Church Sign: The Koran Needs to be Flushed

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:

Those retards chop people's heads off and kill for sport, yet the prevailing attitude is to try and "understand" their savagery and "embrace diversity".

Boo hoo. Wake me up when that minister flies planes into your buildings and kills thousands of your people.
That's a horrible thing to say and very ignorant. I've served with muslims in the navy during the war and they were good friends.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
What part of it is not the truth?
If your going to classify all muslims that way by only looking at a select few, you might as well start saying that all blacks run fast and all asians have small penises. There are some over there that are bad, but there are many many that are not. I've served with them. I've been in middle eastern ports and met the people there. I might as well say that all christians are pedophiliac poligomist bigots based solely on the Branch Davidians of Waco, TX. That the exact same thing your doing.


New Member
Bustem' Down said:
That's a horrible thing to say and very ignorant. I've served with muslims in the navy during the war and they were good friends.
Why haven't we heard from your friends denouncing the actions of their brethren?? When someone like say a "Timothy McVey" does something horrific or the prisoner abuse scandal, the out cry from us silly Americans is heard worldwide. I don't hear a peep from your friends. :ohwell:

The sign was incorrect.

It should have read: "Pizz on the Quran, then flush it down the toilet!!"
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Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Mikeinsmd said:
Why haven't we heard from your friends denouncing the actions of their brethren?? When someone like say a "Timothy McVey" does something horrific or the prisoner abuse scandal, the out cry from us silly Americans is heard worldwide. I don't hear a peep from your friends. :ohwell:

The sign was incorrect.

It should have read: "Pizz on the Quran, then flush it down the toilet!!"
They were just as pissed. There was no general outcry from the Germans when Hitler started putting Jews in concentration camps. Should we hold all Germans responsible? No.


Bustem' Down said:
They were just as pissed. There was no general outcry from the Germans when Hitler started putting Jews in concentration camps. Should we hold all Germans responsible? No.
Truth be told the sign was in poor taste however we are all sick and tired of the crybabying when Sadaam is seen in his undies while we receive videotapes of our brothers having their heads chopped off.
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New Member
Bustem' Down said:
They were just as pissed. There was no general outcry from the Germans when Hitler started putting Jews in concentration camps. Should we hold all Germans responsible? No.
That's because most if not all Germans agreed with him. That's our point here.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Kain99 said:
Truth be told the sign was in poor taste. We are all sick and tired of the crybabying when Sadaam is seen in his undies yet we receive videotapes of our brothers having their heads chopped off.
I hate it too, but that is just a small portion of the muslim world doing that and to label every single muslim just because of a few peoples actions is just flat out wrong. I guess we should just round up every african american and throw them in jail because of gang violence.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Mikeinsmd said:
That's because most if not all Germans agreed with him. That's our point here.
And you have incontrovetable proof that all muslims, all followers of the faith of Islam agree with these terrorists and extremists? I'd like to see it please, otherwise all you have is slander and predjudice.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
]There are some over there that are bad, but there are many many that are not.
Then where are they?

We went crazy over Abu Ghraib and demanded that our military personnel treat prisoners with dignity and humanity. But Muslim terrorists actually behead their prisoners, not just make them wear panties on their head, and we don't hear a peep out of "American" Muslims.

This is the exact same thing as when those priests were raping young boys and the Catholic church not only did nothing to stop it, but went out of their way to cover it up. Catholics who remained silent or actively defended the church are the lowest scum of the earth, right alongside terrorists and their supporters.

The Muslim community should be outraged that their Middle Eastern counterparts are giving their religion such a bad reputation. But they seem to be more concerned about some disparagement to their Koran than WHY it's being disparaged in the first place. And I don't think they can be any clearer than that as to their intentions.

Whats-her-face in the story feels angered and threatened because of a sign. Screw her. How does she think the people tortured and killed by her religion-mates felt???


Bustem' Down said:
I hate it too, but that is just a small portion of the muslim world doing that and to label every single muslim just because of a few peoples actions is just flat out wrong. I guess we should just round up every african american and throw them in jail because of gang violence.
I understand your point of view but you don't have children fighting this War in Iraq and you didn't personally lose a loved one on 9/11.

It's easy for you to stay neutral. For the rest of us, the lines have been drawn. Speaking for myself...... It's a perfectly good idea to wipe the planet of Muslims.

It's all based on personal experience.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Kain99 said:
I understand your point of view but you don't have children fighting this War in Iraq and you didn't personally lose a loved one on 9/11.

It's easy for you to stay neutral. For the rest of us, the lines have been drawn. Speaking for myself...... It's a perfectly good idea to wipe the planet of Muslims.

It's all based on personal experience.
Your right I don't have children fighting there. I was fighting there. I was on a VBSS team and my security team leader was a muslim. So I am involved and I can be neutral.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
I guess we should just round up every african american and throw them in jail because of gang violence.
Just the ones like Maxine Waters who try to blame the behavior of black criminals on white people. Very similar to what Muslims are doing with regard to the War on Terror.

If you don't want your group to be looked upon poorly, you must be louder than the people who are giving it a bad name.


Bustem' Down said:
Your right I don't have children fighting there. I was fighting there. I was on a VBSS team and my security team leader was a muslim. So I am involved and I can be neutral.
So... you have no problem blowing Muslim's heads off but you get pissed at a silly sign?

Not being argumentative just trying to understand you. "A politically correct Soldier." I think this is a first for me.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Kain99 said:
So... you have no problem blowing Muslim's heads off but you get pissed at a silly sign?

Not being argumentative just trying to understand you. "A politically correct Soldier." I think this is a first for me.
There's a difference between combatant and non-combatant. I don't take a gun as soon as I get into port and start shooting at brown people.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Ok whatever. You people have taken predjudice, bigotry and hate and twisted it around to make it patriotic. Get on with your bad selves. I'll go back to civilization.


Bustem' Down said:
You people have taken predjudice, bigotry and hate and twisted it around to make it patriotic.
OMFG! I have to go to work now but please do me a a favor. Read your above quote ten times and tell me what you see. Really Bustem - That's exactly what "they" did. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Bustem' Down said:
There's a difference between combatant and non-combatant. I don't take a gun as soon as I get into port and start shooting at brown people.
You know, I fully understand the concept of not needlessly provoking a bad situation here. If you see a growling Doberman coming slowly towards you, hair up on neck and head slightly lowered - you don't *provoke* it.

And to be sure, I get a little tired of the inclusive/specific kinds of debate where - in this example - the Koran gets insulted because of what murderous Muslims have done, and somehow we must *respect* the Koran because of what *peaceful* Muslims haven't done. So therefore, all Muslims get a free pass. On the other hand, all Americans bear the 'guilt' of whatever oppression Muslims feel have been against them.

"We" are *all* guilty for being Americans. "They" are not all guilty, because they "all" aren't terrorists. In fact, we can't insult the ones who ARE guilty, because it insults the ones who don't kill, behead and blow up children. We even have to swallow our justifiable outrage, because we have to be polite to all of these guys. Meanwhile, *every* one of us, according to the logic of people like Ward Churchill, are justified targets for the terrorists.

All Americans, bad. Some Muslims, bad, but don't go around saying that.

Screw it.

Let's put this in perspective. They *killed* our people. They used our planes as weapons, they beheaded people, and they danced in the streets overjoyed at it. And we not only can't strike back, we can't even take precautions against possible attackers (profiling)? We have to be *POLITE* about their religion? This, to people who HAVE NO PROBLEM killing those practicing any religion other than Islam (at least, in their native lands)?

Maybe it's because, people just don't want to see Americans as 'victims'. Because they'd see it differently if the ones being attacked were, say, black, or gay. Or women. Imagine white supremacists consistently blowing blacks up - and the news programs being silent about it, while whites celebrated, openly, and white religious leaders encouraging more of the same in the name of God. Imagine women or gays being openly assaulted, and having authorities warn them not to provoke attacks - because "you brought this on yourselves".

You know what? SOME people do say such things - but most of us think it's damned idiotic.

I'm tired of hearing about how polite I need to be to Muslims. Almost every terror attack against the United States for the last fifteen years has been done by Muslims - you're damned right I have every right to have them checked out at airports. It's stupid to make Granny go through a full cavity search because it would be unfair to Mohammed.