in vs 32 "although they KNOW God's righteous decrees that those who who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these things, but also approve of those who practice them". It doesn't surprise me that the hate speech issue, which is not allowed in Canada, will eventually bleed down to America because of liberals like JPC! Wise up my friend! NO ONE who speaks against God EVER wins. TREAD carefully!
He has been told from the pulpit of a church more than once that what he spouts is false. He ignores it.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
forestal said:
bleh, unless they're in a muslim country, Christians aren't ever the victims of hate crimes.
Oh. Tell that to the Christians that are murdered for no other reason than being Christians in the Philippines. Are you really JPC?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
JPC sr said:
:yay: I know that many Christians interpret those passages that way above but that is not what the Bible says.

It is true that people know what they are doing and they do have the choice of repentance but the Bible states in fact that God turned them over to their lust.

I see it the same as going to jail, because it is said that the criminals put themselves into the jail by committing the crime, but it is the jail keeper that locks that door, and God put the homosexual into a kind of jail and by repentance they can get free.
You are so wrong. Your interpretation of the Bible is a bad as your interpretation of the child support laws.

I cannot wait until the primary is over and you go away again.


Well-Known Member
ItalianScallion said:
DON'T you ever say that God is OK with homosexuality! He cares about them very much, as we Christians do, but He will not tolerate their lifestyles just as we do not.
As quoted before:
"if your god hates the same people you do, you have made god in your image"
not the other way around.

Besides, what ever happened to whole, god made us all to be like him thing?


Romans 1:27-32

JPC sr said:
:yay: It is no thought police, it is violence police.

And that it would seem to be aimed against Christians is because Chistians have taken the front role in denouncing homosexuality and the Christian position goes against what the Bible says.

Click here for a Bible reference link that tells the true position that Christians ignore.

Right there the Bible states that it is God that turned women into lesbians and God turned men into homosexuals.

So Christians are intolerant of God's own doings, and so the Christians are wrong.

If God gives homosexuals that as a punishment then we have no business trying to interfere with the commands of God but that is what Christians do.

The Bible says that God did it, and rightly so.
:shrug: ......................................... :nono:

You only read a small piece JPC. Read the rest

27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
You're comments of the enemy within show extremism, the very same thing we're fighting against. As a Democrat, and one who has supported the surge and one who wants to see a strong America, I resented those comments. But, people like you take what forestool and JPC post and see that as the thoughts of most liberals, instead of actually listening to Democrats with an open mind. You brought up some good points about the bible, but I was already turned off to what you have to say on here with that enemy within remark.
You need to be more specific with the "idiot" toss. A general "idiot" toss to JPC or forest is understandable, but ItalianScallion.

The Democratic Party seems like the enemy within to many. Pelosi, Kennedy, Shummer, Feinstein, Sharpton, and those like them that seem to be the "main stream" of the Democratic Party give the more level headed Democrats a bad name. I have said before, I used to be a Democrat; voted, to my chagrin, for Carter, but the Democrats left me. Now the Republicans are leaving me; they don't have the cajones to stand up for conservative values.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

Kain99 said:
You only read a small piece JPC. Read the rest

27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
:yay: Yes I did answer that and I addressed the whole subject in three (3) times post here:

Click here for 1st reply post.

Click here for 2nd reply post.

Click here for 3rd reply post.
I know the scrirtures very well, thank you.

People do know the judgements of God's law and they break those laws and God puts them into a type of prison being a hell on earth like homosexuality. :whistle:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
JPC sr said:
:yay: Yes I did answer that and I addressed the whole subject in three (3) times post here:

Click here for 1st reply post.

Click here for 2nd reply post.

Click here for 3rd reply post.
I know the scrirtures very well, thank you.

People do know the judgements of God's law and they break those laws and God puts them into a type of prison being a hell on earth like homosexuality. :whistle:
Whatever "scrirtures" are.

If you mean the scriptures, then satan knows the scripture well, too, and you pervert the meaning of scripture just as satan does.


Baby blues
JPC sr said:
:yay: Yes I did answer that and I addressed the whole subject in three (3) times post here:

Click here for 1st reply post.

Click here for 2nd reply post.

Click here for 3rd reply post.
I know the scrirtures very well, thank you.

People do know the judgements of God's law and they break those laws and God puts them into a type of prison being a hell on earth like homosexuality. :whistle:

You know, I told you before that you really ought to stop trying to interpret the bible.

You replied some nonsense that I didn't like religion and that's why I didn't want you interpreting the bible.

The ACTUAL reason I said that is because you screw it up every time. I have NEVER seen anyone screw up interpretation of the bible like you do. It is utterly amazing to me what you get from the scriptures, when they don't even come close to saying the foolishness that you spout.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
2ndAmendment said:
There is no such thing as a hate crime. What? Some crimes are done out of love? :bs: Hate crime legislation is just a way of pushing an agenda.

The federal government is too pervasive in the lives of citizens now, and it gets worse every year. I love what this country was intended to be; I hate what it is becoming. The founders were right to suspect that the government they were founding would outlast its purpose. The tyrannical elite in Washington usurp more powers from the states and the citizens and the average person doesn't even realize or is too self absorbed or ignorant to care.
I see it. That's why I'm preparing for a 30+ years in the military in case this country turns facist.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
I see it. That's why I'm preparing for a 30+ years in the military in case this country turns facist.
So you will be fighting to preserve the perverted nation against the new revolution. I know that is what you swear to do; not quite in those words. You and ol' King George all the way. Right? Or am I miss reading you?