Tonio said:
I just think the flushing is petty, childish, immature and spiteful, and doesn't represent what Christianity is about. Christians should be above that kind of trashy immaturity.
You have a point there. When I was in a very fundamentalist church, I had two minds about that kind of talk.
See, we believed we had the only way to heaven. The "lost" world was *everyone* else, including other churches (we generally termed them as 'Christendom' rather than 'Christians' because we didn't regard them as Christians - WE were the only true ones).
And we were VERY careful most times not to let this on, even to the point of confusing OURSELVES. No, we don't believe we're the only ones going to heaven, yes, there COULD be others IF they do the same things we do (there weren't, but we consoled ourselves with this little self-deception). We told ourselves that we stood very little chance of converting others if we came right out at the beginning and declared we were the only ones saved. We ABSOLUTELY believed that - UNTIL we were *asked* that, outright. THEN we backpedalled. It was a constant shift that I grew to loathe.
So, occasionally, I applauded those who came right out and said what we thought, even though I eventually rejected the idea. I recall one confrontation on campus where our campus leader met with the campus chaplain (because, for reasons that might be easier to understand if you're seriously religious - our most bitter opposition came not from the non-religious, but from OTHER religious groups). He told us that he believed we were their brothers in Christ, but that we were misguided. He told the chaplain "Ok - well, we think you are all LOST". We cheered. SOMEONE had the balls to just *say* it.
And most Christians I know, while *wanting* to be polite to others and be respectful - do NOT regard the Koran as inspired of God, as NOT being the word delivered to Mohammed by Gabriel, but almost certainly the made-up revelation by one man - if they even know anything about it at all. We have slightly more reverence for the Koran because of its *cultural* significance than we do for "Dianetics", but attribute about the same importance to both. It's not the 'Truth'. We don't *say* it, but that's what we think. In fact, nobody is going to say it. We are even divided as to how we feel about the *BIBLE*, but - the Koran is just a book to us.
If Muslims want to try to understand US - they're free to try. The other day, some Pakistani women were burning an American flag in protest of the Newsweek article - demonstrating anger at the UNITED STATES over perceived slights at Islam (and not at, say, Christians or even Newsweek - or "The West"). I'd say they need to realize in some parts of this country, such action would get them a well-deserved azz-kicking - such is the reverence people have for the flag. Flush the Koran? Stop burning and pizzing on our flag, which you've been doing for years. START showing respect, and you might get some.