Christians in bull's-eye in new 'hate crimes' plan

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
2ndAmendment said:
So you will be fighting to preserve the perverted nation against the new revolution. I know that is what you swear to do; not quite in those words. You and ol' King George all the way. Right? Or am I miss reading you?
I'm a survivalist kinda person and the military is a good place to be in a facist regiem. Although, there is a bit a sarcasm in that. I am true to my oath and if something akin to the Civil War did break out, I would be on the side of the government. I'm just wired that way in my head that I couldn't break that oath.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
I'm a survivalist kinda person and the military is a good place to be in a facist regiem. Although, there is a bit a sarcasm in that. I am true to my oath and if something akin to the Civil War did break out, I would be on the side of the government. I'm just wired that way in my head that I couldn't break that oath.
That's OK. I am for changing the government through the system. Actually, I am for restoring the government to what it is supposed to be through the system. The problem is once "Pandora's Box" is opened, it is hard to get all those nasty things put back in and get it closed again. Greed, power, avarice, of a little over 400 people in D.C. have corrupted our government into something it was never meant to be. Thomas Jefferson said there is a cure for that, but it involves the shedding of the blood of tyrants and patriots.

I fear that some day, you will be shooting at the true patriots of this nation as they try to wrest it from the hands of those that are abusing their power.

And I am definitely a survivalist.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

2ndAmendment said:
Whatever "scrirtures" are.

If you mean the scriptures, then satan knows the scripture well, too, and you pervert the meaning of scripture just as satan does.
:yay: I am glad that you caught that as I sometimes wonder if anyone on here knows what is being said.

And I believe that Satan perverts the meanings wrong because he knows them wrong.

The scriptures does not mean the Bible as some of the Bible is scripture and some of the Bible is not.

Plus I include other works as parts of the scriptures, like the Bhagavad-Gita and the Tao Te Ching and the 4 Noble Truths and the Quran and a number of minor scriptures too.

Of course in those previous post I was only refering to the New Testament book of Romans chapter 1.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
2ndAmendment said:
That's OK. I am for changing the government through the system. Actually, I am for restoring the government to what it is supposed to be through the system. The problem is once "Pandora's Box" is opened, it is hard to get all those nasty things put back in and get it closed again. Greed, power, avarice, of a little over 400 people in D.C. have corrupted our government into something it was never meant to be. Thomas Jefferson said there is a cure for that, but it involves the shedding of the blood of tyrants and patriots.

I fear that some day, you will be shooting at the true patriots of this nation as they try to wrest it from the hands of those that are abusing their power.

And I am definitely a survivalist.
Being in the military has made me re-think and I cannot imagine the personal turmoil that men like Lee, Bragg, and Beauregard had to go through in deciding to go with the Conferacy, much less the men who stayed with the Union. To have to make the decision one way or the other is mind crushing. The simple act of staying with the Union is contradictory in and of itself. To be ordered to attack and kill the very people you are supposed to be sworn to protect.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
JPC sr said:
:yay: I am glad that you caught that as I sometimes wonder if anyone on here knows what is being said.

And I believe that Satan perverts the meanings wrong because he knows them wrong.

The scriptures does not mean the Bible as some of the Bible is scripture and some of the Bible is not.

Plus I include other works as parts of the scriptures, like the Bhagavad-Gita and the Tao Te Ching and the 4 Noble Truths and the Quran and a number of minor scriptures too.

Of course in those previous post I was only refering to the New Testament book of Romans chapter 1.
Satan perverts the scriptures because he is a liar, a thief, and a killer. His goal is to claim as many human souls for hell as he can.

You pervert the scriptures because you lack understanding. Judging from your command of English grammar, I think you are probably very poorly educated and lack the resources to properly understand what you read. That is one of the possibilities. The other is that you are just stupid and incapable of understanding. In either case, every time you post, you reveal that you should be taking the time to learn rather than trying to govern or teach.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
Being in the military has made me re-think and I cannot imagine the personal turmoil that men like Lee, Bragg, and Beauregard had to go through in deciding to go with the Conferacy, much less the men who stayed with the Union. To have to make the decision one way or the other is mind crushing. The simple act of staying with the Union is contradictory in and of itself. To be ordered to attack and kill the very people you are supposed to be sworn to protect.
Terrible decision to have to make. My son just joined. Same problem. God ( I know you don't believe. ) help our nation and our military now and in the future. If it comes to another civil war and I think it just might, it will not be easy for either side.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
2ndAmendment said:
Terrible decision to have to make. My son just joined. Same problem. God ( I know you don't believe. ) help our nation and our military now and in the future. If it comes to another civil war and I think it just might, it will not be easy for either side.
Who'd he sign up with?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
Who'd he sign up with?
Army. :huggy:

Take this in the way it is meant. I love all those in the military. All I can say is thank you for doing what you do.


Harley Rider
Midnightrider said:
As quoted before:
"if your god hates the same people you do, you have made god in your image"
not the other way around.
Besides, what ever happened to whole, god made us all to be like him thing?
I guess I'm NOT done with this thread. I've been brought back into it. Friend, I said NOTHING about hating anyone so don't even go there! I said that God is NOT OK with homosexuality but He cares for them VERY MUCH just as we Christians do. Where is the word or implication of hatred? You seem to have the same problem that JPC does in hearing what is said here! One thing many of you need to learn is that the same intolerance that Jesus showed on earth will be carried over into judgment day. You who promote the degradation of society for fear of "offending" someone will pay big time! This is why society is going downhill. It's because liberalism is a mental disorder and many should seek medical help for it. And, this "God made us all to be like Him thing" means that we all STARTED OUT very good but many TURNED OUT very bad by their OWN free choice. This is why the world is the way it is. If God were kept in our lives, court rooms, schools, homes & government we wouldn't be in the mess we're in today. Quote me, but don't misquote me! AATTSSS RIGHT!

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
ItalianScallion said:
I guess I'm NOT done with this thread. I've been brought back into it. Friend, I said NOTHING about hating anyone so don't even go there! I said that God is NOT OK with homosexuality but He cares for them VERY MUCH just as we Christians do. Where is the word or implication of hatred? You seem to have the same problem that JPC does in hearing what is said here! One thing many of you need to learn is that the same intolerance that Jesus showed on earth will be carried over into judgment day. You who promote the degradation of society for fear of "offending" someone will pay big time! This is why society is going downhill. It's because liberalism is a mental disorder and many should seek medical help for it. And, this "God made us all to be like Him thing" means that we all STARTED OUT very good but many TURNED OUT very bad by their OWN free choice. This is why the world is the way it is. If God were kept in our lives, court rooms, schools, homes & government we wouldn't be in the mess we're in today. Quote me, but don't misquote me! AATTSSS RIGHT!
No, it's none of my damn business how someone lives thier life since it's not affecting my life. If you want to live in a country controlled by God aka a Theocracy, then you need to move to the Middle East or the Vatican.


Harley Rider
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
You're comments of the enemy within show extremism, the very same thing we're fighting against. As a Democrat, and one who has supported the surge and one who wants to see a strong America, I resented those comments. But, people like you take what forestool and JPC post and see that as the thoughts of most liberals, instead of actually listening to Democrats with an open mind. You brought up some good points about the bible, but I was already turned off to what you have to say on here with that enemy within remark.
I've been called an extremist because of my black or white, right or wrong approach to things, but those 2 beliefs you mentioned don't make you a Republican either. I have listened your party members for years; Pelosi, Kennedy, Albright, Dean, Ginsberg, Bill & Hillary, etc., and they will bring about the demise of America if elected. AND ANYONE WHO VOTES FOR THEM, VOTES FOR THE END OF AMERICAN FREEDOMS! They all support the ACLU and their communist agenda. They are pro abortion, pro gun control, pro NAMBLA, pro tax hikes, pro illegal immigrants, anti free speech, anti Christian and I could go on! IS THIS YOUR POSITION TOO ANDY? If not, you're in the wrong party and wasting your vote. If so, you are part of the enemy within America, like it or not. Too many people are in their present party because their parents were and the others (like sheep going to slaughter) believe the media and are seriously mislead about the democratic agenda. Dig deep! Study their TRUE agenda. They ARE our "enemy within" and THEY don't even realize it. 50 years ago this country wouldn't even tolerate HALF of what we tolerate today. What would a Hillary or Pelosi have done in the 1940's to end WW2? Send traitors like Sean Penn or the Dixie Chicks over there to negotiate and bow down to them? We'd all be speaking Japanese today if they didn't drop the bomb. We are not in a world where negotiations work anymore. Yes, Bush is fighting the war the wrong way in my opinion but he is light years ahead of what Kerry would have done, God forbid!:buttkick:
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Harley Rider
Bustem' Down said:
No, it's none of my damn business how someone lives thier life since it's not affecting my life. If you want to live in a country controlled by God aka a Theocracy, then you need to move to the Middle East or the Vatican.
You are so blind! "SINCE IT'S NOT AFFECTING MY LIFE" you say. What hole have you been in all these years? I'm a "live and let live" person, and the only reason I AM speaking out is because IT IS affecting ALL of our lives! I won't say another word to you if you can't see this.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
ItalianScallion said:
You are so blind! "SINCE IT'S NOT AFFECTING MY LIFE" you say. What hole have you been in all these years? I'm a "live and let live" person, and the only reason I AM speaking out is because IT IS affecting ALL of our lives! I won't say another word to you if you can't see this.
It's not affecting my life. Who someone else sleeps with has nothing to do with me. The only reason it's affecting your life is because you feel the need to butt in there. My uncle was gay. Was in a long term commitment, didn't affect the outcome of my life what so ever.


Super Genius
JPC sr said:
And I believe that Satan perverts the meanings wrong because he knows them wrong.
BTW, I just realized that you are saying that you understand scripture, but Satan (fallen angel...there when it all happened) doesn't know scripture. That takes some serious balls and/or stupidity.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
ItalianScallion said:
I've been called an extremist because of my black or white, right or wrong approach to things, but those 2 beliefs you mentioned don't make you a Republican either. I have listened your party members for years; Pelosi, Kennedy, Albright, Dean, Ginsberg, Bill & Hillary, etc., and they will bring about the demise of America if elected. AND ANYONE WHO VOTES FOR THEM, VOTES FOR THE END OF AMERICAN FREEDOMS! They all support the ACLU and their communist agenda. They are pro abortion, pro gun control, pro NAMBLA, pro tax hikes, pro illegal immigrants, anti free speech, anti Christian and I could go on! IS THIS YOUR POSITION TOO ANDY? If not, you're in the wrong party and wasting your vote. If so, you are part of the enemy within America, like it or not. Too many people are in their present party because their parents were and the others (like sheep going to slaughter) believe the media and are seriously mislead about the democratic agenda. Dig deep! Study their TRUE agenda. They ARE our "enemy within" and THEY don't even realize it. 50 years ago this country wouldn't even tolerate HALF of what we tolerate today. What would a Hillary or Pelosi have done in 1944 to end WW2? Send traitors like Sean Penn or the Dixie Chicks over there to negotiate and bow down to them? We'd all be speaking Japanese today if they didn't drop the bomb. We are not in a world where negotiations work anymore. Yes, Bush is fighting the war the wrong way in my opinion but he is light years ahead of what Kerry would have done, God forbid!:buttkick:
I've been a Republican for my entire adult life, but whack jobs like you make me wish that there was a viable third party. Your ultra right wing, "you’re either a Christian warrior for god or the enemy" attitude is one of the major reasons the majority of Americans don't want any religion in schools. In which way do you feel your life is being affected, are they poisoning the rarified atmosphere that fundamentalist live in? In a different religion your paranoid delusional ramblings would have made you a good mullah, they usually like your breed of hate mongering.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.

ylexot said:
BTW, I just realized that you are saying that you understand scripture, but Satan (fallen angel...there when it all happened) doesn't know scripture. That takes some serious balls and/or stupidity.
:yay: Actually it is an incredably logical and reasonable deduction that Satan would not understand the scriptures because they are a message sent from the Father to the children and all true scripture only refer to here on earth and about the Creator's dealings with people on earth.

Satan might see Christ on a cross and never fathom the significance, but any person anywhere on earth can read the scriptures and understand the message personally.

It is wrong to think that Satan is superior to the least of mankind because he is not. And it is wrong to think that Satan were equal to God like two playing a chess game because Satan is not equal to God in any way.

Some people mistake the words in the Bible to mean that Satan tried to take over God's thrown and put himself Satan in charge but that is not correct. Satan wanted only to become second in command as he was trying to unseat the one called Christ and that was his ambition to become number two, he tried to replace the son, - because even Satan has to bow before the big Creator Father.

It really is a cool story if you forget all those old time twisted interpretations. :jameo:


Harley Rider
Merlin99 said:
I've been a Republican for my entire adult life, but whack jobs like you make me wish that there was a viable third party. Your ultra right wing, "you’re either a Christian warrior for god or the enemy" attitude is one of the major reasons the majority of Americans don't want any religion in schools. In which way do you feel your life is being affected, are they poisoning the rarified atmosphere that fundamentalist live in? In a different religion your paranoid delusional ramblings would have made you a good mullah, they usually like your breed of hate mongering.
MY attitude is why most Americans do not want any religion in schools? OK Ray Charles, one day (hopefully) you'll see. I think you are missing the "caring" in what I say. I don't preach hate, just wise up and see the light of truth, that's all. They killed Jesus for His "ultra right wing" stance, so I do expect this type of response. If you try, you might see that Jesus was looked on as a "hate monger" for the way He spoke out against the evils of "His day". Pharisees, Saducees, SODOM & GOMORRAH, pagan gods, just to name a few. I'd like to be a Constitution party member but not too many run in that party so, after being a democrat until 1989, I switched to a republican. And believe me I am not overly happy with them right now.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
ItalianScallion said:
MY attitude is why most Americans do not want any religion in schools? OK Ray Charles, one day (hopefully) you'll see. I think you are missing the "caring" in what I say. I don't preach hate, just wise up and see the light of truth, that's all. They killed Jesus for His "ultra right wing" stance, so I do expect this type of response. If you try, you might see that Jesus was looked on as a "hate monger" for the way He spoke out against the evils of "His day". Pharisees, Saducees, SODOM & GOMORRAH, pagan gods, just to name a few. I'd like to be a Constitution party member but not too many run in that party so, after being a democrat until 1989, I switched to a republican. And believe me I am not overly happy with them right now.
Actually with all of his helping the poor and downtrodden, his social reforms, it was more of a leftist stance. The Ultra right wing would have been the Pharisees, the Temple Priests, with all of thier Temple law and such. Jesus was a Democrat.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
JPC sr said:
:yay: Actually it is an incredably logical and reasonable deduction that Satan would not understand the scriptures because they are a message sent from the Father to the children and all true scripture only refer to here on earth and about the Creator's dealings with people on earth.

Satan might see Christ on a cross and never fathom the significance, but any person anywhere on earth can read the scriptures and understand the message personally.

It really is a cool story if you forget all those old time twisted interpretations. :jameo:

Oh my. :doh: I know I said I wasn't going to reply to you because it's a waste of my time.

And I believe that Satan perverts the meanings wrong because he knows them wrong.

Do you realize what you're saying? Christians have something that Satan doesn't need and that is "Faith". Satan doesn't need faith because he knows God exists. Can you figure out the rest?