Cigarette price and quitting...

Too high?

  • $5 a pack (that's coming next week)

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • $8 (that's double now)

    Votes: 5 16.7%
  • $10

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $12.50

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $15 and up, I'll pay whatever price

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • I'll buy them illegally

    Votes: 9 30.0%
  • I'll roll my own

    Votes: 6 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...the tax on smokes is going up more and more. Most of us don't have mansions and private jets because they are too expensive. Most of us have nice TV's or some other possession because we could find a way to afford it.

Question, smokers; You're already paying about $4.00 a pack. At what price point would you just flat out quit this coming year?


...the tax on smokes is going up more and more. Most of us don't have mansions and private jets because they are too expensive. Most of us have nice TV's or some other possession because we could find a way to afford it.

Question, smokers; You're already paying about $4.00 a pack. At what price point would you just flat out quit this coming year?

I guess I'll keep taking the 30 minute drive to VA. for my contraband.:lmao:
I do have a 7 foot evil weed plant drying in my garage which I grew this summer. Come stripping time, I'll need a few wrapping papers.....:cool:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I guess I'll keep taking the 30 minute drive to VA. for my contraband.:lmao:
I do have a 7 foot evil weed plant drying in my garage which I grew this summer. Come stripping time, I'll need a few wrapping papers.....:cool:

...but Virginia will creep up $ome don't you think? I mean, a corollary for this poll would be 'how far would you drive to save how much per pack?'

You're already saving, what, nearly $20 a carton going to Va? So, soon, it will be $40. That's almost enough to pay for the gas!



Thank god I don't smoke... but hubby does... so I still pay for them in the end. I've heard ppl mutter about quitting when the price gets too high time after time, and yet still they smoke, so I believe they will pay whatever the price.


New Member
I alway said when I have to pay $5 a pack then I am quitting. Mine ciggs only cost me $3.54 at WAWA.

Novus Collectus

New Member
When I started smoking cigs were just under a dollar a pack. I kept saying when they get to a certain price I will quit. More than twenty years later I was still smoking in spite of the fact all prices were surpassed, but I actually started thinking about growing my own or buying bulk and rolling my own.
I eventually quit not because of the price, but because a woman I really like doesn't like going out with men who smoke and I figured, hey, why not quit now.
Now I still want to grow tobacco, but now I want to sell it to the poor addicts in bulk so they can roll their own for cheaper.


In My Opinion
smoking is an addiction, and regardless of why someone started smoking, it does become an illness.
I find it very telling that the vile liberals would attack people that have an illness by charging them for it. I hope their mothers are all priced out of their medications.
the next special session should be held on the tracks of an AmTrack train.


Should be Huntin
When I started smoking cigs were just under a dollar a pack. I kept saying when they get to a certain price I will quit. More than twenty years later I was still smoking in spite of the fact all prices were surpassed, but I actually started thinking about growing my own or buying bulk and rolling my own.
I eventually quit not because of the price, but because a woman I really like doesn't like going out with men who smoke and I figured, hey, why not quit now.
Now I still want to grow tobacco, but now I want to sell it to the poor addicts in bulk so they can roll their own for cheaper.

My cousin still grows a little for his uncle to chew it. They took the buyout back in the day. I know a few farmers that took the buyout, shame MD is trying to weed out the farmers.


What's going to happen when the smoking ban in public places takes effect next year? MD is way behind in implementing this law but at least they jumped on the bandwagon; maybe MD will be more lenient on issuing CCW permits next like most other states.


My Sweetest Boy

Question, smokers; You're already paying about $4.00 a pack. At what price point would you just flat out quit this coming year?

It's closer to $5, isn't it?

I'm going to start filling out the application for home equity loan. $14 a day x 30...:faint:


Look my ass glows!
Folks are gonna smoke no matter what the price is. I have seen children go w/out milk, folks standing out in the cold w/an IV attached to their arm and others in their PJ's at the corner store at the first in line at the crack of dawn…all dying to get their first intake of the noxious weed.
$5, $7 or $10-they’ll pay!:whistle:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The cost of the cigarettes isn't so much what matters - it's where that extra cost goes to that pisses me off. I don't know as I have a cap for what I'll pay for cigs, but I'd probably just not smoke as much. Plus, everything gets more expensive; if you told my great-grandmother that one day bread would be $3 a loaf, she'd have been shocked.


In My Opinion
What's going to happen when the smoking ban in public places takes effect next year? MD is way behind in implementing this law but at least they jumped on the bandwagon; maybe MD will be more lenient on issuing CCW permits next like most other states.
let me just interject for a moment.

not a good idea to issue CCW and take away peoples smokes at the same time.

Im just saying maybe some thought should go into this.


Luvin Life !!!
I just thinks it crappy that whey will raise the tax and then tell you that you can't smoke anywhere but home. So I guess I will pay the higher price since I won't be able to smoke anywhere but outside I am sure I will be smoking much less.


On the Right Side.
The Tobacco companies and the State knows they have the smokers by the *alls

So they will keep jumping up the price all the time


Blah.. Blah...Blah
I'm going on vacation next month. I think they are even cheaper in North Carolina. I dont expect anyone to go to NC to save 5 bucks though.


Well-Known Member
Having already quit, I'm not sure what my cut-off would have been. It would likely be directly related to how good my income is - a lack of disposable cash is good incentive to cut out the cigarettes.

A related question(s) that comes to mind for me is, at what point will people start taking matters into their own hands? When will we see theft from stores increase? When will we people start growing/selling their own, as mentioned above?

When will we see the same extensive black market for tobacco that already exists for other outlawed substances, such as weed & other drugs? Or alcohol, during the prohibition days?


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Having already quit, I'm not sure what my cut-off would have been. It would likely be directly related to how good my income is - a lack of disposable cash is good incentive to cut out the cigarettes.

A related question(s) that comes to mind for me is, at what point will people start taking matters into their own hands? When will we see theft from stores increase? When will we people start growing/selling their own, as mentioned above?

When will we see the same extensive black market for tobacco that already exists for other outlawed substances, such as weed & other drugs? Or alcohol, during the prohibition days?

Exactly. Will I quit because of price? No. At what point will I join the black market? I don't know. When I first started smoking, I used to pay for it buy not only buying my smokes in VA where they were cheaper, but by selling them to friends and neighbors. I pretty much paid for my gas, toll fees and my own smokes that way. I didn't stop because it was illegal, but because my salary increased and it wasn't worth the hassle of the bi-weekly drive.

"Keep raising the prices, we'll break into your ####ing houses to get the ####ing cigarrettes. It's a drug; we're addicted. OK?!"

-Dennis Leary